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英语3:一1 一般现在时 P4 49 表示一种习惯、特征、爱好、真理常与一般现在时连用的状语often, always, sometimes=at times, usually, frequently, every day, every+时间名词(every morning), twice a month, once a week 等表示频率大词,seldom, on+星期几的复数(on Sundays=every Sunday),日常对话中。主语是第三人称单数 vsHe always _ to work early.A go B goes C went 2 现在进行时 P4表示说话时正在进行的动作表示近阶段进行的动作表示厌烦或表扬 这时常与always, constantly 等连用She is always doing well. Why are you always talking in class? 常见的状语有now, these days=nowdays look, listen等词后 前一句为祈使句时at present currently at the moment3 一般过去时 P10 表示说话前发生的动作常与一般过去时连用的状语at that time, then, at that moment, yesterday, the other day(几天前) yesterday+时间名词(yesterday morning), last+时间名词(last night), 一段时间+ago(several days ago), just now, in+过去年份(in 1990), the day before yesterday, once upon a time, long before, long, long ago4 过去进行时 P10常见状语 具体点钟+过去时间(at eight last night), just thenfrom 几点to几点+过去某天(from one to two yesterday), this time+过去时间(this time last year),at that time/moment, when while 引导的用过去时的(或过去进行时)的时间状语从句,when先后或同时 +延续或短暂动词while同时 只+延续动词 表示对比was/were doingI _ listening to the radio at that time.5 现在完成时 P260have/has done 否定 have/has not done 疑问词 have /has 提句首He _ to America twice.A have been B has gone C has been 1、经验或经历 I have never played tennis before. Have you eaten yet?2、最近发生的动作或情况 Have you heard from him recently?3、过去发生目前仍在做 I have been a teacher for 6 years. 4表示刚刚发生的动作或事情I have just been here.常用状语 already肯定 yet否定、疑问句(句末) just, before, since +用过去时的句子或+时间点, for+时间段前面只能用延续性动词(was/were married) so far ever never just in the last +一段时间 I _ for 10 years.A have marriedB was marriedC married最高级后完成时与过去时的差别1有具体的过去时间点用过去时2 现在完成时强调对现在的影响或目前仍在做6 一般将来时 P60be doing tomorrow next现在进行时 移动性动词 come go leave fly(for/to) arrive When _ she _ for Paris?A is leave B will leave C is leaving 短暂性动词 start, begin finish will /will 临时决定 意愿be going to 意图 迹象表示将来的时间名词 P647 过去完成时 P831 常见状语before/by the end of +过去时间, by then,after/till/before/by+过去时间, after, before/when/by the time/as soon as 引导的用过去时的时间状语从句(We had finished our work by the time they came.)He waited till I dad finished my work.固定用法:No sooner +过去完成时+than+过去时Scarcely+过去完成时+when/before+过去时Hardly+过去完成时+when/before+过去时 Noon sooner had we got home _ it began to rain.A than B then C when Scarcely had we got home when/before it began to rain. Hardly had we got home when/before it began to rain.2 先发生动作had done 后发生动作did8现在完成时&现在完成进行时 P19 220have/has been doing tired have a rest 现在完成进行时现在完成时 动作在迄今为止的一段时间内曾经延续进行或动作目前仍在继续 表示动作已完成 强调动作的不间歇持续进行 强调动作的结果 现在完成进行时现在完成进行时 动作在迄今为止的一段时间内曾经延续进行或动作目前仍在继续 表示动作已完成 强调动作的不间歇持续进行 强调动作的结果I _ waiting for half an hour.A have B has C have been C was9 将来完成时 P236常见状语 before/by the end of +将来时间before/by+将来时间before/when/by the time 引导的用一般时的时间状语从句 well have finished our work by the time he comes.by 完成时 by next year will have doneby last month had done by now have donewhen while if主语 一般现在时, 主语 willWhen I am to him tomorrow, I will tell him the news.二、词1时间介词at 具体点钟、 三餐at noon at midnightbetween A and Bfrom A to/ till B on 天during in 年、周、月for+一段时间 since 时间点固定用法 in the morning/evening/afternoon at night in the daytime at/ on the weekend2 连词 P15 44and 并且(并列)although=though二者不连用but=however, because 二者不连用so= therefore,=and therefore, whenwhileas before 用一般现在时表示将来时afterifhowever, therefore,3 表示趋势的词(词组) P39 128from toby +幅度4 here there one ones P66指代前面出现的单数名词用one Shall I buy you one?指代前面出现的复数名词用ones Which ones shall we buy?The shirt is too long. Give me shorter one.The apples are green. Give me red ones.5 need 的用法 P110need +名词 You need a rest. need to do I need to finish it before 7. need doing =need to be done The door needs painting.6 P 142人 spend 时间/钱 on sth. (in) doing sth.pay for物 cost 人钱take 人时间(It takes 人时间to do)7 构词法 P1518 特殊疑问句7特殊疑问词 P153Whose is the bike?Its Marys.who where howwhen 9 must 必须 have to 不得不、只好 mustnt 禁止 dont have to =neednt =dont need to不必 P275 should ought to 应该 have to 三、词组1. used to do 过去常常 P10 27 32didnt used to do= usednt to doDid you use to do = Used you to dobe used to doing 习惯了I used to get up early.I am used to getting up early.would 总是keep doing 一直2. 固定词组 P24 59 119 3. have 特指(the/物主代词/宾格)sth done (by sb.) 叫别人(某人)做 P110I had the broken window mended yesterday.I need to have the
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