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Unit 8 Happy New Year,Story time,Unit 8 Happy New Year,Story time,New Year,Happy New Year!,Whats missing?,Game time,Whats missing?,Whats missing?,Whats missing?,Whats missing?,Whats missing?,Learn time.,Story time.,Lets watch and tick. (看动画,勾出谁得到了礼物?),Who get the presents? (故事中谁得到礼物?),Story time.,Lets watch and tick. (看动画,勾出Uncle John给谁带来了礼物?),Story time.,Lets watch and tick. (看动画,勾出Uncle John给谁带来了礼物?),Who get the presents? (故事中Uncle John给谁带来了礼物?),Do a puzzle.,A,B,C,D,Uncle John,约翰叔叔,Who brought them presents? 谁给他们带来了礼物?他是谁?,Mikes home,Uncle John带着礼物去Mike家拜年啦!,Story time.,Lets watch and tick. (看动画,勾出Uncle John的带来了哪些物?),What gifts are mentioned? (故事中提到了哪几种礼物?),Story time.,Lets watch and tick. (看动画,勾出Uncle John的带来了哪些物?),X,X,Story time.,Lets watch and tick. (看动画,勾出Uncle John的带来了哪些物?),What gifts are mentioned? (故事中提到了哪几种礼物?),1.,2.,3.,Helen,Mike,Tim,Story time.,Lets listen and match. (听录音,连一连Uncle John分别把礼物都送给了谁?),This is for you,Mike.,Thank you.,This is for you,Helen.,Thank you.,Its for you,Tim.,Learn time.,This is for you. = Its for you. 这是给你的。 它是给你的。,Thank you. 谢谢。,Lets read (朗读故事,注意语音语调),重读,升调,降调,连读,Story time.,Story time.,Lets read (朗读故事,注意语音语调),重读,升调,降调,连读,Happy New Year, Uncle John.,Happy New Year!,This is for you,Helen.,Thank you, Uncle John.,Whats this?,Its a doll.,How nice!,Thank you.,This is for you,Mike.,Whats that?,Its a ball.,Whats this?,Its a robot. Its for Tim.,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。,Read in roles.(分角色读),Read by oneself. (自己读),Read together.(齐读),Lets read,Story time.,Lets read . (打开书本,读一读),Tim的礼物没被打开,是为了表示对别人的尊重。,Culture time.,Lets imagine发挥想像力,想一想,Tim回来了,想一想: Tim 会和他们说什么、做什么呢?,Lets act.,让我们把Tim回来后的情景演一演吧!,要求: 1.快速分配角色。 2.两分钟时间准备。 看看哪个小组想象力最丰富,表演得最好哦!,Happy New Year! This is for you. Thank you. Whats this/ that? Its a How nice/ Great,Story time.,Lets show. (演一演,秀一秀),四个人一组分角色表演课文,一名学生扮演Uncle John,一名扮演Mike,一名扮演Helen,一名扮演Tim,注意语音语调,配上动作哦!,d,a,b,r,o,t,1,2,3,1.轻松过关: 你能拼出以下单词吗?,Thank you./Thanks.,Whats that?,4.别人送你礼物时,你可以说:,2.你想要知道远处的东西是什么时,可以问:,2.轻松过关:你能答对以下题目吗?,Whats this?,1.你想要知道近处的东西是什么时,可以问:,3.你送别人礼物时,你可以说:,Its for you./This is for you.,Practice,A:Hello, . B:Hello, . A:Whats this? B:Its a . A:Whats that? B:Its a . How nice! A:This is for you. B:Thank you.,用下列句子,与你的同桌编一段对话。,1.Listen to the tape and read Story time.听磁带,朗读 故事时间。 2.Preview Cartoon time ,read three times. 预习卡通时间,读三遍。,Homework,
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