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2014高考英语二轮阅读理解基础精品训练题(7)及答案阅读理解-A来源:学科网So you want to draw money from a bank? Do it yourself. Want to fix a broadband internet connection? Do it yourself. Need a boarding card for your flight? Do it yourself. In theory, companies can save money by replacing human workers with automated self-service systems, while customers gain more choices and control and get quicker service. There is even talk of self-service doing for the service department what mass production did for factories, by enabling the delivery of services cheaply and on a massive scale. Surely the expansion of self-service into more and more areas is to be welcomed?Not necessarily. When it is done well, self-service can do good to both companies and customers. But when done badlywho has not found themselves trapped in a series of endless touchtone menus? In areas where self-service is only just started, this is less of a problem: angry customers can after all, always take their business elsewhere. But if every bank were to prefer self-service systems, customers would no longer be able to express their discount by voting with their feet. As a result, some banks, for example, already promise that their telephone-banking services always offer the choice of talking to a human operator. But in return for human service, many companies will simply charge more.Another disagreement to self-service is that while it saves companies money, it does not always save their customers time. In the best cases, it does, of course: checking yourself in at the airport can be quicker than queuing or making a phone call. But as more and more tasks are on to customers, they may start to hope for the days of old-fashioned service.All of this suggests that there are limits to how far self-service can be taken. Companies that go too far down the self-service route or to do it incorrectly are likely to find themselves being punished. Instead, a balance between self-service and traditional forms of service is necessary.1From this passage, we can see that the writer the use of self-service technology.A. dislikesB. supportsC. thinks highly ofD. makes carefully judgment on来源: 答案解析:答案为D。本题考查作者的观点态度。结合第一段和最后一段可知,作者认为自助服务有优点也有缺点,故答案为D,作者对自助服务的评价非常小心。2What advantages does the self-service technology certainly bring?A. Cutting the cost for the companies.B. Saving money for customers.C. Offering customers extra money. D. Defeating the traditional forms of service. 答案解析:答案为A。本题为细节题。由文章第一段 “In theory, companies can save money by replacing human workers with automated self-service systems, while customers gain more choices and control and get quicker service.” 可知,A选项正确,B、C错误。D选项未提及。3What does the writer mean by saying “customers would no longer be able to express their discount by voting with their feet”?A. customers would be so angry that they kick and damage the machine providing self-service.B. customers would not be able to express their anger at the banks service by leaving thereC. customers would try their best to persuade the bank to stop self-service.D. customers would elect some leaders to have a talk with the bank. 答案解析:答案为B。本题为句意理解题。本句话出现在第二段的第五句话中,如果每个银行将选择自助服务系统,客户会怎样?结合下文给的例证可知,结果是银行只能提供客户人工操作的选择,故可推断如果客户只能选择自助服务系统,一旦它出现故障,客户即使离开银行也将无法表达对银行服务的愤怒。故答案为B。来源:www.shulihua.net4Which of the following statements does the writer agree to? A. Banks should supply self-service and traditional forms of service as well.B. Self-service in banks has so many week points and should be stopped.C. Self-service can bring about many conveniences and should be supported.D. Banks dont consider customers needs in their business.答案解析:答案为A。本题考查作者的观点态度。本题与第一题类似,结合前面几题的分析,作者认为自助服务可以给银行和客户带来好处,但是自助服务也有不足之处。又由最后一段最后一句话 “Instead, a balance between self-service and traditional forms of service is necessary.” 可知,作者认为自助服务与传统形式的服务保持平衡是必要的,故答案为A。阅读理解 Primary Source Holiday Shopping Night at Ten Thousand Villages Brookline Shop for your holiday gifts and give back to Primary Source at Ten Thousand Villages on Friday, December 4! 15% of all sales from 300 p. m700 p. m. that day will be donated to Primary Source. Join us for light refreshments and enjoy beautiful handmade gifts from artisans around the world. All are welcome!Primary Sources Holiday Shopping NightFriday, December 4,2009300p. m700p. m.Ten Thousand Villages来源:226 Harvard Street, Brookline, Massachusetts (Coolidge Corner)Download our flyer and tell your friends!Ten Thousand Villages provides vital, fair income for the people from developing countries by marketing their handicrafts and telling their stories in North America. Learn more and preview toys, home decor, jewelry, and other gifts online. Cant join us on Dec. 4? At GoodShop, 30% of your spending will be given to Primary Source. The next time youre ready to make an online purchase, visit www. goodshop. com and enter “Prim
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