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单句语法填空1I would appreciate _ if you could teach me how to use the computer.答案:it2When she saw the lovely monkey,she couldnt help _(laugh)答案:laughing3It is widely believed that students should be judged _ terms of overall quality.答案:in4Most of the scientists devoted themselves to _(do) the research and seldom went home.答案:doing5Youd better not go out.In my _(judge),it is dangerous to fly in such weather.答案:judgement6The novel _(write) by Gu Man was adapted into a famous film,which was very popular.答案:written7Youd better take account of your ability _(accurate) before attempting to do such a business.答案:accurately8The children were making much noise and I cant concentrate _ my work.答案:on9In my opinion,the beauty of that mountain is beyond _(describe)答案:description10The young man has grown up and he is eager to be _(depend)of his parents.答案:independent 单句改错1It is true that she has made a mistake but she hardly deserves lose her job.deserve后加to2The young woman was accused with stealing goods from a large market.withof3I felt relief to know that all the missing children had arrived home.reliefrelieved4Hearing the sad news,the mothers present at the meeting couldnt help cry.crycrying5I really dislike that when people shout at me in public.thatit 完成句子1I didnt feel like talking to her,so I just _(专心学习)答案:concentrated on my study2How did you _(说服她放弃这个计划)?答案:talk her into giving up this plan3_(从顾客满意度来看), the new plan cannot be criticized.答案:In terms of customer satisfaction4_(毫无疑问)the Chinese people will live a better life in the future.答案:There is no doubt that5My roommate hates _(别人在周末用他的电脑)答案:it when others use his computer at weekends【写作素材】根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文, 并背诵成文。1与别人相比,海伦凯勒(Helen Keller)是不幸的。当她在19个月大的时候,她变得又盲又聋。(compared to)2起初时,她并不愿意学习。(be willing to)3后来,她的老师沙利文(Ms Sullivan)来帮她应对残疾。(deal with)4在Ms Sullivan的帮助下,她能够做到集中精力学习,并完成了大学教育。(concentrate on)5后来,她致力于帮助盲聋儿童。(devote oneself to)6她是20世纪最伟大的女性之一,值得我们尊重。(deserve)【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇英语短文)_One possible version:Compared to others,Helen Keller was unlucky.When she was 19 months old,she became blind and deaf.At first,she was not willing to learn anything.Later,her teacher Ms Sullivan came to help her deal with her disabilities.With the help of Ms Sullivan,she was able to concentrate on her study and graduated from college.Later on,she devoted all herself to helping the blind and deaf children.She was one of the greatest women in the 20th century and deserves our respect.2
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