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苏州大学 硕士学位论文 “阳光体育”背景下高职院校学生体育社团开展现状研究-以 常州大学城六所高职院校为例 姓名:朱建军 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:体育教育训练学 指导教师:沈勇伟 2010-09 “阳光体育”背景下高职院校学生体育社团开展现状研究 摘 要 I “阳光体育”背景下高职院校学生体育社团开展现状研究 以常州大学城六所高职院校为例以常州大学城六所高职院校为例 摘 要 本文主要采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法及数理统计法等研究方法对阳光 体育背景下高职院校学生体育社团发展现状及发展对策进行了广泛的探讨。 研究主要 从近年来高职院校学生体育社团的功能、发展规模、人员构成、学生参与社团活动现 状、阳光体育背景下高职院校学生体育社团活动开展情况、组织管理状况、交流状况 及影响体育社团发展的制约因素等方面进行了具体的调查研究, 并根据学生体育社团 发展的现状提出了相应的发展对策,旨在完善高职院校学生体育社团组织建设,充分 发挥体育社团的功能,以最好的适应阳光体育运动背景下学生体育运动开展的需要。 本文研究结论如下: 1.从学生体育社团发展现状看,目前高职院校学生体育社团规模在不断扩大,社 团种类和新兴社团数量不断增多;人员构成方面,总体男生居多,学生年级分布差距 较大,大一、大二年级参与人数最多;学生参与社团项目种类呈多样性,社团管理人 员不足。 2.从学生参与体育社团活动现状看,高职院校学生参与社团活动的动机呈多样 性,并具有性别差异;学生参与社团的途径较宽泛,其中通过社团纳新现场报名参与 的人数最多,参与收获方面,学生认同率最高的是体质有所增强、课余生活丰富、社 交能力提高和养成了锻炼身体的习惯。 3.从学生体育社团活动开展状况看,学生社团的活动内容多是组织锻炼、组队参 赛、培训、指导和自由活动;活动范围多是部分校内、部分校外,单纯局限于校内活 动的社团数量最少;活动开展频度多是一周一次,每次活动时间多是 2 小时至 3 小时 内;活动场地器材严重不足,校内的免费场所利用最多;活动竞赛参与方式多是组队 参赛和组织学生观看比赛。 4.从社团指导教师参与现状看,指导教师的配备方式多是体育社团自行聘请和学 摘 要 “阳光体育”背景下高职院校学生体育社团开展现状研究 II 校主管部门的安排、聘请;指导教师参与社团活动指导的次数少,层次低,主要是由 于指导教师没有时间和精力、社团缺乏激励机制、学校没有硬性的要求等因素限制有 关。 5.从学生体育社团的外部交流状况看,交流范围多局限于校内,校际交流居次; 校际交流方式多通过友谊比赛、观摩学习和经验交流;社团自我宣传途径主要通过张 贴海报、举办活动和校园广播,现代网络媒体宣传途径运用较少,宣传手段较单一, 宣传力度不够。 6.从影响学生体育社团发展的因素看,外部因素主要体现在社团活动束缚较多、 物质条件匮乏、缺乏管理人才、缺乏必要的社会支持和学校不够重视、科学定位不准 等;内部因素主要体现在社团活动时间短、次数少、场地缺、活动指导人员不足和社 团经费缺乏、成员流动性大及社团评价体系不完善等。 关键词:关键词:阳光体育;高职院校;学生体育社团 作 者:朱建军 导 师:沈勇伟 “阳光体育”背景下高职院校学生体育社团开展现状研究 摘 要 III The Present Situation of the College Students Sports Associations in Higher Vocational colleges on the background of Sunny Sports -Six Higher Vocational Colleges in Changzhou University Town as an Example Abstract Using methods of questionnaire survey and interview, and mathematical statistics, this paper carries on the research for physical education background of the sun Vocational Development and Sports Club in the development of a wide range of countermeasures. Study from vocational college students in recent years, the Gongneng sports associations, the development of Gui Mo, staff Goucheng, student societies Huo Dong Shen Yu status, sun sports Vocational College under Background student sports club activities carried out in organizing and management situations, conditions and Ying Xiang Jiao Liu Sports Associations in constraints such as specific aspects of the survey research, and Sports Associations in the student the status quo of the corresponding countermeasures, Zhizaiwanshan Vocational College Student Sports Zuzhijianshe, full Fahui sports associations of Gongneng, best meet the sun sport sports background to carry out the needs of students. Conclusion of the study are as follows: 1. From the views of the Development of Student Sports, the current scale of vocational college students in the expanding sports associations, community types and the increasing number of new communities; staff composition, the overall male majority, big gap between the year of study, freshman, sophomore year the most number of participants; types of students to participate in community projects was the diversity of community managerial staff. 2. From the views of Student participation in sports club activities fat the present 摘 要 “阳光体育”背景下高职院校学生体育社团开展现状研究 IV situation , the motivation was diversity, and gender differences; students to participate in the broader community approach, which incorporated a new community site by the number of people enrolled in the most involved in harvesting, the students agree that the constitution has the highest rate of increase, after-school life, rich in social skills to enhance and develop the exercise habit. 3. From the views of students to carry out conditions of Sports Clubs, the activities of student organizations is to organize the contents of more exercise, team up for competition, training, guidance and free activities; range of activities and more are part of the school, part of the school, simply limited to the number of school activities association at least; activities are mostly carried out once a week frequency of each activity over time is within 2-3 hours; a serious shortage of equipment, venues, places for free use of school most; activities, contests and more participatory approach is to team up and participate and organize students to watch competition. 4. From the views of Community participation from the current situation of the instructor guide the way teachers are mostly equipped with sports associations and school authorities to employ their own arrangements to employ; instructor in the club guide the number of small, low level, mainly due to the instructor did not have time and energy Societies lack of incentives, schools do not have rigid requirements and other factors limit the. 5. From the views of student exchanges between sports organizations look outside the exchange area was restricted to schools, school exchange subordination; inter-school communication by way of more competition and learn from and exchange of experience; c
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