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一、考试作文分值:1 篇作文,10 分考生应在规定的 30 分钟内,按照题目说明中的要求写出一篇约 80 个词的英语短文,因此,考生必须要具备一般的写作能力,如段落文章、议论文、说明文的写作。其要求包括能够正确表达思想,语言连贯,无重大语法错误。1不要见题就写,而应认真审题,仔细构思,并草拟大纲。这样动起笔来不仅速度快,而且写出来的文章语言通畅,思路清晰,错误也少。2注意文章的总体布局和书写字体。写作时,应注意文章的总体布局和书写字体,诸如题目的写法、四边的距离、空间的大小等。整齐完美的布局和字体能使读者耳目一新,并留下较好的印象,尤其是在考试时能提高阅卷老师的印象分数。3要正确使用标点符号,尤其是句号和逗号的书写更应清晰。这是因为,标点符号虽小,但意义重大。其不正确或不恰当运用,会引起意义的模棱两可和含混不清,甚至引起错误,最终影响交流这一最终目的实现。4有效地应用启、承、转、合等词语。启、承、转、合等词语是用来表示句子与句子、段落与段落间相互关系的词或词组。它们的有效运用,能够使句子更为紧凑,段落更为联贯,逻辑更为严密。5尽量使用现成句型和成语,避免生造硬套。在写英语作文时,考生们因缺乏写作技巧,往往生造硬套,使用中式英语(Chinese English),致使错误百出,思想表达不清。为了避免这些错误,要多读范文、多实践。提高写作水平的一种方式是多读一些不同题材的范文,揣摩这些文章是从哪个角度人手的,是如何组织的,以及哪些想法及用词是可以借鉴和模仿的。在多读的基础上,一定要背几篇范文和写几篇作文(可多看看精编题库当中的原题作文)。写作是运用语言的一种重要的实践活动,只有多写、勤练,才有可能逐步提高写作6使用通俗易懂、简单明了的句子,避免冗长的句子和多余的字词。一篇英语短文要完整清晰地表达某种思想,在语言的运用上必须简洁、准确,避免使用多余的词。7避免过多使用代名词。代名词的适当运用能够使文章避免重覆。但过多地运用代名词则会造成指代不明,引起意义上的含混不清。8不要写完就了事,而应修改错误。写作时,即使是最熟练的作家,也避免不了犯错误,尤其是笔误。因此,抽出几分钟来修改错误是完全必要和有益的。二、万能模板实在不想背作文的可以参考下万能模板,拿 2-4 分I think(此处抄写作文题目)is an interesting topic.意思是,我认为(作文题目)是一个有趣的话题。Many people around me are talking about this.意思是,我周围的许多人都在谈论这个。In my opinion, we should understand(此处抄写作文题目)like this .意思是,在我看来,我们应该明白(作文题目)是这样的。First,此处翻译题目中的中文提示 1(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关联的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) Second,此处翻译题目中的中文提示 2(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关联的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好)In conclusion, lets pay more and more attention to this together from now on.意思是,总之,从现在开始,让我们越来越关注这个话题。英语作文是考生的一大难题,今天给大家准备了初中英语作文万能句型,供大家参考。一、开头句型1.As far as is concerned 就而言2.It goes without saying that 不言而喻,3.It can be said with certainty that 可以肯定地说4.As the proverb says, 正如谚语所说的,5.It has to be noticed that 它必须注意到,6.Its generally recognized that 它普遍认为7.Its likely that 这可能是因为8.Its hardly that 这是很难的9.Its hardly too much to say that 它几乎没有太多的说10.What calls for special attention is that需要特别注意的是11.Theres no denying the fact that毫无疑问,无可否认12.Nothing is more important than the fact that没有什么比这更重要的是13.whats far more important is that 更重要的是二、衔接句型1.A case in point is 一个典型的例子是2.As is often the case由于通常情况下3.As stated in the previous paragraph 如前段所述4.But the problem is not so simple.Therefore 然而问题并非如此简单,所以5.But its a pity that 但遗憾的是6.For all that对于这一切 Inspite of the fact that尽管事实7.Further, we hold opinion that 此外,我们坚持认为,8.However , the difficulty lies in然而,困难在于9.Similarly, we should pay attention to 同样,我们要注意10.not(that)but(that)不是,而是11.In view of the present station。鉴于目前形势12.As has been mentioned above正如上面所提到的13.In this respect, we may as well (say) 从这个角度上我们可以说14.However, we have to look at the other side of thecoin, that is 然而我们还得看到事物的另一方面,即 三、结尾句型1.I will conclude by saying 最后我要说2.Therefore, we have the reason to believe that因此,我们有理由相信3.All things considered,总而言之It may be safely said that它可以有把握地说4.Therefore, in my opinion, its more advisable因此,在我看来,更可取的是5.From what has been discussed above, we may safelydraw the conclusion that通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论6.The data/statistics/figures lead us to theconclusion that通过数据我们得到的结论是,7.It can be concluded from the discussion that从中我们可以得出这样的结论8.From my point of view, it would be better if在我看来也许更好四、举例句型1.Lets taketo illustrate this。2.lets take the above chart as an example to illustrate this。3.Here is one more example。4.Take for example。5.The same is true of6.This offers a typical instance of7.We may quote a common example of8.Just think of三、写作类型一类:阐述观点议论文阐述观点类的议论文一般要求一开始就阐明观点或提出问题,接着摆出事实和理由加以论述,然后得出结论。内容可以是论人、论事或论物。论据可以是事实、科学数据、学者专家的权威观点及公认原则。 阐述观点类的议论文通常是采用三段式,即:Introduction,Body和Conclusion 三部分。Introduction部分要引出话题,从而提出主题。在这一部分陈述事实时常用的短语,如:in fact,actually, as a matter of fact。常见的表达方式有:No one can deny thatIt is often said thatAs everyone knows, .Recently,/ In recent years, there has been in increasing concern about the problem ofIt is well known that has created certain problems for the society today.The problem ofis becoming more and more serious.Body 部分是整篇议论文的核心部分。这部分通常用一段到两段的篇幅采用举例、列举或比较的方式论证或说明自己的观点。在这一部分中,表示并列常用的短语,如:whats more, in addition, too, as well, besides, furthermore, moreover, whats worse。表示列举常用的词组,如:first, to beginwith, secondly, first of all, then, next, finally。常见的表达方式有:To illustrate/ prove this point, let us consider.It has been reported/ found/ estimated that.To take . as an example, .There are many examples to show thatA number of factors will account for Conclusion 部分重述主题或归纳总结照应首段。在这一部分中,表示意义重复的常见短语,如: thats to say, in other words, to put it in another way, to put it differently。表示总结常用的词组,如:in a word, in short, to sum up, in conclusion, on the whole, to conclude, inbrief, in summary, in general, all in all。常见的表达方式有:The best way to solve the problem is.In addition to/ apart from this, another way to solve the proble
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