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1,Unit 13 Types of English Intonation,2,What is tone & intonation?,Tones are the way our voice moves up and down. The way we use these tones is called intonation.,3,About intonation,The melody of language Refers to the total pattern of pitch changes Another important element of spoken English Makes English sound really English,4,English intonation adds the meaning of an utterance in two ways: A. It shows the relationship of words within and between sentences; B. It tells something about the feeling of the speaker.,About intonation,5,I. Types of English Intonation,1. Falling tone 2. Rising tone 3. Fall-rise tone (or fall-rise tone),6,The falling tone,Questions What would you like? What will you have? Where are you going? What time is it? Wheres your lab book? Where did you leave it?,Statements and short answers Id like a sandwich. Ill have a hotdog and a coke. To the lab. Its a quarter past four. I lost it. I dont remember.,Falling intonation is used for both of these. The left column has information-asking questions which begin with wh words. The right column has statements and short answers.,7,The rising tone,Yes/ No questions (Rising intonation) Are you coming late? May I help you? Is it cold outside? Shall I wait for you? Did he bring his money? Would you like any dessert?,Answers (Falling intonation) If I can. Yes, Ill have a hotdog. Its very cold. No, you go ahead. No, he forgot it. Yes, Ill have some ice-cream.,Rising intonation is use for the questions. Falling intonation is used for the answers. Notice that some of the answers contain direct yes/no answers, which others imply yes or no in the statements or short answers which follow.,8,The fall-rise tone,The fall-rise consists of a fall from rather high to low and then a rise to about the middle of the voice. The fall-rise is connected with the stressed syllable of the last important word. Like the falling and the rising tones. It is only completed on one syllable if that syllable is final in the group. If there is one or several syllables following, the fall and the rise are spread.,9,yes. why? fifty. That was nice. That wasnt very friendly. He was quite kind.,The fall-rise tone,10,Falling tone: - What would you like? - Id like a chicken-salad sandwich. - What will you have? - Ill have a hotdog and a coke. - Where are you going? - To the lab. - What time is it? - Its a quarter past four. - Where did you leave it? - I dont re member.,11,Rising tone Are you coming later? If I can. May I help you? Yes, Ill have a hotdog. Is it cold outside? Its very cold. Shall I wait for you? No, you go a head. Did he bring his money? No, he for got it.,12,Falling-rising tone - Do you know German? - I can read it. -Everyone knows a bout it. - Well, not everyone. - We got there about midnight. - I think it was earlier than that. - Nobody wants to buy them. - Nobody can af ford to buy them. - Are you sure hes coming to night? - He said so.,13,Mark out the tones of the following sentences. 1. Is Gloria coming tonight? Im not sure. 2. Is there anything special? Its a large party. 3. Is it somebodys birthday? Its house-warming. 4. Will we need to bring something? A bottle of wine will do. 5. Do we need a big cake? That would be great.,14,Mark out the tones of the following sentences. 1. Is Gloria coming to night? Im not sure. 2. Is there anything special? Its a large party. 3. Is it somebodys birthday? Its house-warming. 4. Will we need to bring something? A bottle of wine will do. 5. Do we need a big cake? That would be great.,15,Unit14 Intonation Units of English,P = Pre-head H = Head N = Nucleus T = Tail,16,Elements in an intonation unit,The nucleus: the stressed syllable of the last 调核 prominent word in a tone unit The tail: any syllable or syllables that may 调尾 follow the nucleus The head: the part of a tone unit that extends from 调头 the first stressed syllable up to the nucleus The pre-head: any unstressed syllable or syllables that 调冠 may precede the head - or the nucleus, if there is no head,17,We are LEARNing a FOReign LANGuage. P H N T P = Pre-head H = Head N = Nucleus T = Tail,18,Mark out the elements in the following intonation units.,P H N T : Shell be able to do it properly. P H N : It was a very dark night. P N T : He said so. P N : Theyll be late. H N T : Isnt John going? H N : Go ahead. N T : Pardon? N : Thanks.,19,Mark out the elements in the following intonation units.,P H N T : Shell be able to do it properly. P H N : It was a very dark night. P N T : He said so. P N : Theyll be late. H N T : Isnt John going? H N : Go ahead. N T : Pardon? N : Thanks.,20,Structures of an intonation unit,PH N: I am afraid we cant go. P NT: We hope so. P N: It was at night. H NT: When are they coming? H N: Peter has arr
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