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Unit 7 Food Festival,I cooked the most successfully.,Section C,Topic 3,Look at the picture and discuss in groups.,1.How did the food festival go? 2.Were the results worth the effort? 3.Did the parents and the teachers like the food? 4.What foods and drinks did they sell? 5.Did they make a lot of money?,Look at the pictures and decide whether the following statements are true or false.Then read and check.,1.All the teachers loved the food,but some of the parents didnt. 2.Kangkang did a better job than Jane and Maria. 3.The children made over 1500 for Free the Children.,( ) ( ) ( ),1a,F,T,T,n.工作,职业,1.Who cooked successfully? 2.Who cooked more successfully? 3.Who cooked (the) most successfully?,Maria.,Jane.,Kangkang.,Listen and answer the questions.,1a,Read and understand.,1a,1.The first International Food Festival went very well,and the results were worth the effort. 第一届国际美食节进展非常顺利,并且付出的努力都有回报。 (1)go well 进展顺利 E.g:一切进展顺利吗? Does everything go well? (2)worth 值得的,有价值的;be worth sth.值; be worth doing sth.值得做某事(表示被动意义) E.g:这台电脑不值得修理。 The computer isnt worth repairing. 2. .,and in the end we made over 1 500. ,最后我们挣了1500多元。 in the end=at last 最后,Key points of 1a,Jane cooked more successfully. =Jane cooked more successfully than she / her. 1. 副词比较级的句型:比较级表示的是两个人或物中“一个比另一个更”,也可用于两部分之间的比较。 句型: A + 动词 + 副词的比较级 + than + B 意为“A做某事比B更”。 2. more 一般与双音节或多音节的形容词或副词连用构成比较级。 如: more beautiful,more carefully,more slowly,Grammar,Grammar,Jane cooks more successfully than she/her. 简做饭做得比她更成功。 在“副词比较级+than” 的句式中,当than前后的动词相同时,通常用助动词代替后面的动词。后面的动词或助动词可以省略。 如: I sing better than she (does). 我唱歌比她唱得好。,Grammar,I cooked the most successfully.我做饭做得最成功。 1.副词的最高级。三者或三者以上之中的“最”,用形容词、副词的最高级。副词最高级前的the可省略。 常见的结构为:A + 动词 +(the)副词的最高级 + of/in/among. 如: Li Lei came to school (the) latest in his class yesterday. 2. the most 与双音节或多音节的形容词或副词连用构成最高级。 如:the most quickly,the most carefully,the most slowly,Read 1a again and understand the underlined sentences. Then make new sentences by following them.,1b,Maria cooked very successfully. Jane cooked more successfully (than she did). I cooked the most successfully (of the three).,What do you think is the correct way to eat the food? Discuss with your partner after the example.,Food steak fruit salad ice cream fried noodles fried chicken,Food sandwich sushi chicken curry tofu soup,Way to eat fingers knife and fork chopsticks spoon,2,adv.整洁地,整齐地,Example: Maria:What did you make for the food festival,Mina? Mina:I made fried noodles. Maria:How do we eat them?Do we need a fork? Mina:No,you use chopsticks. Maria:Oh,I dont think I can eat it very neatly! Mina:Well,if you want to,you can use forks to eat fried noodles.,use sth. to do sth. 使用某物去做某事,Survey your classmates about the food they like and complete the table.Then report to your classmates.,You may report like this: Jane likes sausage because she thinks it is quick and delicious._ _,3,Project,words: 1.工作 2.值得的/ 有价值的 3.努力/艰难地尝试 4.成功地 5.牛排/肉排/鱼排 6.整洁地/整齐地 Phrases: 1.值得做某事 2.两者都 3.进展顺利 4.最后,job,worth,effort,successfully,steak,neatly,be worth doing sth.,bothand,go well,in the end= at last,Sentences 1.我有一些好消息告诉你。 2.第一届国际美食节进展非常顺利,并且付出的努力都有回报。 3.最后我们挣了1500多元。 4.Maria 煮得非常成功。 Jane 煮得更成功。 我煮得最成功。,I have some good news to tell you.,The first International Food Festival went very well, and the results were worth the effort.,In the end we made over 1 500.,Maria cooked very successfully.,Jane cooked more successfully.,I cooked the most successfully.,Exercises in class,一、单项选择。 ( ) 1. Tony goes to school _ than any other student in her class. A. early B. earlier C. earliest D. the earliest ( ) 2. Who runs _ , Lisa, Eliza or Tara? A. fast B. faster C. the fastest D. most fast ( ) 3. What do you think of the book? Its interesting. Its really worth _. A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading ( ) 4. Luo Lin does _ than any other student in her class. A. better B. well C. good D. best ( ) 5. Maria cuts the meat _ of all the students in her class. A. finely B. more finely C. fine D. the most finely,B,C,D,A,D,Kangkang _ an e-mail to Craig. In this letter, he _ him some good news. In _ to help the children in Kenya, they _ a wonderful food festival, and there were many things on _. They _some fruit soups, snacks, main _,desserts and drinks. The _ popular food was fried noodles. The students _ happy, because they_ over 1 500 in the end.,二、综合填空。 联系上下文,选择正确的单词,用适当的形式完成短文。,order, course, send, sale, most, make, be, have, tell, prepare,Exercises in class,sent,told,order,had,sale,prepared,courses,most,were,made,We learn:,We can:,Summary,1. Some new words and phrases: job,worth,effort,successfully,steak,ne
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