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专题一 阅读理解 细节理解题增分点(一)间接细节理解题细节理解题常分为直接细节理解题、间接细节理解题和概括细节理解题。间接细节理解题相对于直接细节理解题而言难度要大,命题的迷惑性更大,因为此类题目的正确选项都经过了命题人对原文信息的语义转换,两者存在表达上的差异。考生不能从原文中直接找到答案,而是要对原文信息稍加归纳才能得出正确答案。典例(2018全国卷阅读B节选).Of the common berries, strawberries are highest in vitamin C, although, because of their seeds, raspberries contain a little more protein (蛋白质), iron and zinc (not that fruits have much protein)Blueberries are particularly high in antioxidants (抗氧化物质)The yellow and orange stone fruits such as peaches are high in the carotenoids we turn into vitamin A and which are antioxidants.As for cherries (樱桃), they are so delicious who cares? However, they are rich in vitamin C.24What does the author seem to like about cherries?AThey contain protein.BThey are high in vitamin A.CThey have a pleasant taste.DThey are rich in antioxidants.解析选C在该选段中,作者比较了草莓、蓝莓、樱桃和核桃类水果各自不同的优点,从其中“As for cherries (樱桃), they are so delicious who cares?”这句话可知,人们喜欢樱桃是因为它们味道甜美。C项中的“have a pleasant taste”与文中的“are so delicious”意义吻合。干扰项分析A项是raspberries的特征;B项是对“yellow and orange stone fruits”的特征的曲解;D项是blueberries (蓝莓)的特征。增分技巧间接信息题相比直接信息题,命题的隐蔽性更强,正确选项一般都会在原文基础上进行改造。在做间接细节理解题时,要做到“两关注”“一防范”。“两关注”是指关注正确选项的两个特征:一是同义词替换或释义,即把文中语言(词汇和结构)改头换面,来表达相同的意思;二是对文章信息的归纳。“一防范”是指防范干扰选项的迷惑性,错误选项常使用诸如张冠李戴、无中生有、曲解文意、颠倒是非、正误参半等方式来造成句意的改变。训练目标(一) 对点练攻克失分短板A(2018全国卷阅读D节选) .Dismissing small talk as unimportant is easy, but we cant forget that deep relationships wouldnt even exist if it werent for casual conversation.Small talk is the grease (润滑剂) for social communication, says Bernardo Carducci, director of the Shyness Research Institute at Indiana University Southeast.“Almost every great love story and each big business deal begins with small talk,” he explains.“The key to successful small talk is learning how to connect with others, not just communicate with them.”.33What is important for successful small talk according to Carducci?AShowing good manners.BRelating to other people.CFocusing on a topic.DMaking business deals.解析:选B由该选段最后卡尔杜齐说的话可知,成功的闲聊的关键是学会怎样与他人产生联系,而不只是与他人交流,文中的connect with与B项的relate to的含义是一致的,表示“与联系”。B(2017全国卷阅读B节选) I first met Paul Newman in 1968, when George Roy Hill, the director of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, introduced us in New York City.When the studio didnt want me for the film it wanted somebody as well known as Paul he stood up for me.I dont know how many people would have done that; they would have listened to their agents or the studio powers.24Why was the studio unwilling to give the role to the author at first?APaul Newman wanted it.BThe studio powers didnt like his agent.CHe wasnt famous enough.DThe director recommended someone else.解析:选C根据选段中“When the studio didnt want me for the film it wanted somebody as well known as Paul .”可知,工作室不想让“我”拍这部电影是因为想找一名与保罗一样出名的演员出演。本题命题人在C项中对文中信息进行了同义替换,用famous替换well known。C(2017全国卷阅读B节选) .The film classic The Last Picture Show was the last movie shown in the old theater.Though the movie is 30 years old, most of the 250 seats were filled with tearyeyed audience wanting to say goodbye to the old building.Theater owner Ed Bradford said he chose the movie because it seemed appropriate.The movie is set in a small town where the only movie theater is preparing to close down.25Why was The Last Picture Show put on?AIt was an alltime classic.BIt was about the history of the town.CThe audience requested it.DThe theater owner found it suitable.解析:选D根据选段中的“Theater owner Ed Bradford said he chose the movie because it seemed appropriate.”可知,电影The Last Picture Show讲述的内容和剧院的命运一样,剧院经理Ed Bradford认为放映此部电影非常契合此时的情景。原文中的“appropriate”和D项的“suitable”为同义词,都表示“合适的”,故答案为D。D(2018北京高考阅读A节选) .I was one of the final runners to finish.But I finished!And I got a medal.In fact, I got the same medal as the one that the guy who came in first place had.38How was the authors first marathon?AHe made it.BHe quit halfway.CHe got the first prize. DHe walked to the end.解析:选A根据选段可知,作者坚持到了最后,而且得到了一块奖牌,虽然不是第一名,由此可归纳出“他成功地跑完了这次马拉松”。make it意为“达到预定目标,获得成功”。故选A。训练目标(二) 综合练提高解题速度(加黑的题目为细节理解题,加的为间接细节理解题)AParkway Central Library EventsSummer Thyme Cooks Now through Wednesday, May 10Summer Thyme Cooks is a FREE cooking program for teens entering grades 712.In four weekly handson classes, students will learn the fundamentals of cooking.Food is meant to be shared, so every class ends with a familystyle meal.Students go home each week with a new recipe and a grocery bag filled with healthy, fresh ingredients (原料) so they can cook with their families!Questions?Call Jamie at 2156865323.We the Detectives Family FunMonday, May 15The best way for youth and families to spot whats inside our doors is to attend our Family Event, taking place on May 15 from 10:30 am.to 12:30 pm.This annual tradition is a muchbeloved
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