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www.ks5u.comPeriod 1 Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending学习目标 1.深入理解课文,掌握课文中的基础知识,培养快速阅读,整体阅读的能力。2.自主学习,合作探究;通过对比归纳的方法达到对文章进行深层次理解的目的。3.熟悉奥运会,了解奥运会的基础知识。重点:古代奥运与现代奥运的异同。难点:长难句分析预习案 Previewing Case使用说明&学法指导1、在预习时,要把课文通读两遍,(第一轮)先通读教材,完成表层理解题,(第二轮)再找出文中的疑难点。2.完成时间30分钟。背景展现The ancient Olympic Games were held every four years in Olympia, Greece. It was chosen because it was more or less in the centre of the Greek World. Only Greek free-born citizens could take part. Slaves were prevented from competing. The Games were held in a four-year cycle at Olympia. There were other Games held at two-year or four-year intervals: the Isthmean Games held at Corinth, the Nemean Games held at Nemea and the Pythian Games held at Delphi. Most athletes competed in several competitios but the Olympic Games remained the most important. In the same way today athletes take part in the Asia Games or the Commonwealth Games, but the Plympic Games remains the most important for all athletes. Only men and boys could compete in the ancient Olympic Games. Women could only take part in chariot races with horses. Married women were not even allowed to watch the Games; only young girls ,boys and men could watch .married women who did try to watch could be put to death.Athletes trained hard. Many Greeks believed that developing the body was as educating the mind. So regular exercise was an important part of school life. Young boys practiced in the palaestra(or wrestling school) and this was a place were people met their friends.Many of the events in the ancient Olympic Games are part of the modern events in the present-day Olympic Games:boxing, running, wrestling (or judo) and the pentathlon (or five events together) which included running , jumping, wrestling and throwing of javelin and discus. The marathon was not part of the ancient Olympic Games. There were two sets of events (the chariot races, and the pankration)which are not part of the modern Olympic Games.教材助读(二轮阅读)一、一轮阅读做题目学习建议:限时阅读,完成表层理解题Read the passage and decide whether the statements are True of False.1. Both the Summer and the Winter Olympics are held every two years.( )2. There are running races in the Winter Olympics.( ) 3. Women were admitted to take part in the old Olympics.( )4. Every athlete can take part in the Olympic Games.( )5. All the competitors compete for money.( )6. The Olympics were born in Greece.( )二、二轮阅读找难点学习建议:在文中找出下列单词、短语、重点句型和交际用语,并进行填空和结合语境理解其含义。1.单词(1)magical adj._(2) He is now interesting Li Yan, a _(志愿者) for the 2008 Olympic Games.(3) Only_(运动员) who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be _(接受) as competitors.(5)_(现今) any country can take part if their athletes are good enough.(6) Its a great_(责任) but also a great honour to be chosen.(7) So even the olive wreathe has been _(替代)。(8) Thats the _(座右铭) of the Olympics, you know-“_(更快),Higher, and Stronger.”2.短语(1)参加_ (2)代表,象征,表示_(3)a magical journey_ (4)the present-day Olympic Games_ (5)过去常常做的事情_(6)查明,找出_ (7)every four years _(8)two sets of games_ (10) 作为被接收_(11)all over the world_ (12)和竞争_(13)为而竞争_ (14)play an important role/part in_ (15) as well as_(16)事实上_ (17)to the east of London_ (18)the olive wreath_3.句型_(多久) do you hold your Games?我的疑惑:请你将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,待课堂上与老师和同学探究解决。探究案I 质疑探究质疑解疑,合作探究探究点一 语篇探究学习建议 通过了解古代奥运与现代奥运的异同对文章进行深层理解。1.What are the difference and similarities between the ancient and modern Olympics?Differences:OlympicsModern OlympicsAncient OlympicsCompetitorsMen/WomenPrizeOthers2.what do they mainly talk about?_探究点二 重点句型与长难句1.I lived in what you call “ Ancient Greece”What you call “ Ancient Greece”在句中作的成分是_;what 在句中作的成分是_.2.No other countries could join in , nor could slaves or women!(1)nor在此句中的用法是_(2)翻译本句:_.3. Ive come to your time to find out about the present-day Olympic Games because I know that in 2004 they were held in my homeland.(1)were held是_的一般过去时的被动语态形式;表达的含义是_.(2)翻译本句:_4. Theres as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals.(1) as muchas 的含义_(2)翻译本句:_即时练习1.(2008,浙江)some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different
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