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FLAC/FLAC3D Short Course,Itasca Software Training Course Tongji University Shanghai, China October 27-31, 2008,Peter Cundall, Yanhui Han & Roger Hart Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.,Training Schedule October 27, 2008 (afternoon),01:00 - 02:00 Overview of FLAC/FLAC3D features and capabilities Overview of capabilities in geo-engineering Theoretical basis General operation procedures 02:00 - 03:00 Grid generation for FLAC models New virtual-grid generation tools Automatic re-meshing capability during cycling 03:00 03:15 Break 03:15 - 04:15 Structural element topics Connecting structural elements to represent multiple support Simulating pre-tensioning 04:15 05:00 Stress initialization techniques Techniques for initializing stress in non-uniform grids,FLAC is a general-purpose code that can simulate a full range of nonlinear static & dynamic mechanical problems, with coupled fluid flow, heat flow and structural interaction. Any geometry can be represented, and the boundary conditions are quite general. FLAC simulates the behavior of nonlinear continua (with embedded interfaces) by the generalized finite difference method (arbitrary element shapes), also known as the finite volume method. FLAC solves the dynamic equations of motion in the time domain and follows any constitutive relation in large or small strain mode. Every feature of FLAC is accessible from a powerful Graphical User Interface. FLAC contains an embedded language, FISH, that gives the user access to all internal variables, and allows custom-written functions.,What is FLAC?,FLAC,Large-strain or small-strain calculation mode. Many built-in constitutive models that are representative of geologic, or similar, materials; optional C+ user-written models. Interface elements to simulate joints or distinct planes of weakness. Plane-strain, plane-stress and axisymmetric geometry modes. Groundwater and consolidation (fully coupled) models with automatic phreatic surface calculation; two-phase flow. Structural element models for soil-structure interaction cables, piles, beams, liners, shotcrete, soil reinforcement, etc. Dynamic analysis capability; full groundwater coupling. Creep analysis, with viscoelastic and viscoplastic models. Thermal analysis, with coupling to solid & fluid., is suited to modeling continuous materials (containing, perhaps, a few discontinuities) that exhibit nonlinear behavior. In particular, it features:,Shear strainrate contours,FLAC3D,similar to FLAC, but in three dimensions contains the same features as listed for FLAC,upstream,downstream,New Features in FLAC Version 6.0,Speedup of double-precision version by converting to Intel Fortran compiler Automatic re-meshing scheme for large-strain analysis to overcome bad-geometry problems. New constitutive model for simulating friction hardening behavior of granular soil Generic grid generation tool to facilitate grid creation,Released in September 2008,example,New Features in FLAC3D Version 3.1,Parallel processing on multiprocessor computers (e.g., dual processors or dual core processor) New structural element type “Embedded Liner” provides shear/slip and normal interaction with the grid on both sides of the liner (e.g., to simulate buried sheet pile walls) New Mixed Discretization scheme for tetrahedral elements “Nodal Mixed Discretization” provides more accurate solution of plasticity problems using tetrahedral grids 64 bit version of FLAC3D Help File containing Command Reference, FISH Reference and Example Applications,Released in December 2006,Planned New Features in FLAC3D Version 4.0,New constitutive model for simulating friction hardening behavior of granular soil Automatic re-meshing scheme for large-strain analysis to overcome bad-geometry problems 3. Improved interface logic Fast fluid-flow logic Updated Dynamic Analysis volume,Estimated release: mid 2009,Constitutive Models for FLAC and FLAC3D,Built-in Models,User-defined Models*,Elasticity models: Isotropic Transversely isotropic Orthotropic Plasticity models: Drucker-Prager Mohr-Coulomb Ubiquitous-joint Strain-hardening/softening Bilinear strain-hardening/softening/ubiquitous-joint Double-yield Modified Cam-clay Hoek-Brown CYsoil friction hardening, with elliptical cap Dynamic Liquefaction models: Finn (Martin et al., 1975) model Bryne, 1991 model Creep models: Viscoelastic Burgers substance viscoelastic Two-component power law Reference creep formulation (WIPP) Burger-creep/Mohr-Coulomb viscoplastic Two-component power law/Mohr-Coulomb viscoplastic WIPP-creep/Drucker-Prager viscoplastic Crushed-salt,*partial list of models created by (or developed for) code users,Elasticity models: Hyperbolic elastic Duncan-Chang, 1980 Plasticity models: NorSand Jardine et al., 1986 Manzari-Dafalias, 1997 Kleine et al., 2006 Concrete hydration vonWolffersdorff hypo-plastic Dynamic Liquefaction models: UBCSAND UBCTOT Wang, 1990 Roth et al.,2001 Andrianopoulos, 2005 Creep models: Minkl
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