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第二十课时九年级(下)Modules 13(课时重点话题:学校生活)高频单词和词组交通、职业及生活用品【单词】1_(n.)搭机旅行;飞行2_(n.)飞行员3_(n.)军官;官员;警察4_(n.)短上衣;夹克5_(n.)领带6_(n.)钟;铃7._(n.)电灯8_(n.)蜡烛9_(n.)邮递员10_(n.)运输业;交通【词组】11_当心;小心12_脱去13._业余时间;闲暇14_航班号15_结婚16_使自己舒服17_感到孤独其他【单词】1_(adv.)径直地;直接地2_(v.)成功;做成3_(adv.)确切地;完全4_(adj.)笨的;糊涂的5_(pron.)我们的6_(n.)一排;一行7_(n.)水池;游泳池8_(v.)及格;通过(考试或检查)9_(adj.)(教育)中等的10_(adj.)缺席的;不在的11_(adj.)富有的;富裕的12_(v.)担心;害怕13_(n.)财富;财产14._(v.)使加倍15_(adv.)很少地;不常16_(adj.)空余的;备用的17_(adj.)耳聋的18_(adj.)微小的;极小的19_(adj.)用电的;电动的20_(n.)寒冷;冷空气21_(n.)高温;热度22_(adj.)专职的;全日制的23_(n.)作用;职责;角色24_(n.)(个人的)教育;学业【词组】25_因为;由于26_中学27._过去常常28_大点声说29_成功做某事30_最好31_谈到32_只要33_充满34_渴望35_彼此36_一般来说37_查出,找到38_代替39_词汇拓展1.flight(动词)_2direct(副词)_3succeed(名词)_(形容词)_(副词)_4exact(副词)_5office(名词)_6stupid(反义词)_7we(宾格)_(形容词性物主代词)_(名词性物主代词)_(反身代词)_8pass(过去式)_(过去分词)_(介词)_9second(形容词)_10Japan(名词)_11.wealth(形容词)_12electric(名词)_13postman(复数)_14cold(反义词)_15educate(名词)_16transport(名词)_17double(形容词)_18relax(形容词)_19love(形容词)_20real(副词)_21quick(副词)_22bad(比较级)_(最高级)_重点句型1.I_ the city _ bus and by taxi.我坐公共汽车和出租车在城市旅行。2But the pilot_ _ _ on time.但是飞行员按时成功地着陆了。3Theres nothing to worry about _ _ _ you work hard.只要你努力,没什么好担心的。4Did you_ _ in London?在伦敦你过得开心吗?5So_ is _ _ bigger.所以我们的要大一点。6_ I passed my exam,I _ _ there until Im eighteen.如果我明年通过考试,我就会待在那里直到我18岁。7.I got good marks in_ maths _ geography.我在数学和地理方面都得到好的分数。8Life is_ today _ in the past.今天的生活比过去好多了。9Do people work_ _ _ they did fifty years ago?人们还像50年前一样努力工作吗?10Do you think people_ _ take more exercise than they do today?你认为人们过去比现在锻炼得多吗?核心语法1.名词 2冠词3数词4.代词5.介词与介词短语.听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。()1.A.Having an exam.BStudying for a test.CDoing housework.()2.A.Mary. BMike. CJim.()3.A.13 years. B18 years. C7 years.()4.A.Three. BFour. CFive.()5.A.She won the writing competition.BShe won the English speaking competition.CShe won the football match.听短文,选择正确的答案。()6.How old was Jack when he started to go to school?AFive. BSix. CSeven.()7.How far was it from his home to school?ATen kilometers.BThree miles.CFifty meters.()8.What did his mother tell him to do at school?ATo keep quiet.BTo work hard.CTo be a good boy.()9.Did he enjoy his first day at school?ANo,he didnt.BYes,he did.CWe dont know.()10.Why didnt he want to go to school again?AHe missed his mother.BHe feared his teachers.CHe couldnt do anything there.I toured the city by_bus and by taxi.我坐公共汽车和出租车在城市旅行。.单项选择。()1.(2015柳州联考)How are you going to the museum to meet your aunt?_ my car.AIn BBy CWith()2.(2014柳州模拟)How do you travel to school?I go_.Atake a busBby the busCby bus()3.(2014南宁三模)_ does your father go to work?On foot.AWhen BHow oftenCWhy DHow.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。4Kate usually goes to her office by_bike(对画线部分提问)_ _ Kate usually _ to her office?5Tony usually gets to school by bus.(改为同义句)Tony usually _ _ _ to school.6He sometimes takes the train.(改为同义句)He sometimes goes _ _.(1)有关交通方式的表达法:take限定词交通工具名称。如:take the bus/train/subway等。注意:在表示该交通工具的名词前一般应有冠词等修饰语,该短语在句中作谓语。in/on限定词交通工具名称。He will go to the village in his car.他将开车去乡下。by交通工具名称。如:I go to school by bike every day.我每天骑车上学。注意:该短语中交通工具名称前不加任何冠词,而且也不用复数形式。by 短语在句中修饰动词等作状语。on foot意为“步行”。walk/fly/rideto地点名词go to地点名词on foot/by plane/by bike如:I walked to the park near my home today.I went to the park near my home on foot.我今天步行到我家附近的公园。(2)询问交通方式用疑问副词how。Theres nothing to_worry_about as_long_as you work hard.只要你努力,没什么好担心的。.单项选择。()1.(2015南宁)The WWF is working hard_
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