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Unit6 Keep our city clean(Period 1 Story time)教学目标:一、知识目标:1. 能理解、掌握对话内容,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并初步表演对话。2. 能正确运用日常交际用语:What makes our city dirty? make(s)What can we do to keep our city clean? We can 3. 能听懂、会说、会读单词及词组:keep, make, clean, dirty, rubbish, dead, moveaway from, putin, plant more trees二、能力目标:1. 能正确、流利地朗读课文,整体理解语篇。2. 能灵活运用所学词汇和句型谈论城市的环境问题。3. 情感目标:能理解并认识保护环境的重要性以及该采取的措施。三、重点难点 重点:能理解课文内容,能正确运用句型:What makes our city dirty? make(s) What can we do to keep our city clean? We can 进行问答。难 点: 能灵活运用所学词汇和句型谈论城市的环境问题。四、教学过程 活动1【导入】一:PretaskPreparation1.Greetings.T greets with the Ss as usual: Good morning, boys and girls.2.Have a talk. T talks about the environment in Liyang with Ss.Q:What do you think of the environment in Liyang? Ss talk about it. T: Yes. Liyang becomes more and more beautiful. It is also cleaner and cleaner.I always talk about our city with my friends.Today Miss Li and her students are also talking about their city. Lets have a look. OK? 活动2【讲授】二:WhiletaskProceduresPre-reading:1. Watch and find Let the Ss watch the video of U6 and try to find out “What questions are they talking about?”Is our city clean?What makes our city dirty?What can we do to make our city clean? (引导学生观看课文视频,初步感知文本结构。)2. Listen and tick Guide the students to find “What is dirty?” Let the Ss listen to the dialogues on page58. the air the stressthe river(请学生仔细听课文对话并试着勾出城市脏乱的地方。)While-reading:1. Read and sayLet the Ss read the dialogues on page 58 and try to talk in details.What makes the air/streets/river dirty?( hair/chairair )( Air is something everybody needs. We cant see it. We cant catch it. But we really need it.)(用学生已知的hair/chair引出air的发音,再用简短易懂的语句向学生解释air的含义。)Teach:messy,deadGuide the Ss to express the cause of the mess city using the sentence pattern “ makes dirty.”(通过前面的环节,学生对于城市变脏的地方已经有了初步的印象,在细读课文的过程中,找出使得变脏的原因,到输出环节,让学生运用新句型来不断巩固练习,水到渠成。)2. Underline and discussLet the Ss read the dialogues on page59 with the question”What can we do to keep our city clean?” with the deskmates. (引导学生带着问题阅读,找出保护环境的措施。)take the bus and the metro to school walk to school move some factories away from our city put rubbish in the bin plant more trees(同桌组合自读书本59页的对话,让学生在合作中划出书中人物对于保护城市环境的建议,并讨论其他的建议。)Let the Ss think about the other ideas and know more ideas. Think and judge (拓展一些保护环境的措施,丰富学生的语言。)Post-reading:1. Listen and repeatInvite the Ss to read the text sentence by sentence.2. Read together3. Read in rolesInvite the Ss to read in roles.(运用各种朗读方式,再次巩固课文。)活动3【活动】三PosttaskActivities1. Ask and answer Let the Ss make a dialogue with story time on P60. (运用所学,让学生能自如表达。)2. Do an interview某报社记者来校采访学生关于城市环境的相关问题,根据课文内容创编一段采访内容。(6人合作)可参考如下:Reporter(记者): Good morning,everyone! I want to ask you some questions about our city.OK?Ss:OK!R:Is our city clean?Ss:.R:What makes our city dirty?Ss:.makes.R:What can we do to keep our city clean?Ss:We can.R:Your ideas are great. To keep our city clean, lets do it together.OK?Ss:OK!(引导学生运用所学,自如谈论城市环境问题以及可行措施。达到对文本的自然输出,让学生有保护环境的意识。)3. Module education:Better city, better life! We should start from now. Start from me!(情感教育。城市使生活更美好!从现在做起,从我做起!)活动4【作业】四Assignment 1. Talk about our city with story time.2. Design a poster.(语用输出,锻炼学生的口语表达能力。)六上 Unit6 Keep our city clean 教学反思 本课时围绕“城市环境卫生及其保护措施”这一话题展开教学活动。Story time用三个问题(“Is our city clean ?”、”What makes our city dirty?”、”What can we do to keep our city dirty?”)搭建文本框架,让文本脉络清晰明了。让学生学会用句型.makes.讨论环境卫生问题,用句型We can.提出保护环境的措施。这两种句型基于学生早前掌握的一般现在时的知识和can的相关句型,所以理解起来并没有问题。文本的话题与学生的生活息息相关,重点引导学生发现城市环境卫生方面的问题,并思考解决问题的方法,从而使他们增强环保意识,激发他们热爱家乡,珍惜、保护环境的情感。 在教学过程中,我采用了根据文本内容先激发学生发现问题,再解决问题的思维顺序,一步步梳理文本,鼓励学生用重点句型What makes.进行自主发问,激发学生的语言表达能力;在学习环境保护措施的环节,能引导学生思索课文以外的保护措施,但这一环节教学中,在比如“We can move some factories away from our city .”这一措施时,没能及时的反问学生这一措施的缘由,可以引导学生表达如“reduce the air pollution”这样的思考,错失了激发学生思维能力培养的机会。朗读指导方面做得比较到位,比如对于连读,一般疑问句声调的指导,对于学生操练过程中错误单词的及时指导。我一直认为读是英语学习的基础,如果连读都不能过关,英语学习势必不会更上一层楼。平时,我也是从单词朗读开始,对学生的发音进行反复纠正,直到尽可能的标准。另外,单词的发音准确,对于学习语音知识会起到相辅相成的作用。在各种朗读操练过后的情景创设环节,我设计的是一个采访模式的对话,由一名记者对学生进行环境卫生方面的调查采访,把所学进行活用的环节。但欠缺考虑的是,我给予学生的文本模式比较模糊,忽略了采访形式其实是有它特有的形式,导致学生呈现出来的模式五花八门,有一组学生真正做到了采访该有的样子,是他们自己摸索出来的。对于这点我还挺惭愧的,在教学前没能做到细致的考虑。过后想想,可以给孩子们呈现一段正式采访的视频以作模板,让教学真正做到学以致用。 通过这次公开课实践,相信对我的教学能力、教学方法又是一次很好的提升,在教学中我们还是要尽可能多的思考如何设计好每个环节?而这个环节对于学生的促进作用又是什么?真正做到上好每一节课,让学生爱上英语课堂!39
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