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EAST NORTH WEST SOUTH 艺术之旅pg21 艺术能够给人带来想像、思考、感 受的“事”和“物”的表现。 艺术作品必须是人为创造的,天 然的东西不叫艺术。 包括文学、 绘画、雕塑、建筑、音乐、舞蹈、 戏剧、电影、曲艺 之旅 之zhi:书面语- 的 例:艺术之旅 学习之旅 言之有理 旅 ( l_ )journey 出行的,在外作客的:行 (xng )。馆居。客 chu xing 抽象 只是理论上的;空洞不易捉摸 的。与“具体”相对。 abstraction 驳船 运河、河流上运载客货的大型平底船,没有动 力推进装置,无自航能力,靠机动船带动的船 。主要用于客货运输。驳船可以单只或编列成 队由拖船拖带或由推船顶推航行。设备简单、 吃水浅、载货量大。 湍急(tun j) 形容水流动的速度很快,急。 气息 1. breath呼吸时进出的气 2. 香气 一阵芬芳的气息从花丛中吹过来 3. 特征或显著的优点 充满中国农村生活的气息 行书xing shu 行书是楷书的快写,相传 始于汉末。它不及楷书的 工整,也没有草书的草率 。 草书 行书 对联 是写在纸、布上或刻在竹子、 木头、柱子上的对偶语句言简 意深,对仗工整,平仄协调, 是一字一音的中文语言独特的 艺术形式。 对联 把古往今来,重新说起; 将悲欢离合,再叙从头。 添增岁月人增寿 春满乾坤福满门 NE1: HarbourFront (interchange with Circle Line) NE2: Future Station NE3 / EW16: Outram Park (interchange with East West Line) NE4: Chinatown NE5: Clarke Quay NE6 / NS24: Dhoby Ghaut (interchange with North South Line and |Circle Line) NE7: Little India NE8: Farrer Park NE9: Boon Keng NE10: Potong Pasir NE11: Woodleigh (constructed but not operational) NE12: Serangoon (interchange with Circle Line) NE13: Kovan NE14: Hougang NE15: Buangkok (constructed but not operational) NE16 / STC: Sengkang (interchange with Sengkang LRT Line) NE17 / PTC: Punggol (interchange with Punggol LRT Line) 港湾 - 欧南园 - 牛车水 - 克拉码头 - 多美歌 - 小印度 - 花拉公园 - 文庆 - 波东巴 西 - 兀里 - 实龙岗 - 高文 - 后港 - 万国 - 盛港 - 榜 鹅 东北线 NE1 - HarbourFront Enigmatic Appearances by Ian Woo Abstract images on blue vitreous enamel panels evoke a sense of open seas and ocean-bound vessels. This maritime theme is depicted through clean, uncluttered line drawings of nature, water and symbols of the marine industry rendered in the artists fluid, minimalist style. A pair of footprints located at platform level adds a gentle touch of humour to the southernmost station of the North East Line. NE4 - Chinatown The Phoenixs-Eye Domain by Tan Swie Hian 陈瑞献凤眼界 This outstanding collection of artworks comprises a resplendent wall mural depicting the arrival of Singapores early Chinese immigrants and three sets of rhyming couplets in semi-cursive Chinese calligraphy. The richly coloured mural, featuring the mythical phoenix is located at concourse level while the poems are rendered as floor calligraphy at concourse and platform level. The Commuters by Teo Eng Seng One of the most thought provoking artworks on the North East Line, these rich and varied wall reliefs of people in motion reflect the thoughts and inner- most feelings of commuters. These images seem to emerge from the wall and disappear into it, inviting commuters to pause and contemplate their meaning. The work was originally fashioned in clay by the artist before being transferred onto concrete wall panels. NE5 - Clark Quay The Reflections by Chua Ek Kay A multi-faceted portrait of Singapore River today and in years past is presented through artworks in different mediums. On the station walls, four Chinese brush paintings depict Singapore River as the citys lifeline throughout its history while an abstract brass panel in rich, warm colours portrays the river in all its moods. Floor tiles of the painted eyes found on tongkangs or Chinese junks help guide commuters through the station. NE5 - Clark Quay NE3 - Outram Park Memories by Wang Lu Sheng The pageantry of Chinese opera and the symbols of law and medicine come together in this vibrant artwork that exults in Outram Parks unique heritage. Bold, graphic and deliberately large, the works respond to the size and scale of the interchange station. Mounted on vitreous enamel panels, they serve as colourful visual signposts for the stations different entrances Outram Park China town 今( jFn )昔( xF ) 对比新加坡的今昔,国人不禁赞叹 新加坡各方面发展得很快。 梭 穿( chuAn )梭( suK ) 形容来往次数很多。 这是一条很繁忙的公路,白天路 上汽车穿梭不停。 鲜( xiAn )艳( yDn ) 鲜明而美丽。 例句:植物园里五颜六色的花朵, 非常鲜艳,游客都爱拍几张照留念 。 移民 搬到外地或外国去居住的人。 例句:他一年前刚来新加坡定居, 是这里的新移民。 不( bX )屈( qU )不( bX )挠( nBo ) 形容意志坚强。 例句:叔叔遇到重重的困难,但 是他不屈不挠,想尽办法克服 困难。 凸( tU )显( xiCn ) 清楚地显露出来。 例句:文强获得全国绘画比赛冠 军,凸显了他在画画方面的才 华。 气( qI )息( xF ) 圣诞节即将来临,乌节路的街道装 饰得很漂亮,让人感受到喜庆欢乐 的气息。 多( duK )姿( zF )多( duK )彩( cCi ) 形容样式、颜色等多种多样,很 丰富。 例句:大学的生活多姿多彩,哥 哥很快地喜欢上了这所大学。 陈瑞献 1943年5月5日出生于 印尼苏门答腊北部 哈浪岛,祖籍福建 南安人。新加坡南 洋大学现代语言文 学系毕业,通晓华 文、英文、法文、 马来文四种语文。 东北线地铁 克拉码头站 水墨画、图案、 铜版画 牛车水站 书法对联、壁画 东北线每个地铁站都有艺术作品 ,而且都是根据各地区的特色来 设计的。 这些艺术作品不但能凸显每个地 铁站的特色,还能让人们在路途 中欣赏多姿多彩的艺术作品。 North south- bishan 碧山
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