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. . . . .20152016学年第二学期期中考试七年级英语试卷一单项选择。(20分)( )1. Theres _ orange coat in the room, and _coat is Li Hongs. A. a, an B. a, the C. an, the D. the, the( )2. There _ in the fridge. A. is two cartons of milk B. are two cartons of milks C. are two cartons of milk D. is two cartons of milks ( )3. Kitty wants _ a dancer. So she cant eat _ sugar. A. to be; too many B. is; too much C. to be; too much D. to be; much too( )4. Would you like some bread?_. Im a little hungry. A. Yes, please B. Yes, I would C. No, thanks D. No, I dont like to ( )5. _ do you sleep every day? More than 8 hours. A. How often B. How long C. How much D. How many( )6. I like this pair of football boots. Could I _ please? A. try on it B. try it on C. try on them D. try them on( )7. Where _ does Millie want to visit? A. else B. other C. others D. another( )8.They will arrive Beijing April 20th. A. in , in B. at , at C. in , on D. at , on( )9.Would you like _ some coffee? A.haveB.to haveC.having D.had( )10、I dont like this shirt. Would you please show me _? A. other B. the other C. the others D. another( )11、 I will have a trip to Beijing. _. A. Its a pleasure B. Good, thank you C. Enjoy yourself D. Oh, Im glad to hear that( )12、There is _ “h” and _ “u” in the word “house”. A. aa B. ana C. anan D. aan ( ) 13. How do we say the number 1,483? A. One, four hundred and eighty-three. B. One thousand, four hundred and eighty-three. C. One thousand and four hundred eighty-three. D. One thousand and four hundred and eighty-three.( )14. I want to live in a big house _ a beautiful garden. A. have B. has C. and D. with ( ) 15.There is going to _ a football match tomorrow evening. A. have B. be C. take D. make ( )16.She would like _ . A. two bottles of milk B. two bottles of milks C. two bottle of milk D. two bottle of milks ( )17.Everyone _ to know how _ to the shopping mall ?A. wants, get B. wants, to get C. want, getting D. wants ,to getting ( )18._ Greens are on _ visit to a beautiful city in China. A. / , a B. A , the C. The , a D. The, / ( )19.Your radio is too noisy . Could you _ , please ?A. turn it down B. turn down it C. turn it on D. turn on it ( )20.The book will make you _ . A. interested B. interest C. interesting D. to interest 二完形填空。(10分)These days, computer games are becoming more and more popular in many cities and towns. A lot of small shops along busy 21 have changed into (变成) 22 game houses in order to (为了) get more money. These places are always crowded with (挤满了) 23 especially (尤其是) young boys.In the computer game houses, people 24 a lot of money playing games on machines. Its 25 for one to win a computer game, but one can make progress (进步) after 26 again and again. People have a kind of gambling psychology (赌博心理) when they play computer games. The more they 27 , the more they want to win. For school boys, they dont care 28 their lessons. When class is over, they run to the nearby computer game houses. Some of them can get enough money from their parents. But some of them are not 29 enough to get the money. They begin to take other students money and 30 thieves (小偷).21、A. rivers B. cities C. villages D. streets22、A. small B. big C. computer D. sports23 A. people B. person C. women D. girls24、A. take B. win C. use D. spend25、A. easy B. hard C. important D. beautiful26、A. drive B. to make C. trying D. ran27、A. hope B. lose C. do D. make28、A. about B. at C. in D. of29、A. bad B. angry C. difficult D. lucky30、A. are B. look like C. become D. like三阅读理解。(40分)AMr. Jones had a nice, brown coat . He loved it very much, but his wife didnt like it. Because it was old. She often said. “ Give it to a poor man . ” But Mr. Jones always answered, “ No, I like this coat. ”Then a cigarette fell on it and made a hole in it. So Mrs Jones said, “Please dont wear it again. ” Mr. Jones took it to a small tailor : “ Pleas
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