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第六课时课时第六课时教学重难点1. 熟练掌握in on at 的用法。2. 试着自己总结本单元的知识点。教学准备录音机,教学课件教学 步骤.Warm-up (Revision)备注Main scene1Turn to page22and page23.Try to read and translate these sentences: When is .2 Find out the answers.3 T and Ss talk about the meaning of these sentences. 4 全班齐读两遍。.Presentation(一) Lets check p30(二)Lets wrap it up.同学们先完成书上的练习然后总结in, on, at的用法。(三)Story time.1S guess what happened in the story.2Read after the tape twice.3Talk about the main meaning of the story.Summary1. Review the words :January, February, March, April, May,June,July, August, September, October, November, December2. Review the sentences:T: When is school tripe? S: Its in .T: What day is it today? S: Its Monday.3. Role- play“ main scene”P22P23(时间允许时进行。)4. 学生小结:这节课我学到了_作业设计1. 完成练习册剩下部分。2. 写一个篇小短文,介绍自己最喜欢的季节。板书设计Unit 3 My school calendar A: When is school tripe? B: Its in In on atWe will have an English party _ February.I get up _ 7 oclock every day.What do you have _ Tuesdays?课后小结2
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