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Unit 6 How do you feel?1教学目标1. 能够理解对话大意。2. 能够用正确的意释及语音、语调朗读对话。3. 能够在情景中运用How does feel? Whats wrong? 询问他人的情绪和心理状态;能够用 should Dont . 等疏导情绪或提出建议。4. 渗透不能以自我为中心,要关心家人,为他人所想的德育教育。2学情分析 人教版英语教材的教师教学用书中明确指出:对话部分是单元的核心内容,旨在把本单元的核心句型和词汇带入一个有一定意义的对话语篇中,让学生整体体验词汇和句型的语用情境,并作为文本范例,帮助学生巩固记忆并形成语言运用能力。 本单元的教学内容是有关情绪的英语表达,本节课是本单元B部分的Lets talk,是通过教学Mum告诉Sarah, Sam因为爸爸生病不能去动物园的对话,使学生能够询问他人的情绪、回答自己的心理状态,能帮助他人疏导情绪和提出合理建议。教师应引导学生在语境中巩固并熟练运用本课的目标语言,实现语言的交际功能。 现代外语教育注重语言学习的过程,强调语言学习的实践性,主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习和运用语言。为此,本人深入剖析本课对话文本所蕴含的情境,合理利用文本资源,创设多个有效的教学情境,为学生提供了大量信息,加深学生对对话的理解,增强他们自主学习的能力。 情境1:Sarah一家周五晚上讨论周六去动物园,Sam很开心; 情境2:妈妈和因为外出买东西而被突然下起的大雨淋湿的爸爸谈话; 情境3:周六早上生病的爸爸和妈妈谈话(Lets try); 情境4:妈妈告知孩子们因为爸爸生病不能去动物园了,Sam很不开心(Lets talk); 情境5:等在动物园的Zhang Peng给Sam打电话,劝慰Sam; 情境6:Sam认识到自己不该发脾气而向妈妈道歉,一家人一起去医院。 徐徐渐进、步步深入的情境叙说了本课对话发生的前因后果,教学时依据教学目标有详(情境2、4、5)有略(情境1、3、6)。充分开发的文本情境,有效完成对学生语言学习的引导,促成学生在开放性语言表达活动中语言的有效输出。3重点难点1. 询问他人的情绪和心理状态。2. 能根据他人的情绪提出合理的建议。4教学过程4.1第一学时4.1.1教学活动活动1【导入】Step1.Warmingup1. Free talk.2. Sing a song. The Way I Feel.活动2【讲授】Step2.Presentation1. T: Its Friday afternoon. Sarahs family are having dinner.PPT逐句出示:Sarah: Zhang Peng and Yifan will go to the zoo tomorrow. Can we go with them?Mum: Sure. Why not?Sam: Hooray!Dad: We should buy some food and drinks. Ill go to the supermarket after dinner.T: What are Sarahs family going to do tomorrow? What is Dad going to do after dinner?2. - How does Sam feel? - He is . 板书对话。板贴:happy We willl go tomorrow.3. T: Its 9:00 in the evening. Its raining heavily. Dad is walking in the rain with food and drinks in his hand. He has no umbrella.看图描述。4. PPT逐句出示(横线部分在学生自主填空后出示):Dad: Ah-choo! Ah-choo!Mum: Whats wrong?Dad: Its raining outside. Im all wet.Mum: How do you feel now?Dad: I feel cold.Mum: You should .T: Read the dialogue in pairs.5. T: Its 7:00 Saturday morning, and its time to get up. What are Sarahs family doing?Listen and circle. Q1: Who is talking? Q2: What are they talking about?播放Lets try录音两遍。6. T: Mum and Dad are talking.PPT完整出示(横线部分在学生听音填空后出示):Dad: Ah-choo!Mum: Bless you. Oh, no! You have a fever. You should see a doctor.Dad: Oh, but what about the zoo?Mum: Its OK. I will tell the kids.播放Lets try录音。7.T: How does Dad feel? S1: He is sad/ worried/ sorry/ .活动3【练习】Step3.PracticeConsolidation1.T: Mum is talking with kids. Watch and answer.Q1: Are they going to the zoo?播放课文视频。2. T: Watch again and answer.Q1: Why dont they go to the zoo today?Q2: How does Sam feel?板贴:sad angry We cant go today.3. Read and act the dialogue.4. T: Sam is sad. Sam is angry. What should he do?He should take a deep breath.He should listen to music.He should look outside.He should close his eyes and have a rest. .5. T: At that time, Zhang Peng and Yifan are in the zoo. They are waiting for Sarah and Sam.PPT整体出示: Where are Sarah and Sam? Whats wrong?T: Zhang Peng is calling Sam.PPT整体出示:Zhang Peng: Hi, Sam. We are in the zoo. Where are you?Sam: Oh, sorry! I cant .Zhang Peng: Why? Whats wrong?Sam: .Zhang Peng: . .Tips: Im sorry to hear that. Dont be You / He should T: Please make a new dialogue with your partner.6. T: Sam is talking with Mum.PPT整体出示:Sam: Im sorry, Mum. Dad is ill. We must go to the hospital first. Mum: Yes, Sam. Health comes first. Lets go to the zoo with Dad next time.Sam: OK. No problem!Mum: Youre a good boy!板贴:happy We can go next time.7. Sarahs family are on the way to the hospital.活动4【作业】Step4.Homework1.Listen and imitate the conversation on P60 for 5 times.2.Finish the exercise book on P42.3.Write down five ways to make yourself happy.
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