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河南大学 硕士学位论文 河南省城市高中课外体育俱乐部现状调查与对策研究 姓名:张潘潘 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:学科教学(体育) 指导教师:殷红;郭伟 2011-05 I 摘 要 摘 要 随着我国教育制度改革的不断深入,学校体育改革在“健康第一”思想的指导下, 确立了新的思路和目标。为了满足广大高中学生的锻炼需求,高中课外体育俱乐部应运 而生。高中阶段的体育教育是培养二十一世纪人才整体教育的重要部分,从终身体育的 整体性和长久性来看,它是大学体育和初中体育的重要衔接点,对高中学生终身体育意 识的培养起到承前启后的作用。 本文主要采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑法,对河南省 城市高中学课外体育俱乐部开展的现状进行调查,并根据所存在的问题提出相应对策, 得出的结论如下: (1)课外体育俱乐在河南省城市高中学的普及程度不高。 (2)河南省 城市高中学课外体育俱乐部的开放时间和次数非常充足。 (3)河南省城市高中学课外体 育俱乐部的规模较小;部分会员对俱乐部管理不满,对开办俱乐部的态度冷淡;通过参 加俱乐部活动,会员在多方面都得到提高。 (4)河南省城市高中学课外体育俱乐部指导 教师以在职体育教师为主,女性教师人数少;大部分指导教师表示支持学校开办课外体 育俱乐部,自我评价工作态度认真;通过参加俱乐部的指导工作拉近了师生间的关系, 指导教师在专业知识等方面得到巩固。 (5)影响河南省城市高中学课外体育俱乐部发展 的主要因素有学校领导的重视程度不高、俱乐部会员的招收条件过高、俱乐部开设项目 少、资金和场地设施的不足、指导教师数量有限等。 针对河南省城市高中学课外体育俱乐部存在问题提出以下对策: (1)扩大会员的招 收范围,调整课外体育俱乐部的培养目标。 (2)课外体育俱乐部要解决费用问题,一方 面应该拓宽资金来源渠道,另一方面应该减少课外体育俱乐部不必要的日常开销。 (3) 为保证广大会员在课外体育俱乐部里的锻炼,学校应进一步解决场地器材短缺的问题, 校领导应该充分开发现有的体育资源,改善课外体育俱乐部场地设施不足的现状。 (4) 加强师资队伍建设,通过和当地师范院校的交流,做好指导教师的职后培训工作;针对 女性教师少的问题,建议开设有课外体育俱乐部的学校在引进体育人才时,适当增加女 性体育教师的数量。 (5)加大课外体育俱乐部的管理力度,完善俱乐部的管理体制,尤 其在细节方面,敢于进行制度创新。 关键词:河南省;城市高中;课外体育俱乐部;现状;对策 III ABSTRACT ABSTRACT As China deepening reform of the education system, school physical education reform in the Health First under the guidance of new ideas and establish goals. In order to meet the training needs of high school students, high school extracurricular sports club came into being. High school physical education is to foster education in the twenty-first century, an important part of overall talent. From lifelong physical integrity and longevity of view, it is an important convergence point of middle school sports and the college sports and it is also played a role for high school students on Physical training for life past. In this paper, we mainly use literature, interviews, questionnaires, statistics, logical method to get the status of Henan Province high school extracurricular sports club for the investigation, and according to the existing problems under the countermeasures and concluded as follows: (1) Extra-curricular sports clubs in Henan Province, the popularity of urban high school is not high. (2) Urban area high school extracurricular sports club opening hours and the number is adequate. (3) High school in Henan Province sports club in the smaller; some members of the club management dissatisfaction with the attitude of the club on cold start; by participating in club activities, members have been improved in many ways. (4) High school sports club in the city of Henan Province guide teachers in-service physical education teachers dominated the small number of female teachers; most of the instructors expressed their support for schools with extra-curricular sports clubs, self-evaluation work attitude; guidance through participation in the club pull closer relationships between teachers and students to guide teachers in the professional knowledge, etc. to be consolidated. (5) City of Henan Province, high school sports club in the development of the main factors of great importance to school leaders are not highly recruited overqualified club members, the club opened IV fewer projects, lack of funding and facilities, guidance and limited number of teachers . According to the existence of extra-curricular sports clubs of high school in Henan Province, we put forward the following measures: (1) Expanding the scope to recruit members to adjust the training objectives of extra-curricular sports clubs. (2) The cost of extracurricular sports club to solve the problem, one should broaden the channels of funding sources, on the other hand should reduce the daily cost of extra-curricular sports clubs. (3) To ensure that the majority of members in the exercise extra-curricular sports clubs, schools should further resolve the problem of shortage of space equipment, school leaders should fully develop the existing sports resources and improve the inadequate facilities sports club in the status quo. (4) To strengthen teaching staff, and the local normal universities through the exchange of good guidance to the post of teacher training; for female teachers less, the proposed creation of a school extra-curricular sports clubs sports talents in the introduction, due to increase the number of female physical education teachers. (5) Increase the management of extra-curricular sports clubs in efforts to improve the clubs management system, especially in the detail, and dare to get the original ideas of the system. Key words: Henan Province; City High School; Extra-curricular Sports Clubs; Status Quo; Countermeasures 关于学位论文独创声明和学术诚信承诺 本人向河南大学提出硕士学位申请。本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文是本人在导 师的指导下独立完成的, 对所研究的课题有新的见解。 据我所知, 除文中特别加以说明、 标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包括其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包括其 他人为获得任何教育、科研机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同事对 本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 在此本人郑重承诺:所呈交的学位论文不存在舞弊作伪行为,文责自负。 学位申请人(学位论文作者)签名: 201 年 月 日 关于学位论文著作权使用授权书 本人经河南大学审核批准授予硕士学位。作为学位论文的作者,本人完全了解并同 意河南大学有关保留、使用学位论文的要求,即河南大学有权向国家图书馆、科研信息 机构、数据收集机构
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