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Unit 5 My clothes Part B 习题一、补充单词1. co_t. 4. sh_ _t.2. s_ _ater. 5.s_cks.3. ja_ _et.二、补充对话A: Look at that_. Its _.B: Yes, it is . Its very _C: Can I help you ?A/B: Yes. I want a_. That one is pretty. How much is it?C: Its _ Yuan.A/B: Thats _. Ill take it./Sorry,I dont want it.三、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Are your pants new or _(new 的反义词). 2. I have a pair of new _(short). 3. My favorite clothes _(be) shorts. 4. _(who) dress is this? 5. Its from _(I) mom. 6. I like your _(shoe). 7. How many _(zoo)are there in your city? 8. What color _(be) your pants.四、根据回答,来完成问题的英语表述1 _这件外套是白色的。2. _ 这些裤子是我爸爸的。3. _这是我的裙子。五、 根据图片,补充单词。1 Whose _ are those?2 Whose _ is this?3 I want to wear my _ _.4 Are this Amys _.六、 写出你衣柜中的衣物吧(不能少于五件)_ 2
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