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. . . . .小学英语PEP第6册教学进度表周次日期教学内容12.92.13Unit 1 This Is My Day Part A22.162.20Unit 1 This Is My Day Part B32.232.27Unit 2 My Favourite Season Part A43.13.5Unit 2 My Favourite Season Part B53.83.12Unit 3 My Birthday Part A63.153.19Unit 3 My Birthday Part B73.223.26Recycle One and Revision/Comment83.294.2Unit 4 What Are You Doing? Part A94.54.9Unit 4 What Are You Doing? Part B104.124.16Unit 5 Look At the Monkeys Part A114.194.23Unit 5 Look At the Monkeys Part B124.264.30Unit 6 A Field Trip Part A135.35.7INTERNATIONAL LABOUR DAY145.105.14Unit 6 A Field Trip Part B155.175.21Recycle Two Revision and Comment165.245.28General Revision175.316.4General Revision186.76.11General Revision196.146.18Oral Test206.216.25Final English TestThe aims of the PEP 61. Enable the Ss to gasp the 50 four skills words, 32 phrases and 46 four skills sentences;(1) Four skills words and phrases: Look at the words list of the text which one with “” in front of it.(2) Four skills sentences: Look at the sentences in the text which are in Arial Black.2. Enable the Ss to catch the 12 dialogues in the “Lets talk”, and to make some similar dialogues to communicating with the partners in the real satiations;3. Enable the Ss to catch the 8 songs;4. Enable the Ss to catch the 6 stories;5. Enable the Ss to catch the 9 activities of the “TPR”. 6. Enable the Ss to catch the 6 sides of the culture in the foreign country; It contains the “Rules to follow every day”, “Different seasons in the world at the same time”, “Chinese Zodiac”, “The emergency numbers”, “Koala and kangaroos” , “Field trip equipment”. 7. Enable the Ss to catch the rules of the words pronunciation.Teaching aims of Unit 1 This is my day1. Enable the Ss to talk about their lives. Ex: When do you do morning exercises? I usually do morning exercises at 8:30.What about you?What do you do on the weekend?I read some books.How about you?2. Enable the Ss to grasp the four-skill phrases and sentences(1) Phrases 10: do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have English class, play sports, eat dinner, climb mountains, go shopping, play the piano, visit grandparents, go hiking;(2) Sentences 9: “When do you eat dinner?” “I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.” “When do you get up?” “I get up at 12:00 at noon.” What do you do on the weekend?” ”Usually I watch TV and go shopping. Sometimes I visit my grandparents.” “I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking.”3. Enable the Ss to understand the contents of “Read and write”; “Lets find out”; “Lets sing”; “Lets chant; “Lets play”.4. Enable Ss to comprehend the contents of “Pronunciation”; “Task time”; “Story time”, and try to catch the rules of the words pronunciation.5. Enable Ss to comprehend the “Rules to follow every day”.Teaching arrangement:Period 1:Lets start A Lets learn Lets play C Task timePeriod 2:A Lets try Lets talk Lets find outMake a survey C Good to know Period 3:A Read and writeB Lets chantPeriod 4:B Lets learn C Lets sing Lets checkPeriod 5:Main scene chant B Lets try Lets talk Lets find out C Pronunciation Period 6:B Read and writeLets playC Story timePeriod 1Teaching aims:1. Enable Ss to grasp the phrases: do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have English class, play sports, eat dinner 2. Enable Ss to talk about with each other as: “When do you do morning exercises?” “I usually do morning exercises at 8:30.”Difficulty and importance:Phrases in “Lets learn”: do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have English class, play sports, eat dinner Enable the Ss to use these words to depict their days.Teaching Materials: 1. Cards, tapes and recorder.2. Pictures of some teachers.Teaching steps:I. Warm-up1. Chant2. Free talkII. Presentation1. Sentences: When do you? I usually at.(1) Listen and write: When do you? I usually at(2) Check and practise Pay attention to “usually”(3) Reflection2. Phrases: do morning exercises; eat breakfast; have English class; play sports; eat dinner(1) Game: What do you do?请1个同学上来任意抽取一张单词卡片,下面的同学随意猜测,最后全班提问:What do you do? 揭晓结果的时候,猜错的同学每人将该词组抄一遍。抄写最少的同学和抄写最认真的同学可以获得奖励。(2) Game: Whos right?以小组为单位,将事先制作好的单词卡片面向下翻,玩bingo游戏。每人任意用 I usually.at造句,由其他同学翻卡片,如果两者吻合,则免于责罚,反之,就要抄写词组,每组最后评出胜者予以奖励。III. Consolation1. Lets play: say, do, write三人一组A说 I do morning exercises at 8:30.B做相应的动作,C在黑板上相应的横线上写下do morning exercises 8:30。2. Activity Book3. Good to know(1) Read it in groups(2) Tell more rules to follow every dayModel: Eat more fruits every day. Drink more water every day.IV. Homework 1. 给事先画好的图画配上词组,并至少选择一个词组造句。When do you? I usually at.2. Task timePeriod 2
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