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,Unit2 A new student,(Checkout time / Sound time / Ticking time),译林版英语五年级上册,There is There are ,你可以用这些句子来描述你的教室。,Box1,Box2,Box3,Box4,Guessing game,There are four boxes! Whats in the box?,There are some books.,Guess ! Where are the books?,Theyre in the library.,a piano,Guess ! Wheres the piano?,Its in the music room.,Guess ! Wheres Nancy?,Shes in the classroom.,Lets go and play football!,playground,Listen and number,the first floor,the second floor,the third floor,1,2,3,快速问答。根据问题回答, 肯定回答“yes, yes, yes”, 否定回答“no, no, no”。,Ready?,Lets play,Are there 45 students in your class?,Lets play,Are there a lot of books in your bag?,Lets play,Is there a beautiful teacher in front of you?,Lets play,Is there a TV in this classroom?,Lets play,Lets talk,A: Is there a in our school ? B: Yes , there is ./No ,there isnt . A: Are there any in our school ? B: Yes, there are ./ No, there arent . A: How manyare there in our school ? B: There is /are ,Ask fluently and correctly. Not very fluently some mistakes.,Think and write,My school,There are _ classrooms in my school .,There is a _.It is on the _floor.,There is a _.It is on the _floor.,There are _ .They are on the _floor .,There is not a _in my school.,There are not any _ in my school.,Say fluently and correctly. Not very fluently some mistakes.,Ticking time,Ticking time,I can talk about my school.,I can use “Is/Are there?” to Ask questions.,I can use “first/second/third”.,Sound time,juice,dance,nice,cinema,ice cream,仔细读这些单词,你发现它们共同的读音了吗?,c /s/,Sound time,Try to read,juice,dance,nice,cinema,ice cream,Alice and I sing and _, And drink some _ _! Then we go to the _, And have a nice _!,dance,nice,juice,cinema,ice cream,Lets try,city,come,rice,cup,cake,juice,coat,cent,C /k/,C /s/,Try to remember,Sound time,Ticking time,Summary,Ticking time,I can talk about my school.,I can use “Is/Are there?” to Ask questions.,I can use “first/second/third”.,我一共得到( )颗星。,My house,Lets talk,同学们,能介绍一下你的家吗? 试着说一说吧!,Hello, Im.Nice to meet you ! Look, This is my house. There is a Its on thefloor. There are some They are on thefloor. Welcome to my house ! Goodbye!,the school life!,爱学校,享受学校生活吧!,Love your school,Thank you very much !,Goodbye !,
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