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介词和介词短语1、The boy is crazy_ computer games. It worries_ his parents a lot. Aabout; 不填Bwith; aboutCabout; withDabout; about2、Dont bother your father. Hes got a lot _ his mind. AatBinConDof3、Thanks _ your help, Mary. AinBtoCforDAt4、Whats that _ English? Its a desk. AfromBto Cin D/5、There are two windows _ the wall and one picture _ the wall. Aon, onBon, inCon , inDin, on6、I like basketball. Its easy _ me. AforBtoCofDwith7、I lost my key. Please call me _ 678-5678. AtoBinCofDat8、_ class, I play ping-pong _ my classmates AAfter, toBAfter, withCAfter, inDIn , with9、I couldnt complete_ the house_ your support. Adecorating; withoutBto decorate; withCdecorating; withDto decorate; without10、President Xi arrived_ London_ the evening of October 19th to pay a five-day visit to Britain. Ain, atBin, onCat, onDat, in11、He was born _a cold winter morning _ 2005. Ain; inBon; onCin; onDon; in12、Look! The twins are talking _ the visitors _ their school lives over there. Awith; aboutBabout; withCwith; withDabout; about13、-When will Joe come here again?- Next Tuesday or Wednesday. Its up _ him. A. On B. to C. for14、Excuse me, which is the way to the bank?Go along this road and then walk_ the bridge. You will find the bank. A. through B. to C. across15、Excuse me .Is there a hospital near here ?-Go along Wall Street and turn left on Long Street .Its _ the library and the hotel . AbetweenBnext toCin front ofDbehind16、You can study the grammar memorizing it AwithBbyConDAt17、Can the plane fly _ the Atlantic Ocean?Yes,but it needs to go_the clouds for hours Aacross,throughBthrough, acrossCacross,acrossDthrough, through18、Its so wise you to organize this tripIts necessary us to go on a trip sometimes Afor; ofBfor; forCof; forDof; of19、- What is your teacher strict you in class? - Our habits. Awith; /Bin; withCwith; inDwith; at20、The red shirt doesnt suit youI think that black one _good _ you Alook; onBlook; inCwill look; inDwill look; on21、-How often does she have dancing classes?-_. AOn Saturday afternoon BAt 9 oclock COnce a week22、Mr. Yao impressed the students his creative ideas and humorous words. AinBofCwithDfrom23、Im leaving _ Beijing tomorrow and will stay there for a week._ you are there, would you please buy some books for me? Afor, As soon as Bfor, While Cto, If24、of the end of World War II at Beijings Tiananmen Square, _ the morning of September 3, 2015. Ain Bon Cat25、Sunglasses are used _ protecting your eyes in sunny days AtoBforCbyDas26、-Sorry, JaneI took your schoolbag _.-It doesnt matter. Aby mistakeBby mistakesCby accidentDby accidents27、I think drinking milk every morning is good _ our health.YesI agree _ you. Ato; toBwith; toCat; withDfor; with28、Well have dinner at Qianxilong Restaurant, which is famous _ its food. AofBtoCforDas29、Jackie Chan is famous _a movie star. AforBasCofDwith30、We like talking _ each other _ interesting things after school. Awith, aboutBwith, withCabout, aboutDabout, with 答案1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、- 7 -
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