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英语试卷时间30分钟 分数50分. 用所给单词或汉语提示填写单词的适当形式(10分)1. My bags are here. Where are (she)?2. His (grandparent)names are Bush and Mary.3. You should do your homework (one),Danny.4. Li Ming, what about (跑步)to school?5. The girls are dancing (happy)under the old tree.6. Can you see those (警察)over there.7. The boys are reading the (interest)book,Harry Potter .8. My school has two . (library)9. Carry the (shop)basket with you, Sandy.10. How many (people)are there in front of the supermarket?. 选出与划线部分意义相同或相近的词或短语(10分)( ) 11. Do you think Li Lei is at home?A. in B. on C. to( ) 12. Thanks very much.A. a lot of B. a lot C. lots of( ) 13. Im fine, too. Thank you.A. good B. OK C. nice( ) 14. Here is a picture of my family.A. map B. book C. photo( ) 15. Cui Yan is one of my good friends.A. one friend of my good friends B. a good friend of mine C. one good friend of mine. 选择题(10题)( ) 16.书写上没有错误又合乎英语表达习惯的句子是 。A. Can you give me your address? B. “Snow White” is an interesting story.C. Thiss Peters wife she is in the jeep. D. There are some tomatoes, cakes, carrots and bread in the kitchen.( ) 17.There is “s” and “u” in word “bus”.A. a; an; a B. an; an; a C. an; a; the D. a; a; the( ) 18. -“I have a brother.” -“Who does he look like?” -“ “A. He is short. B. He likes my father. C. He looks like my mother. D. He is ten.( ) 19. “ do you like? The yellow one the white one?” “The yellow one.”A. Which; or B. What; and C. What colour; but D. Whose; also( ) 20.” “means we shouldnt make noise here.A. Keep quiet B. Keep off the grass C. No smoking D. No parking( ) 21.Is there any in the box?A. orange juices B. orange juice C. oranges juice D. oranges juices( ) 22. -Dont forget to close the window. - .A. Yes, I wont B. No, I will C. Yes, I will D. No, I wont( ) 23. Lets clean the room with .A. goes to; they B. going to; them C. go and; they D. go to; them( ) 24. -Whats in the box? -There a pair of glasses.A. am B. is C. are D. be( ) 25.”Hello! 458-6777.”Hello! “ “Yes, please hold on.”A. May I speak to Jack? B. Jack isnt in. C. What can I do for you? D. Whats your name?. 句子匹配(10分)( ) 26.What date is it today? A. Its about three oclock.( ) 27.Who are these flowers from? B. No. He was busy with his homework.( ) 28.What is Sandy doing? C. They are from my friends.( ) 29.What time is it now? D. Its only one kilometer.( ) 30.Can I help you? E. Its his.( ) 31.May I use your calculator? F. A cat.( ) 32.How far is it from here? G. Id like to buy two boxes of moon cakes.( ) 33.What can you see in the picture? H. Its the nineteenth of July.( ) 34.Did David go boating yesterday? I. Ok. Here you are.( ) 35.Whose key is this? J. Shes drawing a picture. 趣味题(5分)36. Jack finds a good job. He is over the moon about it. Read the sentence and guess the meaning of “over the moon”. (You must answer it in English.)37.The word SEASON is written in code(代码)as 135146. Whats the code of word NOSE? 38.Look at the picture! Each of the Strickland brothers has a sister. Altogether, how many kids are there in the family? 39.Fill in the crossword so that all the missing words(acts,flag,food,oats)are included(包括),You have been given one letter from a word as a clue(线索). acts, flag, food, oats F参考答案一、1. hers 2. grandparents 3. first 4. running 5. happily 6. policemen 7. interesting 8. libraries 9.shopping 10 .people 二、11-15 ABBCB foodlaaciSgs三、16-20 DCCAA 21-25 BDDBA 四、26-30 HCJAG 31-35 IDFBE 五、36. Very happy /Be mad with joy 37.6413 38. There five kids in the family
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