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阶段仿真检测(九)必修五 A卷【说明】本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。第卷(选择题,共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.How did the two speakers find the movie?A.Hard to understand.B.Interesting and exciting.C.Not worth seeing twice.答案:A2.What contributes to the womans high score?A.Doing lots of homework.B.Attending every lecture.C.Reading a lot.答案:B3.What does the man mean?A.He is eager to see what the new system is like.B.He thinks it unlikely to have 500 channels.C.The new TV system may not provide anything better.答案: C4.What is the man doing right now? A.Looking for something on the Internet. B.Buying a gift for his dad. C.Referring to the newspaper. 答案:A5.Will Tom probably sell his shop or keep on doing business? A.Neither.B.Stay in business. C.Sell his shop. 答案:B第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6.Where did the man live before? A.In a student dorm. B.In his own house. C.In an apartment he rented. 答案:A7.Who does cooking in the talk? A.The man and his roommates. B.His roommates. C.The man and the woman. 答案:B8.What can we infer about the woman? A.She is friendly. B.She likes to cook. C.She likes Sichuan dishes. 答案: A听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9.What can we know about the woman? A.She cant remember well. B.She was crazy about her study. C.She cant sleep well. 答案:C10.How long did it last since she slept not enough? A.Two days. B.One week. C.One month. 答案:C11.What does the doctor ask her to do? A.Take some medicine. B.Drink plenty of water. C.Stay in hospital. 答案:A听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12.Where are the speakers? A.Kunming. B.Chengdu. C.Lijiang. 答案:B13.When did the man set out? A.July 6th. B.July 16th. C.July 17th. 答案:A14.What will the man do tomorrow? A.He will have his film developed. B.He will show the woman his pictures. C.He will give some pictures to the woman. 答案:B听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15.What did the man worry about at the first time he spoke English to a foreigner? A.His pronunciation was bad. B.He might not be able to express himself clearly. C.He might make lots of mistakes. 答案:B16.What did the foreigner do at first when the man spoke to him? A.He repeated the words. B.He used his body language. C .He said nothing. 答案:C17.Why did the man say “Sorry,I.no.English”? A.He spoke slowly to let the other understand. B.He knew English a lot. C.He did not know English. 答案:C听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18.What job can an earthworm do? A.They make soil hard. B.They make soil dry. C.They enrich soil and make soil well drained. 答案:C19.What will happen when the plant materials are carried underground by earthworms? A.They make the soil rich when they rot. B.They make plants fresh. C.They make the soil well drained. 答案:A20.How much soil can 50,000 earthworms carry to the surface of an acre of land one year? A.Eight tons. B.Eighteen tons. C.Eighty tons. 答案:B第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.The party is great. ?I didnt hear you clearly.Its too noisy here. A.YesB.WhyC.ReallyD.Pardon 解析:考查交际用语。 根据I didnt hear you clearly和Its too noisy here可知没有 听清对方说的话,故用Pardon,表示请对方再说一遍。 答案:D22.Old as he is, he gets my grandson to him on how to email and use the Internet. A.construct B.control C.inspect D.instruct解析:考查动词词义辨析。construct“建设”;control“控制”;inspect“视察”; instruct“指导”。由句意可知,D项正确。答案:D23.I feel it is you rather than the boy who for being late for the speech.A.is to blame B.are to blameC.is to be blamed D.are to be blamed解析:考查blame的用法及主谓一致。blame常用于结构:be to blame for sth.应为某事承担责任;it is you rather than the boy who.为强调句型,强调you rather than the boy,谓语动词同you保持一致。答案:B24.I suggested to my father that we to Dalian for a holiday this summer,but the expression on his face suggested that he to it. A.go;shouldnt agree B.would go;shouldnt agree C.go;didnt agree D.would go;didnt agree解析:考查suggest 的用法。由句意可知,第一个suggested 表示“建议,提议”,此时that从句的谓语为“should动词原形”,should可以省略;第二个suggested为“暗示,间接表明”之意,此时that从句要用陈述语气。答案:C25.Please check your test paper carefully to make sure you dont anything before handing it in.A.make out B.leave out C.put out D.let out解析:本题考查动词短语的应用。make out“辨认出;理解”;leave out “省去,遗漏”;put out “熄灭”;let out“放掉,泄露,出租”。由句意可知B项正确。答案:B26.Boys and girls,please remainand keep quiet until the electricity supply returns to normal. A.seated B.seating C.to seat D.seat 解析:考查非谓语动词。remain在此作系动词,seated作表语,表示主语的状态。
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