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2012高考英语二轮复习专题限时训练(江苏专用)专题2 阅读理解 8(35分钟)AOnce there was a prisoner who was jailed in a dark prison which he thought was a great fortress(堡垒). The cell was dark and wet. There was a tiny window with bars on it. The rest of the cell was so dark that he could not see the other three walls. The only wall he could make out was the wall with the window in it. The only light the room received was from this window. Once in a while the prisoner would manage to climb up to the window and look out on the world outside. If he stretched and looked, he could see a little bit of the life-giving sun out there.For the first five years in that prison the prisoner stayed in the tiny place of light thrown in through the window. He never tried to go past the edge of the little square of light. But then he became restless. The prisoner started to move a little bit at a time deeper into the darkness of his prison cell. He moved a few inches a day. After what seemed like a year he found the left-hand wall of the cell. It took him much less time to find the right-hand wall as he was becoming more confident.Then he began to search for the wall opposite the window. As he went deeper and deeper into the darkness of the cell he thought of turning back. But his curiosity drove him forward. In the darkness of his cell he found the back wall had a door. And the door was open!The door had always been open, and it led to a passage, which led him out of the dark prison into freedom and the life-giving sun. His imprisonment(监禁)had all been his mind.1.Why did the prison NOT think of running away from the cell?A. Because the cell was very dark and he could see nothing.B. Because the cell was so well-guarded and he could see no way to escape.C. Because he had thought there was no possibility to escape from the cell.D. Because he was afraid of getting lost if he walked out the cell.2.What did the prisoner do during the first five years?A. He searched for ways to get out.B. He stayed where the light shone.C. He did nothing but blame himselfD. He thought about where the other three walls were.3. The underlined word “restless” most probably means _.A. boredB. illC. excitedD. sleepy4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. The prisoner couldnt see even a little of the sun in the dark cell.B. The prisoner was certain that there was a door before finding it.C. The prisoner found the left-hand wall of the cell in a short time.D. The prisoner thought of giving up looking for the back wall. BAmerican teens are setting an example for their parents through their volunteer work, according to a new survey by Harris Interactive. They found that more teens volunteer to support a charitable cause 56% than have a part-time job 39%Parents said 82% of the teens in their lives do something to support charitable causes, including volunteering, recruiting(招募) others to a cause, wearing a button or T-shirt or donating money. 46% of the adults surveyed said they volunteer and they also take credit for inspiring their children to volunteer.Sara Johnson is a teacher who advises students at a private school. She says theres been an enthusiasm among teens for joining in social causes since President Barack Obama was elected in November two years ago.The Harris Interactive survey found a quarter of teens have become more involved in charitable causes or organizations as a result of the economic downturn(经济衰退). But the economy has also led to cuts in income, and has teens working more hours at a paying job.Unlike many public high schools across the nation, Illiana Christian High School does not require its students to clock public service hours. Senior Melissa Marting said some kids are too busy with other things like sports and music, but most of her classmates do volunteer work.Alynn Woodson, director of volunteer engagement at Habitat for Humanity International, said she has noticed a new enthusiasm among teen volunteers for the organization. It is expected that more than 12,000 young people will help build homes for low-income people around the nation this year.5.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Helping find new people to work for charitable causes.B. Donating clothes.C. Donating money.D. Helping building homes for low-income people.6.Melissa Martin is most probably a _.A. teacherB. parentC. studentD. surveyor7. Due to the economic downturn, American teens _.A. find it harder to do part-time jobsB. spend less time doing volunteer workC. get more money from their parentsD. work harder at their studies8.Whats the best title of the passage?A. Teens in the economic downturnB. Charitable causes in AmericaC. More teens volunteer than work part-timeD. More parents inspire their children to volunteer. CA mouse looked
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