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Module 10 Unit2 Point to her nose教学目标:结合新课程标准提出的基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标和具体要求我将本课教学目标设计如下:语言知识目标:1、使学生掌握身体部位的单词:eyes、ears、nose、mouth并运用句型:Point to2、学习认读分辨单词:his和her3、学会唱英语歌:Head and shoulders语言技能目标:、使学生能够根据指令做动作。、根据图片和身体部位说出单词和句子。、能区分his和her。情感态度目标:通过本课学习使学生有兴趣听、说英语、做游戏、敢于开口,乐于模仿,在鼓励性评价中树立信心.在教学中渗透学生学习习惯的养成教育。教学重难点:重点:单词eye, ear, mouth, nose, her目标语句Point to her nose.难点:mouth,ear 的发音,物主代词his, her的正确使用教学对象分析:三年级的学生好动,喜欢游戏,乐于参与和表演,所以这一节课要创设一定的情境,让学生在情境中学习,多种教学手段交替使用,尽量利用实物、图片以及课件等直观教具进行教学,使学生始终处于新鲜、求知欲旺盛、学习情绪高涨的氛围之中。教学策略:本课时主要是学习有关器官的单词,教师要尽可能利用各种媒体手段,如实物、图画、动作、课件、等进行教学,形象直观,生动活泼,有助于吸引学生的注意力,激发他们的兴趣,有助于帮助学生直接理解所学内容。要尽量多给学生提供参加语言交际的机会,只有交际化的教学才能使学生感到所学内容有趣,达到学以至用的目的。教法方法:在教学中,运用图片、实物,多媒体等作道具,创设情景场面进行情趣操练。让学生在欢乐、活跃的氛围中,产生轻松、快乐、自信的感觉,从而激发学习热情,培养学习兴趣。 情景教学法 多媒体教学法 全身动作反应法 游戏辅助法教学过程:一、Warm-up and lead-in: 1、 Greetings:师生问好2、 lets sing a song 出示课件:师生齐唱歌曲3、 Point and say :(复习身体部位单词,练习point to)Teacher say and ss point.(全体学生做)Ask a boy to the front, teacher points, then let the other students say ( point to his head,)Ask two ss to the front, a student say, the other student point.(此环节中sing有助于营造宽松、愉悦的语言学习氛围,利于学生积极情感态度的形成。既可激发学生的学习兴趣,有效地复习旧知,同时也为新知的进一步学习起到了铺垫的作用。)4、找两名学生(男女各一名)上台,教师指着学生分别用This is his.和This is her.句型介绍,让学生体会his和her 的用法 。引出新词her并教授。(出示课件显示句型)5、出示课件(机器人):练习句型This is his.和This is her(学生说句子)二、Presentation: 1. New words(课件展示:)noseT: Point to your nose. (Write nose on the blackboard.) one by one ,group by group.) T: (Point to my nose.) T: I can smell with my nose. I can see with my Ss: Eyes.T: (Write eye on the blackboard.)Ss: (Read after the teacher, practice one by one, group by group.) T: How many eyes have you got? Ss: Two eyes.T: Close your eyes. Open your eyes.Ss: (Listen and do.)Use the same way to learn the following words: mouth (eat) ear (hear) (多种感官参与学习活动的设计符合低年级儿童的生理及心理特点,学习效果好。变换不一的操练形式,避免了学习语言时的枯燥、乏味感。)2. New pattern drillsT: (Show a doll.) Look! Whats this?Ss: Its a doll.T: This is my doll. Its got two big eyes, a small nose, a red mouth and two small ears. Its very beautiful. I like her very much. Do you like her?Ss: Yes!T: Now, listen and point, please. Point to her nose/ eyes/ mouth/ears/ head/ arms/legs/hands/feet.Ss: (point and say.)(帮助学生熟练身体各部位的名称,锻炼学生的快速反应能力。)T: (Write Point to her on the blackboard.) Ss: (Read after the teacher, practice row by row.)T: Can you make a chant?Ss: Nose, nose, point to her nose. Eyes, eyes, point to her eyes. mouth, mouth, point to her mouth. Ears, ears, point to her ears.(整节课的板书都是随着学生的认知、理解过程逐渐完善的,而非机械地呈现、认读、记忆,体现出了逐层深入的教学原则。)3. Learn the contents of the text(课件)a. Listen and point .T: (Play the tape-recorder.)Ss: (Listen and point to the sentences.)b. Listen and say.T: (Play the tape-recorder again.)Ss: (Listen and repeat.)c. Point and say.四、Practise: Lets play a game.1.Draw four faces on the blackboard. Let some students stick eyes, mouths, ears and noses on the faces.(在游戏活动中巩固所学,符合课标提倡的“玩中学”观点。)2. Lets do some drills.(k7出示检测题)(此这项活动形式有利于检查学生对新知识的掌握)3、learn a new song: head and shoulderStep Five: Sum up.T: Today we learnt four new wordsSs: Nose, eye, mouth, ear. T: And a sentence patternSs: Point to herStep Six: Homework. Do the exercises on page 42. 1. Look and say.Handwriting on the blackboard: Module10 Unit 2 nose.Point to her mouth. ears eyes.
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