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河南大学 硕士学位论文 河南省普通高校运动训练专业篮球专项教学现状与对策研究 姓名:马莉 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:学科教学(体育) 指导教师:张凡涛;郭蔚蔚 2011-05 I 摘 要 篮球专项教学是构成运动训练专业不可缺少的部分,如何保证篮球专项教学质量, 全面提高学生的专业技能和综合素质,成为篮球教学的一个重要课题。目前,在体育教 学研究领域中,关于运动训练专业篮球专项教学的研究失衡,现有文献大多都是体育教 育篮球方面的研究。针对于运动训练专业和体育教育专业的区别,以及在参阅大量有关 文献资料的基础上,本研究以篮球教学为切入点,以对河南省 6 所普通高校运动训练专 业篮球专项教学为研究对象结合社会对体育教育复合型人才素质的要求, 对河南省普通 高校运动训练专业篮球专项教学现状进行比较分析,提出合理建议,目的是为运动训练 专业教学改革的进一步深化提供参考。 本研究运用文献法、调查法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法,对河南省 6 所普通高校运 动训练专业篮球专项教学的教师队伍、学生基本情况、教学目标、教学目的与任务、教 学内容与学时设置、教学方法与手段、教学考核、教学条件等方面进行了调查与分析, 研究结果表明: 1、职称群体结构基本合理,高级职称比例有待于进一步提高;教师继续教育没有 建立相应的机制,教师外出学习机会少;高级别的裁判人数少;性别结构不合理,女教 师偏少;近亲繁殖现状仍较为严重。 2、运动训练专业篮球专项学生文化课学习积极性比较差。学生对于篮球理论课的 学习态度较为消极,而对于篮球技术课的学习态度较高。 3、对运动训练专业篮球专项学生的培养目标定位不明确。教学内容单一,实践课 课时偏少,理论课安排课时不够;教学方法与手段选用也比较单一,教师对教学方法创 新不够重视,积极性不高。考核方式不能使学生的综合实力得到 真正的体现。 4、目前运动训练专业篮球课程还没有统一的教材。室内篮球教学场地数量不足, 场地质量影响教学。 5、在诸多的影响篮球专项教学的因素当中,主要是教师的专业水平、上课的时数、 教学内容、学生学习积极性这 4 个方面。 II 针对河南省运动训练专业篮球专项教学存在的问题,提出了基本对策:加强高校师 资队伍建设、提高教师整体素质;教学目标更加灵活、注重对学生综合能力的培养;加 强篮球专项课理论教学;创新丰富教学手段、教学方法;改进篮球教学成绩考核方法和 成绩评定;加强篮球专项课教材的编撰,加大对运动训练专业教学的扶持力度,增加资 金投入,逐步改善教学条件,促进教学的发展。 关键词:河南省,普通高校,运动训练专业,篮球专项教学 III ABSTRACT The basketball teaching is an indispensible part of the sports training major. How to ensure the teaching quality of the basketball to raise students professional skills and comprehensive quality is a significant issue.At present most of the documents and materials are about research of basketball in Physical Education and few are about basketball specialty teaching in sports training major. Consulted lots of reference media this study focuses on the differences between sports training and physical training education This study takes the basketball teaching as a pointcut. The object of study is the basketball teaching in the 6 universities of Henan Province. According to the requirement of composite talents majoring in physical education, this paper has an analysis on the present situation of basketball teaching in the universities of Henan Province. This study has an investigation and analysis on the basic situation of the faculty and students, the teaching objectives, teaching tasks, teaching contents and schedule, teaching method, evaluation, teaching conditions, etc., employing literature method, method of interviewing experts, questionnaire, mathematical statistics and logical analysis. The conclusion of this research is the following: 1. senior professional group structure, high in proportion to be further improved senior professional .Correspondent policy supporting the further education of teachers has not been established. There is little chance for the teachers to study outside. Advanced referees are few and the distribution is imbalanced. Sex construction is improper. Female teachers are few. In addition, teachers oriented in basketball teaching are mostly from our local places. IV 2. Students of sports training major oriented on basketball is not active in academic courses. They are quite passive in the theoretical courses of basketball. Yet they have an active attitude in the courses on the skill-learning of basketball. 3. There is no clear localization on the target of cultivation of the students oriented in basketball. The teaching contents are too unitary. The practical courses are relatively few. The schedule on the teaching of theoretical knowledge of basketball is not enough. The teaching method of basketball is quite monotonous, which cannot meet the needs of the teaching and affects the teaching quality. The teachers do not pay enough attention to the innovation of teaching methods. Moreover, the method of evaluation cannot test the students comprehensive ability. 4. At present, there have not been agreed textbooks on the basketball course. The indoor teaching sites are not enough. The quality of teaching sites is also a factor that affects the teaching quality. 5. The four primary factors that affects the basketball teaching are the teachers professional standard, class hours, teaching contents and the students learning initiative. I propose the basic countermeasures for dealing with the problems of basketball specialty teaching in sports training major. The basic countermeasures are making greater efforts to build ranks of teachers, improving the teachers quality, focusing on training the students comprehensive ability using flexible teaching objectives, reinforcing the theory teaching, innovating teaching methods, Improving the test methods and evaluation of performance, reinforcing textbook compilation and support of sports training teaching, increasing capital input, improving their teaching condition so as to promote the development of teaching. KEY WORDS: Henan Province, regular universities, sports training major, basketball teaching III 关于学位论文独创声明和学术诚信承诺 本人向河南大学提出硕士学位申请。本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文是本人在导 师的指导下独立完成的, 对所研究的课题有新的见解。 据我所知, 除文中特别加以说明、 标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包括其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包括其 他人为获得任何教育、科研机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一
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