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1写作训练(1)语法与写作名 词【常见问题】对于名词,学生在实际写作应用中主要存在以下常见问题:1写作中对于复数名词易疏漏-s 或-es ,如Id love to make friend with you. (误)All the picture displayed are of great value. (误)2部分名词的复数变化错误,如: familys, knifes, difficulttys, pinaoes, heros, woman doctors, tooths, childrens, medias。3部分词性易混作名词,如:动词误作名词 形容词误作名词动词 名词 形容词 名词succeed success honest honestyaffect effect healthy healthThrough your constant effort, you will success sooner or later. (误)Taking regular exercise can benefit our healthy. (误)4可数与不可数名词混淆。如:不可数 可数take action take measuressome advice suggestionstake exercise eye exercisesmake progressinformationIt is high time we took actions to reduce the factors contributing to global warming. (误)Without your help, I wouldnt have made progresses in English. (误)【写作词汇升级】运用高级词汇或替换划线部分内容1. Realizing her mom must be very tired after a day s work, the girl helps to remove the bag from her shoulder. In return/reply, the mom kneels down to show how happy and thankful she feels.Realizing her mom must be very tired after a days work, the girl helps to remove the bag from her shoulder. In response, the mom kneels down to show how happy and thankful she feels.2. I often read your newspaper.Im a regular reader of your newspaper.3. Im really interested in this job and hope I can work for you.Im really interested in this position and hope I can work for you.4. Thus I began to recognize the advantages of my classmates and have everyone do their part in class.Thus I began to recognize the strengths of my classmates and have everyone do their part in class.5. As is known to all, as peoples living standards improve, cars have become a popular means of transport, and is very convenient to our life.As is known to all, with the improvement of peoples living standards, cars have become a popular 2means of transport, bringing great convenience to our life.6. Most Chinese mothers are not in favor of what the writer did.The majority of Chinese mothers are not in favor of What the writer did.7. But I have some difficulties with note-taking and I dont know how to use the library.But I have some difficulties with note-taking and I have no idea of how to use the library.8. I like these rare animals very much because they are faced with dying out.I like these rare animals very much because they are in danger of dying out.冠 词【常见问题聚焦】由于受到汉语的干扰,疏漏冠词是我们中国学生在写作中常见错误类型之一。存在的误区有以下几种:1对抽象名词具体化的应用判断失误。The Christmas evening party was success. (误) The Christmas evening party was a success. (正) 2. 冠词在一些固定结构中的误用。Mrs. Taylor has an eight-year-old daughter who has the gift for painting-she has won two national prizes.(误)Mrs. Taylor has an eight-year-old daughter who has a gift for painting-she has won two national prizes. (正)Our teacher is kind to us and he often has words with us. (误)Our teacher is kind to us and he often has a word with us. (正)3. 冠词表示类别和不用冠词时的易错点。In many places in China, a bicycle is still the popular means of transportation. (误)In many places in China, the bicycle is still a popular means of transportation. (正)【写作词汇升级】运用高级词汇或结构替换划线部分内容1. He entered the house, with a gun in his hand.He entered the house, gun in hand.2. Although she is a child, she has a great interest in the stars.Child as/though she is, she has a great interest in the stars.3. The teacher will give us a talk this afternoon. He is al-so a writer.The teacher and writer will give us a talk this after-noon.4. He walks to school every morning.He goes to school by walk/on foot every morning.5. A dog is faithful to its master.The dog is faithful to its master.Dogs are faithful to their masters.6. These sweaters have the same size.These sweaters are of a size.7. After two trials, he tried once more.He tried a third time after two trials.8. She disappointed us.She was a disappointment to us.39. We should learn from him. Hes a man like Lei Feng.He is a Lei Feng, so we should learn from him.10. He likes writing with a pencil.He likes writing in pencil.代 词【常见问题聚焦】.学生在实际应用中有下列错误倾向:1主格、宾语混乱,如:You and us should join hands to do it. (误)You and we should join hands to do it. (正)2. 语序错误,如:I and my family all like playing golf. (误)My family and I all like playing golf. (正)3称谓指代混乱,如:(1) Everyone should take an umbrella with yourself. (误)(2) Recently there is a heated discussion about whether its necessary to cancel the division of liberal art classes and science classes in Senior Middle Schools on the Internet.Someone thinks it can help students improve all-round abilities . (误)在某一篇习作中,不少同学都写出了第二自然段这样的表达,it 到底指代上文的什么,令人费解。.改正下列习作中代词的使用错误1. I would appreciate you if you could come and help me with my work.改正:I would appreciate it if you could come and help me with my work.2. She kept looking behind her to see if she was being lowed.改正:She kept looking behind herself to see if she was being followed.3. In order to guarantee the students health, the school offers them a bag of milk every.改正:In orde
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