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(北师大版)三年级英语下册课外拓展Unit 7 At the restaurant教学目标:1.知识与技能:1)能够听懂、说出、认读本课与表达对食物喜好相关的词汇并扩展学习词汇:popcorn, chocolate。2)能够在情境中模仿和运用表达对食物喜好的交际用语:Do you like ?Yes, I do. /No, I dont.What do you want to eat? I want to eat .3) 能够运用所学过的词语及句型就对食物喜好进行实际对话交流。2.过程与方法:1)学生观看有关食物的词汇,快速操练并拓展本课所涉及的词汇,为后面交流作语言铺垫。2)利用动画创设情境,用“I like Do you like ?”的问题及回答“Yes, I do. I like them very much. /No, I dont. I like ”来进行实际交际。3)学生能够在“Bingo”活动中,有趣味地操练本课的句型“What do you want to eat? I want to eat ”4)创设情景,学生运用所学词汇和句型来对话讨论对食物的喜好完成改编对话的任务,在此基础上进行对话表演的实际交流。3.情感态度与价值观:1)学生运用多种感官感知学习内容,接受语言信息,体验学习的乐趣。2)在询问和表达对食物喜好的同时,鼓励学生大胆陈述自己的观点,勇于创新。教学重点:句型:Do you like ?Yes, I do. /No, I dont.What do you want to eat? I want to eat 单词:popcorn, chocolate。教学难点:学生在情景对话中,熟练运用所学句型。What do you want to eat? I want to eat 教学准备:教学课件,单词卡片,电脑。教 学 过 程教师活动学生活动教学意图及效果分析一、Warm up热身1.出示PPT,学生看图快速说词汇T: Hello, children. Lets play a game. You can see some pictures and words, please read them out.Lets see who has sharp eyes.二、新授阶段:1.学习新词T: In our daily life, we can eat so many delicious food. Now, here are many other kinds of food to eat. Do you know them?T: Ok, great! You all have sharp eyes!2. Whats missing? 游戏,巩固单词的掌握。T: Now, boys and girls. You can see 3 words each group, and then one word is missing. Please tell me which is missing.T: You did a good job!3.创设情景,学习重点句型:1) T: Look at this picture; do you know where they are?In the restaurant, Ken and Ann are talking about food they like to eat. Now, well watch the video and then tell me what you have heard.T: What do you like?T: Lets try to ask this question together.T: I give a card for each group. You pass it and ask “Do you like ?”And then other one answers: “Yes, I do/ No, I dont.”教师小结T: I think this is a interesting game, Im happy, are you happy?2) Watch the video again and find out a question with “wh”. If you can or you like, please try to read this dialogue follow the video.再看可以跟读,找出wh的问句。教师出现卡片认读重点句型T: Here are so many food to eat. What do you want to eat?I want to eat some _. (出示卡片)教师示范回答。4.Lets play a game-Bingo师生示范操作方法:教师询问学生“I want to eat some noodles, what do you want to eat?”学生答“I want to eat some noodles.”T: We are friend. Lets go.师生成为好朋友。找到3位就完成Bingo任务了。Give you 3 minutes.5.朗读对话Take out your paper and well read this dialogue. Pay attention to listen to the dialogue and point each sentence.三、对话T: Look at this picture, could you tell me where it is? Now they are MacDonald, Origus and Pizza Hut. Would you like to talk about food you like with your friend in MacDonald or other places?四、Homework:Prepare a piece of paper, please write out 3 sentences about food you like and you dislike. You can decorate it- draw some pictures or put down some stickers on the paper.学生观看PPT中的图片,准确、清楚、快速地说出已学有关食物的词汇。总结出vegetables, fruit,观看PPT,学生理解并认读扩展词汇chicken, hot dogs, fried rice, noodles, French fries, popcorn, chocolate。并由学生将图片贴与黑板上看PPT认读单词,而后找出缺少的词汇。1) 学生回答:They are in a restaurant.Do you like chicken?Do you like hot dogs?Do you like French fries?2) 学生根据自己对食物的喜好进行回答。S1: Yes, I do.(教师板书)S2: No, I dont. I like noodles.3) 运用单词卡片操练问答Ss:Do you like _ ?S1: Yes, I do.S2: No, I dont. 4) 小组问答:Pass and say in group:传单词卡片并读问答,看哪组又好又快。学生回答问题,将食物词汇和讨论食物喜好的句型复现巩固,并说出重点句型What do you want to eat? (出示卡片)集体读,小组读,个别读S1: I want to eat some fried rice.S2: I want to eat some chicken.S3: I want to eat some noodles.Ask and answer in pairs.学生小组活动,2人一组,互问互答。S1: What do you want to eat?S2: I want to eat some apples.3组展示问答学生在全班范围内进行操练重点句型的询问与回答。S1:I want to eat some popcorn. What do you want to eat?S2: I want to eat some popcorn. S1 and S2: We want to eat some popcorn. What do you want to eat?S3: I want to eat some popcorn.S1, S2 and S3: We want to eat some popcorn. What do you want to eat?S4: I want to eat some popcorn.S1, S2, S3 and S4: Bingo.找2-3组汇报拿出材料,听录音,指读对话Work in pairs.2组展示学生34人一组改编或创编对话关于自己对食物喜好的表达。小组活动表演展示意图:在快速说单词游戏中引导学生步入学习状态,利用学生已有知识经验,为新知学习作铺垫。效果分析:学生比较感兴趣,而且能够快速、准确地说出所出示的单词。意图:通过学生对已有词汇的输出,促使学生复习巩固已学知识,在此基础上将新词加以呈现,以旧带新,促使学生学习的积极性持续保持。效果分析:学生注意力比较集中,几乎全体同学都积极参与其中,开口说英文。先利用词卡操练,帮助学生认读,而后让学生将图和词卡相配,都能够正确完成任务,检测了学生的理解,有意义。意图:教师的示范引导学生在活动中对食物单词进行操练,在活动中学,又检测学生对重点词汇的理解和掌握。效果分析:学生对此活动非常感兴趣,对所给词汇准确认读和朗读。但是在形式上略显单一,可以单一的操练,既复现词汇又检测学生掌握的情况,一举两得。意图:观看对话,呈现讨论食物喜好的表达方式,同时训练学生听的能力。运用图片操练提问的方式促进学生能够迅速掌握。效果分析:学生很好的听出对话中的语言,但是不知如何来表达,这方面的训练比较少。另外,在放动画时不出文字就让学生来听,既是听力的训练,学生又容易表达。意图:利用小组活动反复巩固对食物喜好表达的方式,同时促进学生熟练运用来交流。效果分析:教师通过语言和实际示范操作,让全体学生明白
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