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第一学期期末教学质量监测七年级英语笔试部分(95分)2、 语音知识(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)请找出与其他单词划线部分发音不同的词。21. A. happy B. salad C. jacket D. father22. A. pen B. evening C. yes D. spell23. A. subject B. must C. June D. lunch24. A. some B. always C. his D. yours25. A. what B. where C. when D. who【答案】21-25 DBCAD三、单项填空(共15小题,计15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。26. Tim is an eleven-year-old boy. He likes playing basketball.【A】an 【B】 the 【C】a 【D】/ 27. - Bob and Gina free next week? -Sorry, I dont know.【A】Is 【B】Are 【C】Does 【D】Do 28. - is your favorite star. -Sun Yang【A】What 【B】Who 【C】When 【D】Where29. Here are two of my family . Can you find where I am? 【A】 photos 【B】 clothes 【C】 photoes 【D】pairs 30. -Whats your QQ number? - is 345667296.【A】He 【B】I 【C】It 【D】She 31. -How do you read March 5th? -It reads .【A】March fifth 【B】 March five 【C】the March fifth 【D】Five March 32. -Is this your Apple watch? -No, it is not . Its Janes.【A】yours 【B】her 【C】mine 【D】me 33. I think English is difficult interesting. I like it.【A】but 【B】 or 【C】so 【D】and 34. A set of keys on the desk.【A】are 【B】 is 【C】am 【D】be 35. -Do you like salad? -Yes, I like it.【A】 nor 【B】much 【C】very 【D】really 36. -Lis room is not . His books are everywhere - on his bed, on the sofa and under the chair.【A】small 【B】 big 【C】tidy 【D】short 37. -What month is the first month of a year, do you know? - Its .【A】December 【B】January 【C】February 【D】September 38. Linda her friend, Gina, about her favorite food.【A】thinks 【B】asks 【C】helps 【D】wants 39. For boys, we have lots of T-shirts and hats only 40 yuan. Which one do you like?【A】to 【B】on 【C】for 【D】in 40. -Hello, Lucy! Nice to meet you! - .【A】How do you do! 【B】How are you? 【C】Im fine. 【D】Nice to meet you, too.【答案】21-25 DBCAD26-30 DBBAC 31-35CCABD 36-40CBBCD【注解】an eleven-year-old boy 一个十一岁的男孩difficult adj. 困难的四、口语应用 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话,使其完整、通顺(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)W: Can I help you?A. Youre welcome.B. Blue.C. I need a sweater for school.D. Ill take it.E. How much is it?M: Yes, please? 41 W: OK. What color do you want?M: 42 W: How about this one?M: It looks nice. 43 W: Nine dollars.M: 44 How much are those yellow socks?W: Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs.M: Great! Ill take two pairs.W: Here you are.M: Thank you.W: 45 【答案】41-45 CBEDA5、 完形填空(共10小题,计10分)Lee is a Chinese soccer star. He plays soccer 46 . He plays soccer every day. He has good eating 47 . For breakfast, he has eggs and milk .He usually reads books 48 the morning. Then he has a big 49 - carrots, rice, fish and meat .After that, be plays soccer in the afternoon. For dinner, he has chicken, apples and soup. After dinner, he 50 TV. He has a 51 and healthy life.Jenny Brown is 52 nice girl. She likes playing tennis, and she 53 it is interesting. She also likes kung fu 54 wants to learn about Chinese culture(文化) from it. So she 55 it every day.46. A. well B. good C. right D. nice47. A. burgers B. habits C. foods D. cards48. A. at B. on C. of D. in49. A. supper B. dinner C. lunch D. breakfast50. A. goes B. watches C. takes D. plays51. A. difficult B. long C. boring D. busy52. A. a B. the C. an D. /53. A. takes B. thinks C. wants D. likes54. A. He B. This C. She D. that55. A. meets B. does C. has D. reads【答案】46-55 ABDCB DABCB【注解】learn from 从(向)中学习supper n. 晚饭 super adj. 超级的6、 阅读理解阅读下面的短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择能正确回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(共15小题,计30分)Al Day Every morning when we wake up (醒来),it is a new day. A new day starts (开始) at 0:00 in the morning and ends at 12:00 at midnight.l WeekSeven days make a week, these seven days are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, And after Sunday, it is Monday again(又)!l MonthThere are twelve months! Usually, a month has 30 days, but some months are longer. The long months are January, March, May, July, August, October and December. They each have thirty-one days. April, June, September and November each has thirty days. February only has twenty-eight days or twenty-nine
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