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. . . . .hit1/ht,ht/v.S1W2英htpp:hitpt:hitpres part:hittingMEANINGS 义项1.TOUCH SB/STH HARD使劲触碰某人/某物Tto touch someone or something quickly and hard with your hand, a stick etc打,击He raised the hammer and hit the bell. 他举起钟锤敲钟。hit sb/sth with sthThe robbers hit him over the head with a baseball bat. 劫匪用棒球棒击打他的头部。2.CRASH INTO STH撞上某物Tto move into something or someone quickly and with force撞击,碰撞The tanks exploded as the plane hit the ground. 飞机坠地时油箱发生爆炸。He was hit by a car. 他被汽车撞了。3.HURT YOURSELF伤到自己Tto move a part of your body quickly against something accidentally, causing pain撞疼SYNBANGThe ceilings low, so be careful you dont hit your head. 天花板很低,小心别撞头。hit sth on/against sthShe slipped and hit her head on the sidewalk. 她滑了一跤,头撞在人行道上。4.SPORT体育运动Tif you hit a ball or other object, you make it move forward quickly by hitting it with abat, stick etc用球拍、球棒等击打球等Hitthe ball ashardas you can. 用最大的力气击球。to get points by hitting a ball in a game such asbaseballorcricket击球得分Last year, Griffey hit 49 home runs. 去年格里菲击出了49个本垒打。5.PRESS按Tinformalto press a part in a machine, car, etc to make it work按,摁Maria hit the brakes just in time. 玛丽亚及时踩了车。6.ATTACK攻击Tto attack something or wound someone with a bomb, bullet etc用枪炮等攻击,袭击Our ship wasbadly hitand sank within minutes. 我们的船遭到重创后,没过几分钟便沉没了。A second shot hit her in the back. 第二枪击中了她的背部。The bomb failed tohititstarget. 炸弹没有命中目标。7.AFFECT BADLY严重影响I,Tif something bad hits a place or a person, it suddenly happens and affects people badly打击,侵袭The village has been hit by a devastating drought. 那个村庄遭受了严重的干旱。Hurricane Louis is expected to hit at the weekend. 飓风“路易斯”预计本周末来袭。The south of the country isthe worst hitby the recession. 该国的南部受经济衰退的冲击最为严重。be badly/severely/hard hitThe company has been hard hit by the drop in consumer confidence. 该公司因为消费者信心下滑遭受了沉重的打击。8.HAVE PROBLEMS遇到问题Tto experience trouble, problems etc碰到,遇到困难、问题等hit a snag/problems/a bad patch etcMy father hit a bad patch, he had to sell the house. 我父亲遇到了大麻烦,只得把房子卖掉。9.REACH A LEVEL/NUMBER达到某一水平/数量Tto reach a particular level or number达到某一水平或数量Sales havehit the1 millionmark. 销售额达到100万大关。hit a peak/an all-time high etcEarnings hit a peak in the early 1980s. 20世纪80年代初利润达到最高水平。hit rock-bottom/an all-time low etcOil prices have hit rock-bottom. 油价已降到最低点。10.REALIZE意识到Tif a fact hits you, you suddenly realize its importance and feel surprised or shocked使某人突然意识到Its impossible to pinpoint a moment whenit hitmethatI was a success. 无法准确说出是在哪一刻我突然意识到自己是个“成功人士”。He was gone before theyknew whathadhitthem (=realized what had happened) . 他们还没意识到发生了什么,他就已经走了。11.SMELL/SIGHT ETC气味/景象等Tif a smell or sight hits you, you suddenly smell or see it突然被闻到;被看到The smell of stale smoke hit him as he entered. 他进去的时候一股难闻的烟味扑鼻而来。12.ARRIVE到达Tinformalto arrive at a place到达某地They hit the main road two kilometres further on. 他们往前走了两公里后到了大路上。hit townIll look for work as soon as I hit town. 我一到镇上就会去找工作。13.hit the road/trailinformalto begin a journey出发,动身14.hit the shops/streetsif a product hits the shops, it becomes available to buy产品上市I managed to get a copy of the book before it hit the shops. 那本书上市前我设法弄到了一本。15.hit the headlinesto be reported widely on television, in newspapers etc成为头条新闻The couple hit the headlines last year when their relationship broke down. 这对夫妻去年因为关系破裂而上了报纸头条。16.hit the bottleinformalto start drinking too much alcohol regularly开始酗酒After his marriage failed, he hit the bottle big time. 他婚姻失败后便开始酗酒。17.hit the dirt/the deckinformalto fall to the ground in order to avoid something dangerous为躲避危险之物而扑倒在地My first instinct was to hit the dirt. 我的第一反应就是扑倒在地上。18.hit a (brick) wallinformalto suddenly not be able to make any progress突然无法取得进步I felt Id hit a wall with my playing. 我觉得我的演奏技巧突然停滞不前。19.hit the buffers/skidsinformalif a plan, project etc hits the buffers, it fails计划、项目等失败Crofts comeback hit the skids yesterday when she lost in the quarter-finals. 昨天克罗夫特在四分之一决赛中落败,她东山再起的计划落空了。20.hit sb when they are downinformalto upset or harm someone when they are already defeated乘人之危打击某人,对某人落井下石21.hit sb where it hurtsinformalto do something that you know will upset someone in the most damaging way攻击某人的要害,打某人的痛处Hit your husband where i
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