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www.ks5u.com第一部分选修 8Unit 2.完形填空(2015河南洛阳二质检)In a food store I heard a woman say her foot was hurting and that she was going to call a cab.When walking back home I saw her outside the store, probably_1_for a cab.I asked her where she was going.She told me a place which was actually on the _2_ to the craft store Id be_3_ to.So I asked her to _4_ the cab and Id give her a ride.To my _5_, she said okay without _6_.I wonder if Id have been so _7_ if a stranger made me the same offer!Where she was going was _8_ on the way to where I was going.It was such a _9_ interaction.But there was more!When I had _10_ what I went for and was waiting at the checkout, the woman behind me said she had a coupon(优惠券)for 50% off any _11_ in the store.She gave it to me because she had a(n) _12_ one! I thanked and gave her a _13_.They say “what goes around comes around”, but sometimes it is hard to see how that _14_ as there is often a “manifestation(显现)delay”Each action _15_ a ripple (涟漪)that eventually _16_ back to us, but sometimes it is much _17_ so we forget their connection.Today the causes and effects have appeared in a linkable manner where in _18_Im also opening myself to receiving gifts, now or in the future.I can learn so much from others as to how _19_ they are to receive in a way I might not have been if _20_ the same gift.()1.A.caringBwaitingCapplyingDordering()2.A.leftBrightCcarriageDway()3.A.drivingBleadingCwalkingDpulling()4.A.takeBpostponeCcancelDcharge()5.A.sadnessBamazementCrespectDdisappointment()6.A.hesitationBaimCdoubtDdelay()7.A.enthusiasticBinvitingCtrustingDpuzzled()8.A.veryBuniversallyCsurelyDright()9.A.shamefulBbeautifulCcarefulDfrightful()10.A.picked up Bput upCgave upDwent up ()11.A.loadBdemandClimitDitem()12.A.familiarBdevotedCextraDimportant()13.A.postBsmileCnoteDpaper()14.A.sharesBcompromisesCrecognizesDworks()15.A.createsBfreezesCshipsDaffects()16.A.putsBholdsCcomesDkeeps()17.A.easierBfunnierClaterDswifter()18.A.givingBappreciatingCpersuadingDdemanding()19.A.closeBopenCconfidentDanxious()20.A.broughtBlearnedCbookedDoffered【主旨大意】这是夹叙夹议文章。作者通过叙述自己的亲身经历得出只有舍得才有收获,爱别人其实就是爱自己。1【答案】B【解析】根据前文的call a cab,此处应是等待,wait for a cab。故选B。 caring意为“关心,照顾”;waiting意为“等待”;applying意为“应用”;ordering意为“命令”。2【答案】D【解析】根据第二段的“on the way to”可判断。on the way to意为“在去的路上”。3【答案】A【解析】根据下文的“give her a ride”可判断作者开车。故选A。 driving意为“驾驶”;leading意为“领导,引领”;walking意为“步行,散步”;pulling意为“拉”。4【答案】C【解析】根据下文的“give her a ride”判断作者要她取消cab。故选C。 take意为“带走”;postpone意为“延迟”;cancel意为“取消”;charge意为“收费”。5【答案】B【解析】根据下文的wonder判断,作者因为陌生人这么痛快地答应乘他的车而感到吃惊。故选B。 sadness意为“悲伤”;amazement意为“惊奇”;respect意为“尊重”;disappointment意为“失望”。6【答案】A【解析】根据上题的惊奇,可判断对方是毫不犹豫地答应。故选A。without hesitation意为“毫不犹豫”。hesitation意为“犹豫”;aim意为“目的,目标”;doubt意为“怀疑”;delay意为“推迟,推延”。7【答案】C【解析】根据前文的对方这么痛快地答应乘自己的车,没想到自己这么令人相信。故选C。enthusiastic意为“富有激情的”;inviting意为“诱人的”;trusting意为“令人相信的”;puzzled意为“感到迷惑的”。8【答案】D【解析】她要去的地方恰恰就在我去的地方。故选D。universally意为“普遍地”;surely意为“当然”; right意为“恰恰”。9【答案】B【解析】这种被人信任的感觉让人感觉是一种美丽的反应。shameful意为“可耻的,丢脸的”; careful意为“细心的,认真的”;frightful意为“害怕的”。10【答案】A【解析】根据空后的宾语从句判断选A。picked up意为“拾起,收拾”;put up意为“搭起,张贴”;gave up意为“放弃”; went up意为“上升”。11【答案】D【解析】根据空后的“in the store”判断是“商店的东西都是50%”,故选D。load意为“承载,装载”;demand意为“要求”;limit意为“限制”;item意为“条款,项目,东西”。12【答案】C【解析】对方把自己“多余的优惠券”让给作者。故选C。familiar意为“熟悉的”;devoted意为“投入的”;extra意为“额外的,多余的”。13【答案】B【解析】对方送给自己一件“礼物”,应是还给对方一个微笑。14【答案】D【解析】work此处意为“起作用”。share意为“分享”;compromise意为“妥协”;recognizes 意为“认出,承认”。15【答案】A【解析】每个行动都会产生一种涟漪,故选A。create意为“产生”;freeze意为“冻结,使结冰”;ship意为“用船运输”;affect意为“影响”。16【答案】C【解析】付出的爱最后会回馈给自己。 put back意为“放回”; hold back意为“隐瞒,控制,阻碍”;keep back意为“扣留,隐瞒”。17【答案】C【解析】根据前文的but,前文说的回馈快,此处是说的慢得多。故选C。later意为“更晚的”;swifter意为“更快的”。18【答案】A【解析】根据前文这些都在于给予,故选A。giving意为“给予”;appreciating意为“欣赏,感激”;persuading意为“劝服”;demanding意为“要求”。19【答案】B【解析】根据下文的to receive,应是“敞开的”。故选B。close意为“近的”;open意为“开着的,敞开的”;confident意为“有信心的”; anxious意为“焦急的”。20【答案】D【解析】根据宾语判断是给予、提供,故选D。 brought意为“带来”;learned意为“学会”;booked意为“预订”;offered意为“提供”。.阅读理解A(2016安徽屯溪一中高三10月月考,C)It is the goal of politicians everywherehow to win and keep the trust of voters.Now researchers at the University of St Andrews in Scotland say they may have the answer.They believe politicians could learn a lot from recent advances in science.A growing number of studies have shown that people do judge a book by its cover.Researchers say most of us make quick judgments about a person on the basis of how they look.Studies suggest that people are less likely to trust those with particularly masculine(男性的) features, such as a square jaw, small eyes or a big nose.“They are c
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