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专题 十四复合句考点精讲考点1 宾语从句(2009年至2013年,每卷考查1次)连接词that引导由陈述句变来的宾语从句。I know (that) hes a teacher.我知道他是个老师。that.and (or) but that.引导由并列或转折关系的陈述句变来的宾语从句。I hear that your father is a singer and your mother is a dancer.我听说你的父亲是一名歌唱家,你的母亲是一名舞蹈家。连词if或whether引导一般疑问句、反意疑问句或选择疑问句变来的宾语从句。Could you tell me if (or) whether it snows in winter in Australia?你能否告诉我澳大利亚冬季下雪吗?连接代词、副词(即疑问词)引导由特殊疑问句变来的宾语从句。Please tell me how you go to school.请告诉我你怎样去学校。语序宾语从句要用陈述句语序。Do you know where Tom lives?你知道汤姆住在哪里吗?时态如果主句为一般现在时,则宾语从句时态不受限制,根据实际情况使用所需要的时态。I hear Joan left for Beijing yesterday.我听说昨天琼去北京了。I hear Joan has left for Beijing.我听说琼已经去北京了。I hear Joan will leave for Beijing.我听说琼将要去北京。如果主句为一般过去时,则宾语从句的时态只能用过去的某种时态。Kate said she was watching TV this time yesterday.凯特说她昨天的这个时候正在看电视。Kate said she was going to school soon.凯特说她不久后去学校。Kate said she had seen the film before.凯特说她已经看过那部电影了。如果宾语从句为客观真理或普遍事实,则用一般现在时。Miss Hu said that the earth goes around the sun.胡女士说地球绕着太阳转。如果宾语从句是由when引导的从句或带有时间状语的从句,则when引导的从句或时间状语从句中的时态不变。The teacher wanted to know when the girl was born.老师想要知道这个女孩的出生日期。Tom said he had worked here since he left school.汤姆说他自从离开学校,就在这工作了。如果宾语从句中含有过去具体的年、月、日,则其时态保持不变。I heard Lucy was born in 1986.我听说露西出生于一九八六年。否定前移如果主句的谓语动词是think, guess, believe等动词,且接有否定的that宾语从句时,常将否定词提前到主句中。I dont think that Alice is an American.我认为艾丽丝不是美国人。复合结构在think, find, make等接有复合宾语的动词之后,为避免句子头重脚轻或关系模糊,常用it作形式宾语,而将真正的作宾语的宾语从句放在宾语补足语之后,即用“及物动词加it加宾语补足语加宾语从句”结构。I think it important that we should learn swimming well.我认为我们学好游泳是重要的。宾语从句法口诀宾语从句三注意,时态、语序、引导词。主句一般现在时,从句时态随句义。主句若是过去时,主从时态要一致。宾从表达是真理,一般现在带过去。引导词也不难,陈述要用that连。一般问句表“是否”,if或whether来引导。特殊问句作宾从,疑问词引导就能行,还有一点要说明,陈述语序要记清。主句动词“猜想”词,“否定转移”莫忘记。特殊用法记心间,学好宾从不一般。考点2 定语从句that, who 主语、宾语、表语Do you know the girl who (or) that often comes here?你认识经常来的那个女孩吗?whom, tha t宾语人物Hes the boy(whom/that) I talked with just now.他是刚才和我谈话的男孩。that, which主语、宾语、表语事物、时间、地点、原因A dictionary is a book that (or) which gives the meanings of words.字典是一本给出单词意思的书。The school(that/which) we visited yesterday is a famous one in Shanghai.昨天我们参观的那所学校在上海很出名。Ill never forget the days(that/which) we spent together.我将永远不会忘记我们一起度过的日子。This is the factory(that/which) we visited yesterday.这是我们昨天参观的工厂。考点3 状语从句时间状语从句when (or) while (or) as 当时,since自从(到现在),until (or) till 直到,as soon as 一就I was doing my homework when he came.当他来的时候,我正在做家庭作业。条件状语从句if 如果Well go to see you if we are free.如果有空,我们就去看你。原因状语从句because 因为,since 既然,as 由于Since everyone is here, lets begin the meeting.既然大家都在,那我们开始开会。目的状语从句 so that 以便;为了Please speak slowly so that we can follow you.请说慢点,这样我们才能跟上你。结果状语从句so that结果是,so (or) such.that.如此以至于We got up so late that we missed the early bus.我们起床太晚了,以至于我们错过了早点的公交。让步状语从句 although (or) though尽管The air is around us, though we cant see it.尽管我们看不到空气,但它在我们身边。比较状语从句than比,as.as.和一样, not so (or) as.as.不如It was much better than Id expected.比我料想的好得多。方式状语从句as 像;如We did as the teacher told us to.我们按老师说的去做了。地点状语从句 where 哪里Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。英语中有些时间和条件状语从句必须遵循“主将从现”原则,即主句为一般将来时态时,它所引导的状语从句使用一般现在时表达将来的意味,这时主句和从句所表达的时态在意义上仍然保持一致。常见的应使用“主将从现”原则的连词有:表示时间的when, while, after, before, until, till, whenever, as soon as, as long as, once 等;表示条件的if, unless, so long as, in case等。3
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