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中考冲刺英语仿真模拟试题第二部分 笔试部分( 共90分 )二、单项填空(本大题有15小题, 每小题1分, 共15分)在每小题的四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案, 并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。26. After seeing the huge popularity of Chinas shared bicycles, a new company is rolling out (推出) shared BMWs. You can use your phone to rent _ for _ entire day for about 200 yuan.A. it; the B. them; an C. one; an D. ones; the27. Miss Li, I want to buy some books online, could you give me some_?No problem. I will send you some screenshots (截图), but I wont send you Taobao links because its really _ for you to open those links one by one.A. suggestions; annoyed B. suggestion; annoying C. advice; annoying; D. advices; annoyed28. Its said that our government will come up with a new_ plan to build more houses this year. What do you think?The prices of houses are so high that people born _ would rather not buy houses.A. 3 years; in the 1990 B. 3 years; in the 1990s C. 3-year; in the 1990s D. 3-year; in 1990s29. Tommy, how can I send a voice message on Wechat? Touch “Messages” to open a chat, and then hold to talk. Youd better not send a voice message longer than 60 seconds or the one_ contains something as_as an “OK”. A. which; longer B. that;short C. who; short D. what; shorter30. Nowadays people wish to eat _ than before as their life improves.A. healthily B. the healthiest C. healthier D. more healthily31. According to a recent survey, many 7 to _ hope to get jobs about modern technology, _ professions such as police officers or doctors.A. 11 years olds; without B. 11 years old; instead of C. 11-year-old; would rather D. 11-year-olds; rather than32. “Plogging” is a new way to keep fit. It _ in 2016 and became very popular in Sweden. Runners _ plastic litter while jogging.A. worked out; pick out B. came out; pick up C. worked out; throw away D. came out; throw away33. In 2015, Karlie Kloss supported 21 young women to _ a coding (编程) course, _ girls are not encouraged to learn it.A. join; or B. join in; but C. attend; even though D. take part in; while34.The Lantern Festival _ part of Chinese New Year celebrations since the Han Dynasty. Ancient Chinese believed that some spirits could be seen on that day. _ them find the spirits, they used lanterns of every shape, size and color.A. is;Helping B. was; To help C. has been; Helping D. has been; To help来源:Z。xx。k.Com35. Family has always been valued by the Chinese people, and that tradition _ so as to make sure that the young grow up healthily and the old _.A. are not forgotten; will be taken care B. may not be forgotten; are taken care 来源:Zxxk.ComC. should not be forgotten; are taken care of D. would not be forgot; is taken care of 36. Jeremy, do you like the songs of Taylor Swift? Exactly after three years, she released (发行) her _ album “1989”, shes back!Yes, and she decided _ the name “Reputation(声誉)” to her new album.A. fifth; to give B. the fifth; to give C. fifth; giving D. the fifth; giving37. Will you go to Jims birthday party on the coming Saturday?I _ part in the party unless Lily _.A. will take; will invite B. wont take; is invited C. take; invites D. wont take; will be invited38. Kelly, do you know _ the A-level test? He failed last year, but he finally did it well by practicing every day.A. when Jacky took part in B. when did Jacky take part inC. how does Jacky get good grades in D. how Jacky got good grades in39. The car ran over a dog and a boy_ were just crossing the street.来源:学科网_ bad news it was!A. who; what B. that; what C. which; what a D. who; how40.No one will become a successful person without others help._. One tree cant make a forest.A. I dont agree with you. B. Thats true. C. Thats all right. D. Im sorry to hear that.来源:学#科#网三、完形填空(本大题有10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分) 通读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后在每小题所给的四个选项中, 选出_个最佳答案, 并 将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。 Very little known about William Shakespeares childhood. He was born in London _41_ 1564. Williams father was a successful leather businessman. He was the third of six children. He had two older sisters and three younger brothers. He went to the local grammar school where he _42_ about po
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