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I. Vocabulary and Structure1. -Would you like to have dinner with us this evening? -_.A. Ok, but I have to go to a meeting now.B. No, I cantC. Sorry, this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents.D. I dont know.2. - Please help yourself to some fish.-_.A. Thanks, but I dont like fish B. Sorry, I cant helpC. Well, fish dont suit me D. No, I dont want to do that3. -Its getting late. Im afraid I must be going now.-OK. _. A. Take it easy B. Go slowly C. Stay longer D. See you4. -Could I ask you a rather personal question?-_ A. Yes, dont worry. B. Of course, go ahead.C. Yes, help yourself.D. Of course, why not?5. -Well done. Congratulations on your success. - _.A. Thank you very much B. Oh, no, noC. No, I didnt do well D. Sorry, I couldnt do any better6. _ is well known, the key to success lies in hard work.A. As B. That C. Which D. What7. The doctor will not perform the operation _ it is absolutely necessary.A. so B. if C. for D. unless8. Today the police can watch cars _ on roads by radar.A. run B .to run C. running D. to be run9. The little boy saw the plane _ and burst into flames.A. complete B. compel C. crash D. clutch10. Beijing is well _ its beautiful scenery and the Great Wall.A. known as B. known toC. known about D. known for11. When he returned to his hometown twenty years later, he found it had changed out of _. A. recollectionB. retentionC. resurrectionD. recognition12. Please dont get mad me. I was only trying to help. A. onB. toC. atD. against13. The jury decided that Susan was guilty murder. A. on B. by C. of D. with14. The Mississippi River carries great amounts of fine sand and silt into the Gulf of Mexico south of New Orleans.A. collections B. moundsC. reserves D. quantities15. In his mathematics, Archimedes employed methods that resembled those of contemporary integral calculus.A. were similar toB. establishedC. were supported byD. prescribed16. Without exception, the earliest literate societies originated along the banks of great rivers.A. public librariesB. schools C. naval academies D. communities17. She arranged a party to help put the strangers at their _.A. pleasureB. easeC. peaceD. delight18. I dont think that car is _ the money you paid for it.A. equalB. satisfactory C. worthD. profitable19. His business is growing so fast that he has to _ more workers.A. take upB. take on C. take over D. take out20. He has an open _ on the subject, so you could easily persuade him.A. brain B. mindC. sense D. breast21. Ones mastery of a foreign language is largely determined by his _ to the language. A. measureB. exposureC. pressureD. seizure22. Peoples _ about the loud noise there forced the government to close that factory. A. struggleB. complaintC. hatredD. irritation23. The _ of the various sciences are in some way more important than the sciences themselves.A. applicationB. useC. usageD. implication24. His _ led to his final failure.A. ignoranceB. informationC. achievementD. knowledge25. Before 1949, many poor children in China died of _.A. shortageB. starvationC. hungerD. angerII. Cloze There are 10 blanks in the following passage(s). For each blank there are five choices marked A, B, C, D and E. Choose the ONE that best fits into the passage(s).For thousands of years, people thought of glass as something beautiful to look at. Only recently 36 come to think of it as something look through. Stores 37 their goods in large glass windows. Glass bottles and jars 38 food and drink allow us to see the contents. Glass 39 spectacles(眼镜), microscopes(显微镜), telescopes, and many other very useful and necessary objects, and glasses are used by people who cannot see 40 or by people who want to protect their eyes 41 bright light. Microscopes make tiny things larger 42 we can examine them. Telescopes make objects that are far away appear 43 closer to us.However in recent years plastics have replaced glass 44 conditions where glass might be easily broken. There are new uses being developed for glass that were never imagined in the past. Perhaps the greatest 45 of glass is that its constituent(形成的) parts are inexpensive and can be found all over the world.36. A. they B. do they C. they have D. have they37. A. protect B. hide C. display D. set aside38. A. hold B. held
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