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www.ks5u.com2015届高考英语二轮专题复习 阅读理解限时测验1(含答案)1你班班长组织了一堂“爱的天平”主题班会,同学们回想了“父母为我做的事”( 教我说话、走路;送我上学;帮我克服困难;教我做人)和“我为父母做的事”(抱怨、不用功读书),发现和父母之间爱的天平是倾斜的。最后要求发表你自己的看法。请以“The Balance of Love”为题,写一篇100-120字左右的短文。注意:1. 不要简单的句句翻译。 2. 开头已给出,不计入总次数。 3. 参考词汇:倾斜的tilt。 The Balance of LoveRecently, our school has launched a campaign of thanksgiving education. To help our classmates cultivate the spirit of being grateful to our parents, our monitor organized a theme class meetingThe Balance of Love. 2VI、书面表达(共25分)假设你叫李明,你的初中同学王强到贵阳读高中,他来信告诉你,他的英语跟不上那里学生的英语水平,课堂上听不懂,不知道怎样才能提高英语,希望你给他提些有关英语学习的建议。现在请你根据以下内容提示给他写一封回信。要点如下:对他在英语学习方面有困难表示关心,并愿意提供帮助。 给他提出建议: 每天背单词、短语,丰富词汇量; 多听英语录音带或光盘,模仿准确的语音语调,提高听力; 课外多阅读,提高阅读能力; 提出希望:希望他在英语方面能取得进步,并赶上其他同学。注意: 书信必须包括以上提供的内容要点,可以适当增加细节,使内容连贯; 词数:100字左右; 注意书信的格式,写信时间为2010年04月4日参考词汇:记住:memorize; 丰富:enrich 语调:intonationOne Possible version:3下面是光明中学的示意图,请你根据示意图和所给的附加信息,写一篇介绍光明中学校园的短文。1) 校园到处种有树木和花草,校园环境优美安静;2) 校园占地24000平方米;3) 学校拥有近百年的历史,现有学生5000人,教职工300人左右。参考词汇:教职工 teaching staff, 平方米 square meter注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数。Guangming High School is in the west of the city. When you enter the school gate, _4你的同学刘芳乐于助人(helpful),积极乐观(positive)。她在上星期日下午回校途中帮助了一位受伤的老人。请根据题示,用英语写一篇短文向英语报English Times投稿,简要叙述她做好事的经过,并谈谈你的感想。注意:(1)短文须包括上述全部要点,应适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; (2)词数:100左右。短文开头已给出(不计词数)。 Nowadays, a lot of people are reportedly unwilling to help others. However, Liu Fang acted differently. 5假设你是新华中学的学生李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友Tom约好下周末去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件:1. 表示歉意;2. 解释原因;3. 另约时间。注意:1. 单词数150左右;2. 可适当增加细节。参考答案1【解析】 略2One possible version :April. 4th, 2010Dear Wang Qiang,Im glad to hear from you. Im very sorry that you have some trouble with your English. Now let me give you some advice on how to learn English.First, you should memorize more words and expressions so that you can enrich your vocabulary, which is very important in English learning.Second, youd better listen more to some English tapes or CDs and try to follow the correct pronunciation and intonation. In this way you can improve your listening so that you can understand your teacher better in class.Third, you can do more reading out of school in order to improve your reading skills. I hope that my advice can help you. I also hope that you will make progress in English and catch up with your classmates soon. Best wishes for you!Yours,Li Ming【解析】3Guangming High School is in the west of the city. When you enter the school gate, you can find the teaching building on your left and the gymnasium on your right. Walking on further, you can see a round building which is the library in the middle of the campus. The building on the northwest corner serves as the dining hall and the building opposite it on the northeast corner is the students dormitory. The high school has a history of nearly 100 years. There are about 5000 students studying here and a teaching staff of about 300. The campus covers an area of 24000 square meters, with bushes and flowers surrounding every building, which provides a quiet and beautiful environment for the students.【解析】试题分析:考查说明文。本文是介绍了光明中学具体情况,在校园的具体的建筑物的位置上要按照一定的顺序来组织,使用具体的方位名词来表示。故需要准确表达.上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。特别注意在选择句式时要赋予变化,尤其是数字的不同表达法。考点:考查说明文点评:动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题。平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果。4Possible version:Nowadays, a lot of people are reportedly unwilling to help others. However, Liu Fang acted differently.Last Sunday afternoon, on her way back to school, Liu Fang came across an old man lying on the ground, seriously hurt in the leg. She immediately stopped, called 120 and practiced first aid. Soon, the ambulance came. When everything was Ok, she left for school.Such is Liu Fang, a helpful, positive and determined person. Although there might be misunderstanding or even trouble when we do good, I strongly believe that she has done the right thing. As responsible citizens, it is our duty to help people in need. Also, helping others means helping ourselves in a sense, doesnt it?【解析】考查了记叙文的写作试题分析:本文考查了记叙文的写作,故事的梗概已经给出。刘芳乐于助人,看见老人摔倒,他主动提出帮助,并对老人进行适当的包扎治疗和救助。并拨打120急救电话,协助医生对病人进行护理。考点:考查记叙文写作点评:近年来对记叙文写作的考查不是很多,记叙文的写作要求考生以故事方式的梗概为顺序,审题时注意使用一般过去时,合理的组织要点,运用合适的连接词和高级的句型如倒装句,强调句,省略句等来让文章有所变化。5One possible version:Dear Tom, I was far too happy that we made an appointment to visit Beijing together next weekend. How I appreciate the opportunity to be your guide in Beijing! But Im afraid well have to make it another time, because Ill be meeting my uncle at the airport. He is on business
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