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Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.第五课时self check 一、在老师的帮助下理解下列各条谚语的意思,并出英语句子。来源:www.shulihua.net1根手指连一块小石头也举不起来。2一只蚂蚁而言,所谓海洋,也就指小池塘了。3不诚实相比,贫穷只不过是微不足道的问题。4当心寡言之人和不吠之犬。5,你不能叫醒假装睡着的人。5. 会忘记,拿给我看,我也许记不住,让我尝试一下,我便会理解。 6. 昨日中虚度。 8,一个好汉三个帮。来源:www.shulihua.net二、句意及首字母提示完成下列句子。1Dont c_ after others in the street, Its dangerous.2We can see lots of stars in the s_ at night.3My uncle bought a c _ yesterday, Because he wants to learn to take photos4The plane l_ ten minutes ago.5He got up very early this morning to c_ the first bus.6.We must be careful, a lion has e_ from the zoo.来源:www.shulihua.net7 At two oclock last night, a big noise w_ me up .8 Be c_ the dog that does not bark.9 If its fine tomorrow, Lets go for a p_ by the lake.三、给单词的适当形式填空来源:www.shulihua.netwww.shulihua.net1. The notebook _ to Linda. Look, the name on it is Linda.(belong)2. -Look, Mr. Wu is running! -Oh, so he is. He must _ something important to deal with.(have)3. Dont pretend _ what you havent understood.(know)4. -Why are there two _ in the neighborhood?(monkey) -I dont know either.5. Its _ ,isnt it ? (wind)6. I am (worry) about her.7. The colorful stones might belong to _.I know his hobby is collecting all kinds of stones.(he)8. Li Nan had too much homework last night, but _, she finished it completely. (final)9. What is the _ (mean) of the new word? 10. I _ my cat for two hours. But I still dont know where it is. (look)11. There is something _ (try) to get in the window.12. Three _ (monkey) escaped from the local zoo.13. In the neighborhood everyone is _ (happy) because its too noisy.来源:www.shulihua.net14. The movie is about a strange _ (create)15. The director is _ (extreme) worried.16. Be _ (care) of the dog.17. The boy is _ (honest).So people dont like him.18. The baby fell _ (sleep) quickly.19. Fred is afraid of _ (fly).20. Who is the (own) of the house ?.1
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