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Unit 4 I Have a Pen Pal Part B lets talk does word puzzles goes hiking studies Chinese cooks Chinese food 1.Whats are the monkeys hobbies? 2. Whats are Zacs hobbies? 3.Why was the monkey so angry? He likes singing and dancing. He likes reading books. He doesnt like Zacs music. Task 1 : School is over. Miss White is talking to Wu Yi fan. 1.What are they talking about? A. A computer B. A pen pal 2. How old is the student from Australia? A. He is 11 years old B. He is 12 years old. Task2,自由朗读对话,找 出不会读的地方。 writing an e-mail 写电子邮件 Sydney 悉尼 Canberra 堪培拉 amazing 令人吃惊的 Task 3:小师傅检查小徒弟 读单词,并教会自己的小 徒弟。 3分钟后期待小徒弟的发言 Task4: 快速阅读课文回答下面问题: What is Wu Yifan doing? He is writing an e-mail to his new penpal. Does his penpal live in Sydney? No, he doesnt . He lives in Canberra. What his hobby? He likes doing word puzzles and going hiking. Task 5 我是小小翻译家 下面请师徒之间相互讨论对话 的中文意思然后写下来,三分钟 后看哪位翻译家最厉害! 嘿,一凡。你正在做什么? 我正在给我在澳大利亚的新笔友写一封 电子邮件。 他住在悉尼吗? 不,他不住在悉尼。他住在堪培拉。他 的名字叫约翰。 真的吗?他喜欢猜字谜和去远足吗? 是的,他喜欢。 太令人惊奇了!我也喜欢那些!我也能 成为他的笔友吗? 当然。为什么不呢? 棒极了! Task6:跟老师读对话2 遍,然后全班齐读一遍 Task7:小师傅检查小徒 弟读对话,并教会自己的 小徒弟。 3分钟后期待小徒弟的发 言! 1、do word puzzles He does word puzzles. Does he do word puzzles? Yes,he does. No,he doesnt. 2、go hiking He goes word puzzles. Does he go hiking? Yes, he does. No , he doesnt. Task 9: Talk about your hobbies. Then finish writing this message to John in Australia.
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