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The Nightingale and the Rose Unit 5 The Nightingale She looked at him tenderly and with a sad expressions in her dark blue eyes, but could not speak “Oh, very badly indeed!” she replied. “I have scarcely closed my eyes the whole night through. I do not know what was in my bed, but I had something hard under me, and am all over black and blue. It has hurt me so much!” But the emperor isnt wearing any clothes! Yes Beast, I will marry you For a long time he stood gazing at her face, so full of serenity, so peaceful, lovely and pure, and he felt spring to his heart that love he had always been searching for and never found. And then the Nightingale began to sing. “That is it!” said the little girl. “Listen, listen! And its sitting there!” And she pointed to a little gray bird up in the boughs. “She said that she would dance with me if I brought her red roses,” cried the young Student, “but in all my garden there is no red rose.” Warming up Check-on Preview Complete the words according to the explanation. 1. c_ 1. having a deep purplish red 111111111111111111colour 2. e_ 2. a very strong feeling of joy 111111111111111111and happiness 3. c_ 3. a transparent natural 111111111111111111mineral that looks like ice 4. p_ 4. to pick 5. f_ 5. to move (the wings) quickly and lightly up and down W B TR Warming up Check-on Preview Complete the words according to the explanation. 6. s_ 6. to fly high up into the sky 7. w_ 7. very unhappy 8. s_ 8. a ray of sunlight 9. e_ 9. a bright green precious stone 10. g_ 10. a channel at the edge of a road next to the pavement where water collects and flows away W B TR Warming up Objectives Understand the structure and the general idea of the story Think about how to interpret the story Know something about the author Learn to appreciate the beauty in this story and analyze how it is created W B TR Background Genre Author B W TR The Nightingale and the Rose Unit 5 Background Author Oscar Wilde 1854-1900 u Born and raised in Dublin, Ireland uHe went to Oxford University where he achieved a distinguished academic record. uAn advocate of aestheticism and a follower of the philosophy of “art for arts sake”. His Life B W TR Background His Works Author B W TR Lady Windermeres Fan The Importance of Being Earnest An Ideal Husband The Happy Prince The Selfish Giant Background His Quotes B W TR u“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” u“I have nothing to declare but my genius” u“Men become old, but they never become good.” (Lady Windermeres Fan) u“Men know life too early. Women know life too late. That is the difference between men and women.” (A Woman of No Importance) u“Women are meant to be loved, not to be understood.” (The Sphinx Without a Secret) Background Art for Arts Sake B W TR A slogan meaning that the beauty of art is reason enough for pursuing them that art does not have to serve purposes taken from politics, religion, economics, and so on. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Edgar Allan Poe, and Oscar Wilde argued for the doctrine of art for arts sake. Background Genre Fairy Tales u The frequent use of personification u The symbolic meaning given to words u The vivid, simple narration, which is typical of the oral tradition of fairy tales u The repetitive pattern used B W TR Detailed Analysis Structure Theme The Nightingale and the Rose Unit 5 Text Analysis T WB R Questions on the Content uHow do you like the story? uDo you think the story tragic? Why? uDo you find it a touching story? What touches you most? uWhats the theme of the story? uDo “the nightingale” and “the rose” have symbolic meanings? What are they? T WB R Text Analysis Theme Love is better than life. Love for loves sake. True love cannot survive in a practical world. T WB R Questions on the Style uDo you think the language poetic? Can you select some poetic sentences from the story? uWhat do you think contribute to the sense of beauty in this story? uHow do you feel about the tragic ending? uHow much does it contribute to the impressiveness of the story? uIf you were the writer, how would you like to end it? uWhat techniques do you think the author used in writing a fairy tale? T WB R Why Are the Sentences Impressive? “My roses are white,” it answered, “as white as the foam of the sea, and whiter than the snow upon the mountain.” She sang first of the birth of love in the heart of a boy and a girl She sang of the birth of passion in the soul of a man and a maid She sang of the love that is perfected by Death, of the love that dies not in the tomb. T WB R Text Analysis Syntactic device: yet for want of a red rose is my
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