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山东省泰安市英语试卷一、单选题(共15小题)1-Thank you for supporting the volunteer project- AAll right BMy pleasureCNever mind DIt doesnt matter2- do I need to feed the pet dog?-Twice a dayAHow long BHow muchCHow soon DHow often3-How are you getting along with your English study?-Much betterI dont feel it was as as beforeAinteresting BmuchCdifficult Deasy4-Would you please give this newly-published novel to Jack?-Certainly he comes backAbefore Bas soon asCuntil Dunless5-Lily, will you go to Jennys birthday party this Saturday?-Im not sureBecause I so farAhave invited Bwasnt invitedChave been invited Dwill be invited6-Our classmates went to a concert yesterday afternoon-What a pity! I my homeworkAhad done Bwas doingCam doing Dwould do7Everybody except Mike and Linda there when the meeting beganAis Bare Cwas Dwere8-Could you please tell me you will go to HongKong on business?-SureI prefer to take a planeAwhether BwhyCwhen DHow9My hometown is becoming more and more beautiful with trees and flowers on sides of the roadAall BbothCneither Deither10The Chinese saying “A tree cant make a forest” tell us that is very important in a football matchAability BdecisionCteamwork Dexperience11Nowadays all passengers go through safety check before take a trainAcan Bmay Cmust Dwill12-Why are you so worried?-Ive lost the watch my dad bought me on my birthdayAwhom Bwho Cwhose Dwhich13- Taian is a really comfortable city to live in- , and its world famous for Mount TaiASo it is BSo is itCSo it does DSo does it14The exam is over and the results will be on Friday afternoonAput down Bput offCput up Dput away15When you leave , please turn off the lights energyAsave Bto saveCsaving Dsaved二、完形填空(共1小题)16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后面各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Until last year, the saddest thing of my life was that my wife Alice and I couldn t have any childrenSo we always 1 all the children in our street to our house for Christmas breakfastLast year, Alice diedI was very 2 and decided not to invite the children for Christmas breakfastBut Kathy and Peter, my next door neighbors, asked me to 3 them for dinner on Christmas EveAs soon as I arrived, Kathy asked me, “Do you have any milk at your house?”“Yes,” I replied“ 4 you need some, Ill go and get it right away”“Oh, thats all rightCome and sit downJust give Peter your 5 and let him do it”After a happy dinner with them, I went homeWhen I opened my door, I found my house had been decorated by Peter! It was just as 6 as each Christmas beforeAt that moment, I wished that I could still 7 the Christmas breakfast, but I had made no preparationsEarly the next morning, a little boy with a bag of candies 8 my bellBefore I could ask him what was 9 , he was joining by two of his friendsWithin fifteen minutes, my house was full of 10 , and I had all the food I neededI had a happy breakfast with the children again1Atook Binvited Csent Dled2Ahappy Blazy Csad Dpoor3Ahelp Bjoin Cpay Dmeet4AUnless BAs CSince DIf5Amoney Bmilk Ckeys Dthings6Abeautiful Bdirty Ccolorless Dempty7Abuy Benjoy Csell Dserve8Arang Banswered Crequired Dpainted9Aboiling Bending Csinging Dhappening10Agifts Bchildren Cflowers Dcandies三、阅读理解(共5小题)17. AMicrosoft founder Bill Gates has talked about to be a good parent, saying that 13 is a right age for a childs first mobile phoneThe 57-year-old father of three said on the Today show that his children Jennifer and Rory were not allowed phones until their thirteen birthday and his youngest daughter Phoebe is still waiting for one“Weve made a rule in our family that its 13 when you get a phone” He also said as a result his child often returned home from school complaining, “All the other kids have it, Im the only without it, its so embarrassing”Asked if he keeps passwords (密码) to his son and daughters e-mail and Facebook accounts(帐号) Mr Gates said that he doesnt for Jennifer, 16, who he says is “old enough”Besides their wealth Mr and Mrs Gates ,who live in Lake Medina, have said they want to raise their three children as usually as possibleIt is said that their kids have to do housework at home after school and arent given much pocket moneyAnd in 2010Mr Gates said that he wanted to give most of his
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