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动词和动词短语.单项填空1Matthew grew up in a rich family but he was always ready to _ heavy responsibilities.Atake in Btake overCtake on Dtake away来源:www.shulihua.net解析考查动词短语辨析。句意:Matthew在一个富裕家庭长大,但是他一直乐于承担重任。take on承担;take over接管;take away带走;take in欺骗。故选C。答案C2They _ my ability to solve problems,but I have proved that they are all wrong.Aopposed Bdoubted Cwondered Dignored解析考查动词辨析。句意:他们对我解决问题的能力表示怀疑,但我最终证明他们都错了。doubt“怀疑”,符合语意。oppose“反对”;wonder“琢磨,想知道”;ignore“忽视,不予理睬”。故选B。答案B3Under a law that makes bad manners a crime,New York subway police fined more than 7,000 passengers last year for putting feet on the seats or _ too much space.Agetting on Btaking upCapplying for Dputting through 解析考查动词短语辨析。句意:根据一项将举止不佳列为罪行的法律,去年纽约地铁警方就对七千多名乘客进行了罚款,因为他们将脚放在座位上,或者占据了过多的空间。这里用take up表示“占据,占用”。故选B。答案B4How many people have died in the bomb explosion?They say theyve had reports that more than a hundred people died but cannot _ this. Arequire Badvise Cdemand Dconfirm解析考查动词辨析。句意:这次炸弹爆炸死了多少人?他们说收到的报告说过百人死亡,但是还不能证实(其真实性)。require“需要”;advise“建议”;demand“强烈要求”;confirm“确认,证实”。故选D项。答案D5A typhoon that _ houses,roads and farmland in Taiwan with more than 500 mm of rain left the island on Monday.Ainfluenced BapproachedCflooded Dvisited解析考查动词辨析。根据“带来了五百多毫米的降水”可知“台风带来的雨水把房屋、道路和农田淹没了”,故选C。flood表示“淹没”的意思。答案C6In May,2011,Gao Xiaosong,a wellknown musician,was _ of drunkdriving.Aexposed Baccused 来源:www.shulihua.netCcharged Dsentenced解析考查动词辨析。A项意为“揭露;暴露”,不与介词of连用;B项意为“控告;控诉”,用于accuse sb of.结构中;C项意为“指控;控告”,用于charge sb with.结构中;D项意为“宣判;判决;判刑”,用于sentence sb to.结构中。答案B7Tom has played a lot of computer games recently.Yes,that might _ his failure in his monthly exam.Aaccount for Banswer forCseek for Dstand for解析考查动词短语辨析。A项意为“是的说明(或原因)”,相当于explain;B项意为“对负责;因受到谴责”;C项意为“寻求;寻找”;D项意为“代表;象征”。来源:www.shulihua.net答案A8Steve Jobs cofounded the company,Apple,in 1976 and helped _ it as a technology pioneer.Adevote Bdefend Cestablish Dequip 解析考查动词辨析。句意:乔布斯在1976年与他人共同创立了苹果公司,并把该公司建设成了技术领域的先驱。devote“致力于”;defend“保卫,辩护”;establish“建立,创办”;equip“装备,配备”。C项符合语意。答案C9Through her own efforts,the young woman soon _ to a position as general manager of the company.Arose BraisedCpromoted Daccomplished解析考查动词辨析。句意:通过自己的努力,这位年轻女士不久就升到了这个公司总经理的位置。rise为不及物动词,在此处表示“地位提高”,常与to连用。promote表示“晋升(某人)”时,是及物动词,要用被动语态;raise表示“提高”;accomplish表示“完成”,均不符合语境。故选A项。答案A10Sorry for the delay.I got lost in the mountain.Thats OK.Youre safe and thats what _.Adoes Bworks Cstays Dcounts解析考查动词辨析。句意:抱歉我迟到了,我在山里迷路了。不要紧。你平安无事才是重要的。count此处为不及物动词,相当于matter,意为“重要”。答案D.完形填空Diane Ray was completely selfcentered and very spoilt.Her parents gave her _11_ she wanted,knowing that she would throw a temper tantrum(耍小孩脾气) if they did not.She would scream and kick and _12_on the floor drumming her heels.Her parents always_13_.That was why she was alone on the_14_,wearing an expensive swimsuit.It had taken a massive tantrum to_15_ her parents to buy it.They were back at the beachhouse,_16_from the tantrum she had thrown when they told her that it was too dangerous to go diving_17_.“Dangerous?” she had said.“You just dont want me to have_18_.Im going and if you try to stop me,Ill scream.”“What are you doing?” a voice asked.Diane jumped.She did not know that the man was there_19_he spoke.“Im going diving,” she answered.“You shouldnt swim today,” the man_20_.“There is a storm coming up.”“You should mind your own_21_!” Diane replied and walked into the gentle waves.来源:www.shulihua.net“If you go out there youll be_22_,” the man called after her.She did not bother to reply.Diane slipped into the water and dived_23_until white caps began rolling in and it became harder to_24_against the current(水流)Saltwater hit against her face,making it_25_to breathe.Oh,why had she not listened to advice?Panicking,she began to_26_.Then,just as it seemed as if she would slip beneath the surface,she heard a_27_voice.“Hold on!Im coming.” With_28_,she saw the old man rowing an ancientlooking boat towards her.“I hope youve learned a lesson.You put us both in_29_,” he shouted angrily,as he dragged her over the side of the _30_.Gratefully,Diane thanked him and ran towards the beachhouse.11A.either Bneither Cnothing Deverything解析通过上下文可知,Diane Ray以自我为中心,如果父母不给她想要的东西,她会耍小孩子脾气。因此,父母会给她想要的一切。答案D12A.jump Blie Cspin Dsleep解析耍小孩子脾气时,她会大叫,踢东西,躺在地板上打滚。答案B13A.set out Bset inCgave in Dgave out解析give in屈服。她的父母每次都会屈服,顺从她的意愿。答案C14A.beach Bbed Cfloor Dship解析由下文可知她在海滩上。答案A15A.allow Bwarn Cget Dprefer解析她昂贵的泳衣是耍了许多脾气才让她的父母买来的。答案C16A.changing Brecovering Cappearing Dtr
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