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太原理工大学 硕士学位论文 太原理工大学男子足球队员心肺功能现状的研究 姓名:刘翀 申请学位级别:硕士 专业: 指导教师:任晋军 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 I 太原理工大学男子足球队员心肺功能现状的研究 摘 要 高校足球运动是中国足球发展的一个重要组成部分,随着近年国内大 学生联赛的增多,各高校的足球运动也更加受人重视,因此,认识高校足 球队自身的特点,提高学生队员身体素质,不断提高运动水平是非常重要 的。2006 年 7 月,太原理工大学足球队在沈阳举行的“李宁杯”中国大学 生足球联赛中以骄人的战绩为我省夺得首个全国性赛事亚军,取得历史性 突破。作为太原理工大学足球队队长的我效力于我校多年,见证我校足球 队的成长。06 年之后的联赛,虽然我队也取得不俗战绩,但难以超越 06 的 辉煌。那年作为夺冠队伍的北京理工大学新闻网的一篇纪实报道一语道破 我校足球队在上半场最后阶段时体力已经开始下降。这些年来,我通过赛 后总结发现,我校足球队中大多数球员曾效力过我国职业球队,技战术水 平不亚于历年夺冠的球队。但是在整体的体能上不是很均衡,尤其主力队 员意外受伤或战术需要下场,替补队员上场后这种体能的差异尤为突出。 本选题通过对我校足球队员心肺功能的现状进行研究,比较主力与非主力 队员之间的差异,以期寻求更好的训练方法缩小两者之间的在体能上的差 异,为球队在新老交替,提高体力水平方面提供理论依据。 本文利用意大利科时迈(COSMED)公司生产的 quarkb 2型运动心肺功能 测试仪及与之配套的功率自行车(E 100K 型)对太原理工大学男子足球队 24 名队员进行实验,并得出结论。 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 II 1、在运动能力方面,太原理工大学男子足球队主力队员在亚极量负荷 和极量负荷时的运动能力均高于替补队员。 2、通气量与呼吸方式方面,无氧阈(VT)时,太原理工大学主力与替 补队员的每分通气量(VE)分别为 112.831.8L/min,74.432.8 L/min, 经统计学比较具有非常显著性差异。最大摄氧量时太原理工大学主力与替 补队员的通气量和呼吸方式基本一致。 3、在运动心功能方面受试者达到通气阈(VT)时,主力队员每博摄氧 能力强于替补队员, 主力队员的心功能好于替补队员。 在最大摄氧量 VO2max 时,两组队员心率经统计学检验无显著性差异,表明在极量负荷阶段,两 组队员的心功能相当。 4、运动中的气体交换和能量代谢经过对比发现:替补队员无氧功能较 主力队员早进行,在相对较低的摄氧量时,氧利用率不高。主力队员的最 大摄氧能力要高于替补队员。本实验中太原理工大学男子足球队主力队员 的呼吸商显著低于替补队员。表明主力队员队员与替补队员相比在单位时 间内摄氧量较大,运动能力强。 关键词:男子足球,心肺功能,最大摄氧量,通气阈 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 III RESEARCH ON PRESENT SITUATION OF FOOTBALL PLAYERSHEART-LUNG FUNCTION IN TAIYUAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACT College football is football an important part of development, with the recent increase in the domestic league college students, the college sport, football and more the subject of attention, therefore, understand the characteristics of their own college football team, student team members to improve physical fitness, and continuously Improving competition level is very important. July 2006, Taiyuan University of Technology football team in Shenyang at the Li Ning Cup China University Football League record with impressive win for the provinces first national tournament runner-up, made a historic breakthrough. Taiyuan University of Technology as a captain, I played for my school for many years and witnessed the growth of our school football team. In 2006 after the league, although I have also made impressive team record, but it is difficult beyond the 06 glory. Winning team that year as the Beijing Institute of a documentary news network report gave away my school football team in the first half when the final stage of physical strength has begun to fall. Over the years, I found that by summing up after the game, most of my school football team players have played for professional teams in China, 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 IV technical and tactical teams to win no less than previous years. But the overall is not very balanced physically, in particular, accidental injury or tactical Players need to end, after playing second string this physical difference is particularly important. The topics on our school football team to study the status of heart and lung function compared with non-main difference between the main players in order to narrow the search for better methods of training between the two physical differences in, for the team replaced old ones, raise the level of provision of physical theory. In this paper, the Italian subjects of step (COSMED) produced quarkb 2 Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing Instrument and the accompanying power bike (E 100K type) of the Taiyuan University of Technology mens soccer team to conduct 24 experiments, and draw conclusions. 1. exercise capacity, the Taiyuan University of Technology Mens Soccer Players in the sub-maximum load and maximum load capacity is higher than when the movement of substitutes. 2. ventilation and breathing pattern, the anaerobic threshold (VT), the main force of Taiyuan University of Technology and the substitutes minute ventilation (VE) were 112.8 31.8L/min, 74.4 32.8 L / min, through statistical Comparison of a very significant difference. When the maximum oxygen uptake and Taiyuan University of Technology main substitutes of ventilation and breathing consistent. 太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文 V 3. cardiac function in the movement subjects to ventilatory threshold (VT), the main Bo oxygen intake for each team is stronger than substitutes, the major players in the cardiac function better than substitutes. In maximal oxygen uptake VO2max, the two players heart rate were statistically no significant difference test, indicating that maximum load stage, two members of the cardiac function fairly. 4. the movement of gas exchange, and energy metabolism was found after comparison: substitutes anaerobic function earlier than the main players were, in the relatively low oxygen uptake, the oxygen utilization is not high. Players of the maximum oxygen intake than substitutes. In this study, Taiyuan University of Technology mens soccer team in the leading player in the respiratory quotient was significantly lower than substitutes. Players team and substitutes that in unit
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