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如何写出令人瞩目的工作经验(中英)人事经理对简历又爱又恨。他们必须浏览简历选择适合职位空缺的人选,但经常不得不费力地阅读一大堆写得不好的工作经验。如果你的信息能令人事经理眼前一亮,对你的资历迅速认可,那你就比别的求职者更胜一筹。 如何将工作经验写得更生动,吸引人事经理注意,以下九点建议供你参考: 1.别把工作经验写成职位描述 求职者常犯的一个错误就是把工作经验写成职位描述。有的求职者纯粹就是逐字逐句地照搬职位描述。这样写出来的工作经验只是将工作职责重新描述一番,而丝毫未谈及自己在工作中的表现。 2.证明你的价值 人事经理浏览你的简历时,想要了解你是一名什么样的员工。如果你的简历能表明你在以前的公司一贯表现良好,招聘者就会认为你是一名合适的人选。关键在于突出你的成就和证明你的潜在价值。 3.将结果量化 下面哪一句话给你的印象更深刻? 上面两个例子中,求职者力图表现他增加了公司收入,扩大客户储备,但B中将他创造的效益量化了。要尽可能地将你的工作成果量化。1 2 3 4 5 6 7 注意并非每个人都能泄露公司情况的数据。如果提供此类信息违反了公司的保密制度,可以用别的方式表现你所取得的成就。如使用百分数代替具体金额数目。 4.你的PAR怎么样? PAR代表问题行动结果,这种方式能有效地启发你思考你所取得的成就。你曾面临什么样的挑战?遇到问题时,你会采取什么样的解决方法?你的努力有何成效,你的表现为公司带来哪些收益?列出你的PAR成就,将其中最主要的成就写入你的简历。 5.以工作成绩开头 教你一招管用的办法:把你取得的成就写在遇到的问题和采取的行动之前,这样招聘者首先就能看到你的成绩中最引人注目的方面。 例如:我扭转了公司每年损失两百万美元市场份额的局面-通过简化基准流程和组建一支精英销售队伍。 6.使简历具有可读性 有些人撰写简历时,用箭头标出工作经验,但这样会使职责和成就看起来很混乱,减弱了你的成就给人留下的印象。有的简历长篇大论地书写自己的工作经验,令人望而生畏,尤其是人事经理只是快速浏览简历,攫取主要信息。 应该双管齐下,叙述和箭头并用。用一段话简洁地描述你每一份工作的职责范围,用箭头标出你的主要贡献。箭头能令人事经理将注意力转移到你的工作成绩上,同时也可以让他的眼睛放松一下。给你的成绩列表添加一个标题,如“主要成绩”或“突出贡献”。1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7.有的放矢-使简历符合目标要求 简历是你推销自己的工具。工作经验应该符合你当前的求职目标,这样才能成功地将你自己推销出去。着重突出和当前求职目标相关的成绩,去掉与目标无关的职责和成就。 8.使用有感染力的词语 简历写作质量将决定你能否获得面试的机会,因此要谨慎措词。避免使用陈旧乏味的词语如“负责”,“职责包括”。请参看行动性语言和有感染力的词语寻找灵感。 9.诚实 调查表明求职者经常编造简历上的工作经验。但是如果你态度诚恳,工作经验写得条理分明,即使你的背景稍有瑕疵,也能成功地获得面试机会。简历写作的最佳策略就是始终诚实地交待自己的背景。Write a Winning Employment HistoryHiring managers have love-hate relationships with resumes. They need resumes to find candidates to fill job openings, but they often have to wade through piles of poorly written work histories. If you give a hiring manager the information needed to make a quick decision about your credentials, you will have an edge over other applicants.Here are nine ways you can jazz up your experience section to capture the attention of hiring managers:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Ditch the Job Description.One of the most common mistakes is to write experience sections that read like job descriptions. Some job seekers go so far as to copy job descriptions word for word. The result is a boring recap of job duties with no indication of actual job performance. 2. Prove Your Value. Hiring managers scan your resume looking for clues about what type of worker you are. If you show that you consistently produced positive results for previous employers, you will be seen as a desirable candidate. The key is to emphasize your accomplishments and provide proof of your potential value. 3. Quantify Results. Which statement has more impact? In both cases, the candidate is trying to convey he increased revenues and expanded the client base, but statement B measures how well he achieved this growth. Wherever possible, include measurable results of your work. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Note that not everyone can release company performance figures. If presenting this information is a breach of confidentiality, find another way to present your accomplishments. For example, use percentages rather than actual dollar figures. 4. Are You Up to PAR? PAR stands for Problem Action Results and is a good starting point for thinking about your accomplishments. What types of challenges did you face? What actions did you take to overcome the problems? What was the result of your efforts, and how did your performance benefit the company? Write down a list of your PAR accomplishments and incorporate the most impressive ones into your resume. 5. Lead with Your Works Outcomes. An effective strategy is to write the result of your work before listing the problem and action. This allows you to lead with the most compelling aspect of your accomplishment. For example: Reversed an annual $2 million decline in market share by streamlining the benchmark process and building a top-flight sales team. 1 2 3 4 5 6 76. Make It Readable. Some resumes use bullets to outline work histories, but this tends to blur duties and accomplishments, which dilutes the impact of achievements. Other resumes use a narrative style to describe work history, which tends to be cumbersome to read, especially for hiring managers who are quickly scanning resumes to extract key information. Instead, use a combination of paragraphs and bullets. For each employer, provide a brief paragraph that details the scope of your responsibilities. Then create a bulleted list of your top contributions. The bullets draw attention to your accomplishments, while giving the eye a place to rest. Preface accomplishments with a heading such as Key Accomplishments or Significant Contributions. 7. Target Your Experience to Your Goal. Resumes are marketing tools. Your employment history should effectively market you for your current job objective. Focus on accomplishments that relate to your goal and remove job duties and accomplishments that dont support your objective. 8. Use Power Words. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The quality of the writing makes or br
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