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www.ks5u.com第一部分选修八Modules 56.单词拼写1His neighbors a_ him of making big noise at midnight.2Wen Jiabao is widely a_ to be an outstanding premier by the Chinese people.3My brother is a consultant of law and many people come to c_ him about their problems.4The expert found it is not easy for the panda to get a_(习惯的,通常的) to the new surroundings.5The victims in the big earthquake can always _(依靠,指望) on the police to come to their rescue.6What made the teacher angry is that what he did is not _(一致的) with what he said.7For ten years, he has been fighting to p_ his innocence.8Her parents dont a_ of her marrying the poor young man.9White clothes are cooler because they _(反射,反映) the heat.10This money gives me _(独立,自立) from my family.答案:1.accused2.acknowledged3.consult4.accustomed5.depend6.consistent7.prove8.approve9.reflect10independence.选词填空1Reading more good books can _ our demands of promoting our qualities.2The report of the incident does not _those of eye witnesses.3_ computer games, the boy has lost all interest in his lessons.4_ my hand, and Ill draw you out of the river.5After the students put up the Christmas decorations, the classroom _ a holiday atmosphere.6Ill leave you two alone for a while so that you can _ better _.答案:1.cater for2.correspond with3.Addicted to4.Take hold of5.took on6.get; acquainted.完成句子1我们的新主席很可能会采取新措施来解决钓鱼岛问题。Our new Chairman _ take new measures to handle the dispute of the Diaoyu Islands.2我担心你一个小时之内到不了那个村庄,你必须考虑到路面滑。Im afraid you cant _ in an hour; you must allow for the icy road.3他儿子不愿意和他说话,除了向他要钱。His son is unwilling to speak to him _ to ask him for money.4尽管困难重重,老人从未放弃学英语。_, the old man never abandoned studying English.5他开始着手粉刷整幢房子,可是只完成了前面的部分。He _ the whole house but finished only the front part.6尽管她失败了很多次,但她并没有放弃计划。_,she didnt give up her plan.7汤姆自从大学毕业以来,一直坚持学习英语。Tom has kept up his studying English _.8尽管困难重重,他最终还是成功了。He succeeded in the end _ the immense difficulties.答案:1.is likely to2.make it to the village 3.other than4.Despite/In spite of/Regardless of difficulties5.set out to paint/set about painting6.Many times as she had failed7.ever since he graduated from college8.in spite of.句型转换1Although he is a child, he has to make a living._ _ he is, he has to make a living.2I know little what he has been doing.Little _ _ _ what he has been doing.3It seems that he has known the truth.He seems _ _ _ the truth.4They say that Ken is very good at operating computers._ _ _ _ Ken is very good at operating computers._ _ _ to be very good at operating computers.5While I was cooking in the kitchen, I heard the doorbell ring._ _ in the kitchen, I heard the doorbell ring.6I was doing my homework in the classroom and at this time he came in.I was doing my homework in the classroom _he came in.答案:1.Child as2.do I know3.to have known4.It is said that; Ken is said5.While cooking6.when.话题写作根据提示,利用本部分所学知识,完成下面的小作文。1大家普遍认为几乎所有的中国人都赞成学习唐诗,因为唐诗不仅很美,而且还反映历史,对我们有深刻的影响。(acknowledge,approve of,reflect,impact)2我们读唐诗时,要耐心地欣赏。当遇到不能理解的句子时,我们应该咨询老师。(patience,consult)3另外,通过和他人分享诗歌,我们可以结交一些朋友。(acquaintance,share)_答案:Its widely acknowledged that almost all the Chinese approve of learning the Tang Poems, because they are not only beautiful but also reflect history, which have a great impact on us. When we read them, we must appreciate them with patience. When meeting with difficult sentences, we should consult our teachers. Besides, we can make the acquaintance of others by sharing poems.- 3 -
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