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湛江市第二十七中学20172018学年九年级英语摸底试卷 (满分120;时间100分钟)一、听力部分(25分)I.听句子。根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题。(5分)( ) 1. What is Helens uncle? A B C( ) 2. What is joys favorite animal? A B C( ) 3. What does Toms father take away from Tom? A B C( ) 4. Where will Mary probably visit? A B C ( ) 5. What subject does Pat like best? 来源:学科网 A B CII. 听对话。回答每段对话后的问题,在所给的三个选项中选出最佳答案。(10分)听第1段对话,回答第6题。( ) 6. Where did Jim go just now ? A The library B The lab. C The playground听第2段对话,回答第7题。( ) 7. When did the boy join the League? A . A year ago. B Last year C Six months ago听第3段对话,回答第8题。( ) 8. Did the boy go to London? A Yes, he did. B No, he didnt. C Sorry, I dont.听第4段对话,回答第9题。( ) 9. Where is Joy now? A She has gone to the computer room. B She has gone to the reading room. C She has gone to the meeting room.听第5段对话,回答第10题。( ) 10. Has the boy ever stepped on the grass in the park? A Yes, he has. B No, he hasnt. C Yes, only once.听第6段对话,回答第11-12题。( ) 11. How many CDs does Alice have? A. About 100. B. About 200. C. About 300.( ) 12. How did Alice get most of her CDs? A She borrowed them from others. B She bought them herself. C She got them for presents.听第7段对话,回答第13-15题。( ) 13. Where did Tom go? A. The hospital. B The train station. C The airport.( ) 14. When will Tom come back? A. At 9:10. B. At 11:00. C. At 11: 10.( ) 15. What will Tom do when the visitors come? A He will dance for them. B He will sing some English songs. C He will play the piano for them.III. 听短文。根据所听内容,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案。(5分)( ) 16. Li Lei began to study in a middle school when he was _ years old. A. 11 B. 13 C. 15( ) 17. Li Lei has to get up early because he has to _ every morning. A catch the early bus B be the first to get to school C run to school( ) 18. Li Leis family spends much money_. A on his mothers medicine B on his school things C on a new bike( ) 19. Li Lei ran_ in the boys 1500 meters in his school. A fast B faster C fastest( ) 20. _ makes Li Lei become stronger and stronger. A Growing up B Keeping running to school C His fathers careIV. 听填信息。根据所听的内容,在横线上填写有关信息。(5分) Vacation PlanActivitiesClass: have a picnicBoys: play 21. .Girl: play games, 22. and dance.Things to takefood, drinks and some 23. bags.Leaving time24. a.m.Meeting placeat the 25. near Happy Tea House.二、单项选择(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分。)在每小题四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,将其字母编号填在题号前的括号内。( )26.He _ when the UFO arrived. A. was sleeping B. were sleeping C. has slept D. is asleep ( )27.I have been skating _ nine oclock. A. for B. since C. at D. from ( )28.Would you mind _ those old jeans? A. dont wear B. not to wear C. arent wearing D. not wearing ( )29.-Hes never been to an aquarium. -_. 来源:学科网ZXXK A. Neither have I B. Neither do I C. I never too D. I dont too ( )30.Its really cold today, _ ? A. does it B. doesnt it C. isnt it D. is it ( )31._ have you been swimming? For five years. A. How many times B. How long C. How often D. How much ( )32.-Could you please _ in the room? -Oh, Im sorry. A. not smoking B. not smoke C. not to smoke D. dont smoke ( )33.-Could we buy a piano, Jack? -Im afraid there _ enough room for one in the house. 来源:Z&xx&k.ComA. arent B. are C. isnt D. is 来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K ( )34.I got home _ they were having dinner. A. as soon as B. while C. because D. after ( )35. We got mad _ the team for losing the match. A. at B. in C. on D. about ( )36.She _ a lot of money on clothes. A. takes B. costs C. spends D. buys ( )37.I will stay at
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