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北师大版四年级英语上册教案Unit4 where is it?第一课时教学目标:1知识与能力1.初步学习句型: Where is it?的提问和回答;学习方位介词in, on, under, in front of, behind。2.初步感知学习课文,使学生能够初步理解故事内容,并能熟练说出表示方位的句型,能够在情境中熟练地进行提问和回答。2过程与方法通过创设真实的情境,始终以不同的任务设计引导学生在完成不同的任务中学习本课英语,并在故事情景中感知故事,理解故事,体会功能句型的用法。3情感态度与价值观使学生认识到诚实的重要性,体会到帮助别人的乐趣。教学重点:教学单词in, on, under, in front of, behind。教学难点:创设情景,练习单词in, on, under, in front of, behind。教学准备:1 自制教学挂图 2 介词卡片3 实物投影仪 4 计算机及自制教学课件5 复印好的课堂活动纸 6 坚果实物:nut 核头、栗子、花生实践活动:完成不同的任务,练习单词和句型。板书设计:Unit 4 Where is it?Where is _?Its in the water. Is it in the water?Mocky is In front of the tree.The squirrel is Behind the tree.Is it on the ground? No, it isnt.It isnt under the rock.教学过程设计:一Warm up and review.(3分钟)Activity1:带领学生表演唱歌曲This is the way we wash our hands.Activity2:假设创设情境,找不到brush,问:Where is the chalk? Where is it? Can you help me? 引导学生帮忙找,教学Its in the desk. 强调in.板书课题,引导学生读课题2遍。 二Presentation (1) (2分钟)Drill: 复习介词in,渗透句型Where is it?Activity1:用动作帮助学生练习说:Where is the nut? Its in the desk. Its in the box. Its in the bag. Its in the pencil-box. Where is Mocky?Activity2:引导学生思考:Where is Mocky? 教师介绍:Mocky is under the tree. Now, well watch a new story. Lets watch and think: Who can you see?完整播放课件一遍,学生看后思考且回答。教师介绍并提出问题:Look, Mocky is sad.(课件打出问题Why is Mocky sad?) Why is Mocky sad? Do you know? No, I dont know. Do you want to know? Lets see.三Presentation (2) (6分钟)Drill: 初步感知故事片断2,教学介词behind /in front of.学习句型Where is it? Its behind / in front of _。Activity1: 教师播放课件,引导学生观看并思考:Why is Mocky sad? 请学生进行讲解。Activity2: 运用课件,教学发音in front of。1出示介词,引导学生练习拼读。2指着前面某个学生说:XX is in front of XX. Who is in front of you?3引导学生说话。再指其他同学的桌子,问:Where is it?,引导学生回答:Its in front of XXX. 4让同学们说一说自己这一行的同学,Who is in front of Who.Activity3: 运用课件,教学发音behind。教师通过转换说法,引导学生理解behind. Who is in front of Who, We can say: Who is behind Who?带领学生和老师一起说XX is behind XX. Who is in front of you?。Activity4: Guessing game: Who is she? Shes behind XX. 带领学生猜一猜。教师提问:Do you know where the nut is? (Yes, I do.) Does Lulu know where it is? (No, he doesnt.) So, Lulu helps Mocky look for the nut. Where is it?设计意图:通过逐层深入的方式,引导学生进行学习,体验,帮助学生在自然的环境中学习,充分体现关注全体学生,渗透素质教育的理念。四Presentation (3) (5分钟)Drill: 初步感知故事片断3,教学介词on / under.复习句型Where is it? Its on / under _。学习句型 Is it on / under_? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.Drill: 利用卡片教学介词on, under.练习句型Where is it?。Activity1: 教师播放课件,引导学生观看并思考: How does he help Mocky? 请学生进行讲解。Activity2: 教师利用图片,形象教学rock/ ground. 通过转换说法,引导学生理解on, under,教学其发音。Activity2: 请学生做动作来记忆on, under.教师指令:Put your book on your hand.Put your pencil on your book.Put your head under your book.请学生发指令,举例:Put your book under your hand.Put your pencil under your book.Put your nose under your book.Activity3:练习模仿学习这部分句型。1.请学生打开书,自己练习朗读。2.播放录音引导学生模仿,用板书和手势强调语调。3.通过引导学生回答,强调发音It isnt.4.板书重点内容Is it on the ground? No, it isnt.It isnt under the rock.5.Is Mocky happy? (课件展示)请学生带着感情色彩朗读句型。Are you happy? Lets play a listening and pasting game. I have some pictures. Look, Its a tree. Its a rock. Its a bird. Its a squirrel. Its Mocky. Please listen and choose the right position, OK?五Presentation (3) (3分钟)Drill: 初步感知故事片断1,集中复习介词和句型。Activity1: 教师播放录音,引导学生观看并思考,Where is it?然后请学生进行粘贴。Activity2: 运用课件,核对答案,并带领学生跟读。六Moral education (4) (2分钟)通过问题引导,引导学生思考:Mocky is happy.2.Is Lulu happy? (课件展示)请3名同学发言,教师小结:热心地帮助朋友可以获得更大的快乐。3. Is the squirrel happy? (课件展示)请3名同学发言,教师小结:保留意见。课件展示:Honest is the wealth.Are you honest? Please say:读单词卡片。七练习朗读课文故事(5分钟)。1. 请学生打开书,听录音,并跟读。Do you like the story? Please open your books. Turn to page 38,Listen and repeat.2.学生分角色跟录音读,学生可以选择自己喜欢的角色,可以是一个,也可以是多个。3.学生自己练习读课文,可以自己读,也可以分角色读。有问题请想办法解决。教师巡视指导。4.请2组展示结果,一个个人,一个小组分角色。5引导学生看课件,给故事配音2遍。八Drill and activity together. (4分钟)Activity:教师准备2组不同的图片,请学生用英语查找不同,练习句型Where is it? Its .九Language ability. (8分钟)Activity:请学生帮助老师整理凌乱的屋子,并用英语告诉老师,老师请学生进行摆放这些物品。十Class closing and homework. (2分钟)1评价2大组的表现。2引导学生帮忙找东西,练习句型。留作业:让学生回家去和家长一起做这个游戏,并让家长happy。设计意图:创设真实的task,引导学生应用英语做事情。
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