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苏州大学 硕士学位论文 无锡市高职院校教师体育健身现状的实证研究 姓名:孙敦武 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:体育教育训练学 指导教师:钟华 2010-09 无锡市高职院校教师体育健身现状的实证研究 摘 要 I 无锡市高职院校教师体育健身现状的实证研究 摘 要 随着我国经济的快速发展,技术型人才需求量快速上升,为了满足市场需要,培 养技术型人才的高职院校招生数量急剧扩大,相对应的师资力量也逐年增加,职业教 育已经成为我国教育的重要组成部分。教师的健康问题关系到国家教育事业的发展, 关系到国家科教兴国,全面建设小康社会宏伟目标的实现。因此,研究无锡市高职院 校教师的体育健身现状特点,为他们树立科学健身观念提供依据,为当地政府和主管 部门制定全民健身计划提供参考, 这对祖国的教育事业和经济的可持续发展具有重大 意义。 本文以无锡市高职院校教师为调查对象,采用文献资料法、调查法、数理统计法 和逻辑分析法等研究方法,对无锡市高职院校教师的健康状况、业余生活方式、体育 健身活动现状、体育健身动机和体育健身认知程度等方面进行了分析,并对目前影响 无锡市高职院校教师体育健身的主要因素进行调查研究。 研究结果表明:1、无锡市高职院校教师的身体健康状况不容乐观,亚健康和处 于疾病状态的教师共占调查人数的 71.09%,其中女性教师健康水平整体低于男性教 师。2、常见病中运动器官疾病、呼吸系统疾病、和消化系统疾病列前三位;超重和 肥胖已经成为无锡市高职院校教师普遍存在的问题。3、家务劳动时间平均为 1.51 小 时;余暇时间平均为 3.29 小时,余暇时间主要用于看电视、上网,玩游戏、业务文 化学习,而参加体育活动仅排第七位。4、体育消费水平合理,但体育消费结构较单 一。5、体育人口 29.85和本省高校教职工 30.48%持平,低于全国和本市,主要影 响因素是女性每周锻炼次数过低。6、部分教师对体育健身认知程度较低。7、活动时 间主要在下午 2 点到 5 点和节假日;与家人、同事,朋友一起锻炼为主要锻炼形式; 锻炼项目选择上,男性偏重于对抗性球类项目,女性多以小强度的散步慢跑为主;锻 炼场所受项目影响主要以公路,街道旁和单位体育场馆为主。8、体育健身动机多样 化,优势动机为强身健体,辅助动机为消遣娱乐和社会交往。9、影响教师体育健身 摘 要 无锡市高职院校教师体育健身现状的实证研究 II 的主要主观因素是工作负担重身心已疲惫,主要客观因素是没有时间和场地。 通过对无锡市高职院校教师体育健身现状分析及对体育健身主要影响因素的研 究,结合本地实际情况,提出能有效促进无锡市高职院校教师参加体育健身的对策, 目的是增进无锡市高职院校教师健康,丰富教师业余生活,提高生活质量,促进我国 全民健身计划的顺利开展。 关键词:无锡市;高职院校;体育健身;现状关键词:无锡市;高职院校;体育健身;现状 作作 者:者:孙敦武 指导老师:指导老师:钟 华 An Experimental Research on Sports Fitness Situation of Higher Vocational School Teachers in Wuxi Abstract III An Experimental Research on Sports Fitness Situation of Higher Vocational School Teachers in Wuxi Abstract The rapid development of our economy is in great need of technology talents. In order to meet the market needs, higher vocational colleges which cultivate technology talents has enrolled a large number of students, which requires a lot of corresponding teachers year by year. Vocational education has become an important part of education. Teachers health problems are closely related to the national education development and also are linked to rejuvenating the nation and the objectives of building a well-off society. Therefore, the study on sports fitness situation of teachers in vocational colleges in Wuxi is helpful for them to establish the scientific fitness ideas, provides the local government and departments with these materials for setting out a fitness plan, which is of great significance to the education and sustainable development of the economy. The assay, by using the method of documentary, questionnaire, mathematical statistics ,logic analysis and other methods, investigates many teachers in Wuxi higher vocational colleges. It focuses on their health situation , amateur ifestyle, sports behavior characteristic, fitness motivation and cognitive. In addition , it conducts a survey on the various factors which influence their sports fitness. The research results show that teachers health is not optimistic. 71.09 percent of all the investigated teachers are sub-healthy or ill .In all the diseases, the sport organs disease, common respiratory disease, and digestive systems are listed the top three. Overweight and obesity has become common problems .On average, housework time covers 1.51 hours and Leisure time , 3.29 hours . Leisure time, is mainly used for online games, TV, reading newspapers, magazines and sports activities and so on . Sports consumption level is reasonable, but the sports consumption structure is more onefold. For a lack of womens weekly exercise, sports population covers only 29.85 percent ,equal to 30.48 percent, the rate of college teachers in our province, below the rate of the national and the city . Teachers has high sports fitness cognition. Teachers take exercises mainly in the afternoon Abstract An Experimental Research on Sports Fitness Situation of Higher Vocational School Teachers in Wuxi IV and holiday time. They usually train with family, colleagues, and friends. On the choice of exercise program, men tend to adversarial ball with little strength while women tend to walking or jogging. The streets, highways, and sports venues are main exercise places. Fitness motivations are various; main for good health and auxiliary motivation for entertainment and social intercourse. A heavy work burden and tired mood are one of the subjective factors. No time and no place are objective factors. The research on the sport fitness of teachers of higher vocational colleges in Wuxi and the analysis of the sports fitness main influencing factors of actual situation, combining local research, will lead people to put forward some effective measures to promote sport fitness .The assay is aimed at keeping teachers in Wuxi higher vocational colleges healthy ,enriching their amateur lives and improving life quality to promote the national fitness plan . Key words: Wuxi; Higher vocational colleges; Sports fitness ; situation Written by: Sundunwu Suppervised by: Zhonghua 无锡市高职院校教师体育健身现状的实证研究 1 前言 1 1 前 言 1.1 选题依据 1.1.1 国家健身计划实施的需要 健康是人生命、活动、工作能力的基础,拥有健康并不代表拥有一切,但丧失了 健
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