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2014高考英语完形填空及词汇基础极品训练题(4)及答案完形填空-(二)- (2011湖北卷)The young woman entered the pool where an injured dolphin(海豚) was swimming.Despite her fear,she felt strong wearing her new leg.In her second grade,Maja _1_ her cousin,Jasmina.After Jasminas death,Maja swore she would honor the little girl by _2_ with a dolphin,an animal that both girls _3_ .“Jasmina never got the chance to do it.”says Maja,now 32,“so I _4_ that someday Id do it for her.”In high school,Maja was _5_ about sports.She even planned to become an athlete._6_,in 1993,during the civil war in her home country,a bomb _7_ her left leg.After two years _8_ in the US.,Maja received her first artificial (人造的)leg,but _9_ it didnt fit well,walking for Maja was very painful._10_,she managed to graduate from a local high school.Then after receiving a _11_ from Saint Francis University,she got a job at an insurance firm and _12_ started her own company.To relax, Maja _13_ often watch the dolphins play at an aquarium (水族馆)near her home.A young dolphin,Winter,who had lost its tail,caught her _14_.One day,Maja happened to see trainers _15_ Winter with a hightech tail.When they were done,Winter swam freely in the water.Maja was _16_.She managed to find inventors of Winters tail.Within ten days,she had a new leg which freed her the _17_ that had troubled her for almost 16 years.Now Maja,was ready to keep her _18_.She went to the aquarium,lowered herself into the pool and held out a hand to Winter,who approached _19_,then swam away.After a few minutes,the dolophin let Maja _20_ its back.Finally,the two began to swim around the pool together.本文描述了一位失去腿的女人和一位失去尾巴的海豚;相似的困境,让两位走到了一起,也让这位女人实现了先前的诺言:一定要和海豚一起游泳。1A.lost BvisitedCrescued Dleft答案:A。根据本句中的“after Jasminas death”可以断定Maja是失去了Jasmina,故选A:失去。2A.talking BlivingCswimming Dsurfing答案:C。从第一段中的提示句“enter the pool”可以推断出:Maja跳进水池就是为了和海豚一起游泳。正好与“an injured dophin was swimming”以及文章最后一句话都保持语境的一致。3A.adored BadoptedCpossessed Dpurchased答案:A。根据下文的故事情节,尤其是Maja与海豚的相同的境遇,会有跟好的互相爱怜,故选A:喜爱。而其它选项则与语境相差太远。4A.pretended BdecidedCperferred Dagreed 答案:B。根据文章的第一段的语境,可以断定本句中的it以及上句中的it指的都是“与海豚一起游泳”一事,而根据最后一段的描述,可以清楚:Maja是早有决心去做这件事的,故选:decide“决定”。5A.positive BenthusiasticCparticular Dcurious答案:B。be enthusiastic about sth.是指:对某事有激情,热情。而根据下句“planned to become an athlete”便可以断定是喜爱体育运动。6A.Undoubtedly BSurprisinglyCStrangely DUnfortunately答案:D。从下文中的信息词:civil war以及artificial leg自然给人不幸的预感。而答案D:“不幸的是”。7A.took away Btook overCcut down Dcut out答案:A。take away 意为“夺走,抢走”;而take over接管; cut down 砍倒:cut out剪下来。根据语境, 炸弹夺走了她的左腿。8A.study BoperationCtreatment Dexperiment答案:C。从“two years”一词的信息提示,排除B“手术”;对于失去腿的Maja来说,只有在医院“治疗”treatment才是最合当时的语境的。9A.until BbecauseCalthough Dif答案:B。本句前后的信息自然表示出了因果的关系:假腿不合适,所以才会感到痛苦。10A.Otherwise BThereforeCBesides DHowever答案:D。根据本句中的“manage ”一词可以断定痛苦没有阻碍Maja的学业,故具有转折的关系。11A.scholarship BdegreeCprize Dnotice答案:B。根据下文找到了工作,排除A:奖学金;因为只有拿到学位,从大学毕业,才会去找到自己想要的工作。12A.gradually BactuallyCeventually Dnaturally答案:C。gradually慢慢地;actually事实上;eventually最后;naturally自然地。本句话虽然短暂,但却概况了Maja奋斗与成功的生活历程,即:开始于最后的变化。故选eventually。13A.might BshouldCcould Dwould答案:D。英语中表达“过去常常做某事”常用would,意为:总会。14A.eye BlegCnose Dhand答案:A。catch ones eye同catch ones attention,意为:引起某人的注意。与“often”一词保持语境的一致。15A.decorating BguidingCmarking Dfitting答案:D。fit在本句中有“安装”之意,即:给Winter安装了高科技的尾巴。16A.inspired BpuzzledCshocked Damused 答案:A。根据下文中的信息:Maja去找这种高科技尾巴的发明者,自然是因为Winter的尾巴而得到了启发,故选A“启发,鼓励”。17A.worry BsadnessCpain Dfear答案:C。根据第四段地“walking for Maja was painful”可以断定,现在有了新的腿,她不再那么痛苦了。18A.appointment BpromiseCrecord Dhabit答案:B。keep ones promise意为“遵守诺言”;这与上文的“Ill do it for her”语境一致。19A.blindly BangrilyCgratefully Dcautiously 答案:D。从 “then swam away”一词可以推段出:海豚还是比较警惕的,故选D:警惕地。来源:www.shulihua.net20A.strike BcoverCtouch Dwipe答案:C。根据最后的的情景可以理解为:Maja与海豚慢慢地走进了,故“触摸”一下海豚的背部是可以的,故选C“触摸,触动”。 完形填空-B (2010北京海淀模拟)orange tip I was 11, and my family was preparing to leave the beautiful island, where we had lived for four years: my father was being transferred again. But I had constructed a mental wall against this unsettledness. My fascination with 1 provided me with an endless source of 2 .When I arrived on this little island, I discovered a variety of butterflies, and I began to 3 them. Catching butterflies isnt 4 ,so I was proud of my collection. 5 there was one that I had yet to capturethe great orange tip. The problem was its 6 habitat: I could only watch these lovely insects 7 gracefully. No matter how high I climbed, these creatures were always just 8 my reach. With only a couple of days before we were to leave, I began to 9 hope of finding my great orange tip. One morning I was at lea
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