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小学英语外研版小学英语外研版(一年级起点一年级起点)二年级下册二年级下册 Module9 模块测试卷模块测试卷 听力部分听力部分 一、听音,标号。 ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听音,连线。 (1) Tingting A. (2) Taotao B. (3) Meimei C. (4) Lele D. 笔试部分笔试部分 一、读一读,连一连。 (1) A. shop (2) B. school (3) C. hospital (4) D. station (5) E. factory (6) F. park 二、选一选,填一填。 ( ) (1) Where are you? A. I live in Huxi Road. ( ) (2) Where is the train? B. Im in Xihu Road. ( ) (3) Where do you live? C. Im going to Amys home. ( ) (4) Where is Apple Street? D. Its going up the hill. ( ) (5) Where are you going? E. Go straight on. Then turn right. 三、仿照例句,回答问题。 Where do you live, Elephant? I live at the zoo. 1. Where do you live, Rabbit? _. 2. Where do you live, Horse? _. 四、选一选,补全对话。 A. Youre welcome. B. Excuse me. C. Where are you going? D. Go straight on. Lingling: Hi, Honghong. (1) _ Honghong: Im going to Maomaos home. Lingling: Where is it? Lingling: Its in Xinhua Road. On the way Honghong: Oh. Im lost. (2) _ Wheres Xinhua Road? Policeman: (3) _ Then turn left. Honghong: Thank you. Policeman: (4) _ 五、读一读,判一判。正确的打“”,错误的打“”。 Maomao and Xiaoxiao are good friends. They are in the same (相同) class. Maomao lives in Huxi Road. She goes to school by bike. Xiaoxiao lives in Xihua Road. She goes to school on foot. On Sundays, Maomao usually goes to Xiaoxiaos home. And they usually do their homework together. (1) Maomao lives in Xihu Road. ( ) (2) Xiaoxiao walks to school. ( ) (3) On Sundays, Xiaoxiao usually does her homework at Maomaos home. ( ) 参考答案 听力部分 听力材料 一、 1. Turn right. 2. Turn left. 3. Go straight on. 二、 1. Hello, Tingting. Where are you doing? Im going to the supermarket. 2. Hello, Taotao. Where are you going? Im going to the park. 3. Hello, Meimei. Where are you going? Im going to the hospital. 4. Hello, Lele. Where are you going? Im going to the station. 听力答案 一、 3 1 2 二、 1-4CDAB 笔试部分 一、 (1)-(6)CEBDFA 二、 (1)-(5)BDAEC 三、 1. I live on the hill. 2. I live at the park. 四、 (1)-(4)CBDA 五、 (1)-(3)
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