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河南省淮阳第一高级中学 英语导学案 人教版必修一 unit1 Period 3 2011-08-26二次创作栏: 级段:高一A段英语组 编写人:陈启超 彭攀 审核人:马蜻 编号:003 班级: 姓名 : Unit 1 Friendship Vocabulary and Useful ExpressionsKnowledge aims:1. Get the students to learn and grasp some important new words and expressions2. Get the students to understand some useful sentence patterns:Ability aims:1. Enable the students to use some useful words and expressions correctly.2. Enable the students to learn how to understand new words, expressions and difficult sentences according to the context.Emotional aims: Develop the students spirit of cooperation and teamwork.重点词汇【检测】1用upset的适当形式填空1) Is it _ you, dear? 2) She felt rather _ on hearing the news. 3) Is it an _ message? 4) Dont be _. It will be OK.2 用concern的适当形式填空1) There is an article that _ the rise of the prices. 2) The children are rather _ about their mothers health. 3) Officials should _ themselves _ public affairs. 3. 用 settle翻译1)都十一点了,她安不下心来工作。_2)题目这么难,谁能解决?_4. 用 suffer翻译1) 我们在金融危机中损失惨重。_2) 他的脚痛得不得了。_5. 用 disagree 翻译1) 罗马的报道与米兰的不符。_2) 他不同意让我早些回家。_自我鉴定 重点单词的掌握情况:.重点词组【检测】 1. add up 加起来 【当堂检测】用add的适当形式或构成的词组填空1) Will you _ some more students to this project? 2) Small numbers _ a large one. 3) 50 _ 50 equals 100. 2.on purpose 故意,有目的地【当堂检测】用 purpose的相关词汇填空1) He didnt do it . 2) What was your ?3. get along with 与某人相处;(工作的) 进展【当堂检测】中译英1) 你现在和同事相处得好不好? 5. in order to 为了(可置于句首或句中)【知识拓展】 in order that以便(后跟句子)so that以便(后跟句子)so as to为了(只能置于句中,不能置于句首)【当堂检测】中译英1) 他早早动身好按时到达。 2) 她拼命干以便能到6点时把一切都准备好。 自我鉴定 重点短语的掌握情况:. 重点句型详解1 While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.你在遛狗的时候不小心让狗松脱了,接着它被一辆小车撞着了。While walking the dogWhile you were walking the dog,这是状语从句的省略。在when, while, if, as if, though, as, where, unless等连词(词组)引导的状语从句中,如果谓语动词有be,而主语又跟主句的主语相同或为it时,则从句的主语和be常常省略。When (I was) in Japan, I took many beautiful pictures. 在日本时,我拍了许多漂亮的照片。While (I was) waiting, I read newspapers. 我边等待,边看报纸。If (it were) not for you, we would not go there. 要不是为你,我们就不会去那儿了。He looks as if (he were) drunk.他看上去像喝醉了。She went on working though (she was) exhausted. 尽管她精疲力竭,但仍继续工作。Fill in the blanks with the given words; change the form where (it is) necessary.用所给词填空,必要的地方改变形式。I wont go unless (Im) invited. 除非被邀请,否则我不会去。当堂检测When first _ to the market, these products enjoyed great success.AintroducingBintroduced Cintroduce Dbeing introduced2.tell him/her that he/she should have studied. 告诉他/她本该学习should have done结构表示过去应该做某事而事实上没有做;而shouldnt have done则表示过去本不该做某事而实际上却做了,两者皆含有“责备”的口吻。 You should have finished your homework yesterday. 你昨天就该做完作业。 You shouldnt have told him about it. 你本来不应该告诉他这件事情。拓展:其他“情态动词havedone”结构:(1)must have done对过去发生的事情的肯定推测。“一定”。(2)cant/couldnt have done对过去发生的事情的否定推测。“不可能”。知识清单:(3)neednt have done过去没有必要做却做了。“本来没必要做”。(4)ought (not) to have doneshould (not) have done(5)might/may have done过去可能做了某事(可能性小)。“可能做了”。(6)could have done过去本可能做而未做。“本来能做”。(7)would have done愿意做某事却不能做。“本来想要做”。当堂检测Oh, Im not feeling well in the stomach. I _ so much fried chicken just now.Ashouldnt eat Bmustnt have eaten Cshouldnt have eaten Dmustnt eat3. I dont set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do 我不愿意像大多数人那样在日记中记流水帐解释 as引导的从句为比较状语从句,意为“像大多数人那么做”。as 用作连词,可引导下列状语从句:1). 引导状语从句,强调主句谓语动词与从句谓语的同时性As he grew older he lost interest in everything except gardening. 随着他年纪越来越大,他失去了对所有事物的兴趣,除了园艺。2). 引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管,虽然,即使”(从句需倒装)Cold as it is, my brother wears only a shirt. 尽管天气冷,我哥只穿了一件衬衫。3). 引导方式状语从句,表示“以方式”。Why didnt you take the medicine as I told you to? 为什么你没有按我说的服这药?4). 引导原因状语从句 (=since; because),“由于,因为”。As you were not there, I left a message. 因为当时你不在那,所以我给你留了便条。5) 引导比较状语从句。 She is as tall as you. 她和你一样高。4 I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Iv
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